Swap-bot Time: December 22, 2024 6:16 am

Hearts ratings for Helen31406

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wyopincushion rated for 50 state ATC swap on Jul 2, 2013
Comment: thank you so much I just love it
porcelain72 rated for Summer ATC on Jun 21, 2013
Comment: Beautiful work, I envy your talent!
Response: I appreciate the compliment! Thank you!!
gemmy1 rated for 50 state ATC swap on Jun 10, 2013
Comment: Thanks for the ATC. The extras are very nice.
YankeeUnicorn rated for 50 state ATC swap on May 10, 2013
Comment: Thank you for the ATC! I really like how you did the edging!
winniethepooh rated for Bird A.T.C. on Mar 16, 2013
Comment: Thankyou Helen for the cute Bird ATC, and I love the little creative bird, it is so cute. I feed the birds in my garden. Thanks Helen for the nice note love Jennifer.
Response: I'm glad you liked the bird! A big thank you for the heart also
Mizchef rated for Open Theme ATC swap on Jan 31, 2013
Comment: WOW Helen!! Those atcs were amazing!! Thank you so much for putting so much effort into them!!
Response: Glad you like the Hello Kitties. They were great fun to make
scrappermama rated for Book Page ATC #9 - Valentines on Jan 29, 2013
Comment: Holy moly girl! Your work is great! Thank you so much for the beautiful card & ATC! I couldn't sew to save my life ;/
Response: Your response made my day!
3trysandimout rated for ~~ Swap me 2 ATCs ~~ on Jan 11, 2013
Comment: Great work for your first try!! Yep, I love these little pieces of art. May you soon have a wonderful collection!! Thanks
Response: I appreciate the positive response. This just makes me want to try harder on my next ATC's. Seeing others' work and comments inspires me!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 8 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
7 8 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 0 7 0

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