Hearts ratings for DoriZan
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Response: O Entschuldigung. Ich erinnere mich, dass ich über den Namen gestrauchelt bin. Habe ich ihn auf dem Umschlag oder dem Anschreiben falsch geschrieben?
Response: I hope you`ll do. I`m glad it arrived savely. Please give me a comment after Christmas. Happy Holidays
Response: Yes, I do! It`s just a jump out of the door. But I don`t like swimming in the ocean. I love walking along the beach in winter. Glad you like the card. All the best, Doreen
Response: Yes, it is. Glad you like it.
Response: Thank you very much for your rating, heart and additional comment. I`m glad that you like what I`ve sent.
Response: Not really. Wind and rain here. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I`m glad you like it. I wasn`t sure about this special kind of postcard. I like them too.
Response: I`m glad that you like it. Pay Attention: The book "Every Seventh Wave" is the sequel for "Love Virtually", if this is the book you`ve found. I love them both. He wrote also other books that have nothing to do with these two. Enjoy!
Response: You`re welcome!
Response: Thank you for the comment. I`m glad that you liked it. :-)
Response: Na dann wird es Zeit. ;-)