Swap-bot Time: December 22, 2024 6:40 am

Ones ratings for Kekedanial1

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LoveThis rated for B&W postcards swap 15 on May 23, 2018
Comment: will change if receivedc anything
manme rated for B&W postcards swap 15 on May 22, 2018
Comment: I hate to give you this 1 rate. This swap was due in March. I never received anything! And you did not send any messages either. I sent you a message in May 11th, but it is still unread (it is May 22nd today). I will rerate if ever receive this swap.
dyp rated for The good, the bad & the ugly PC swap #2 on May 3, 2018
Comment: Never received anything or word about needing to send again due to mail issues. User partially suspended due to no sends.
Comment: Never received.
goinjenny rated for B&W postcards swap 15 on Apr 23, 2018
Comment: Got a message on 4/7 saying she wanted the chance to re-send but I never received and my message of 4/21 went unread.
Comment: I hate to leave a negative rating. Krystal contacted me to let me know that she had problems with her mail and offered to resend. I told her we could give it more time. I have sent two messages in the past couple of weeks to let her know that I still haven't received anything. These messages haven't been read. I will change my rating if/when I receive a card.
Comment: I hate to leave a negative rating. Krystal contacted me to let me know that she had problems with her mail and offered to resend. I told her we could give it more time. I have sent two messages in the past couple of weeks to let her know that I haven't received anything. These messages haven't been read. I will change my rating if/when I receive a card.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
1.8889 0 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
4 2 0 7
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 4 0 0

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