Swap-bot Time: December 22, 2024 8:05 am

Ones ratings for MCGalaxy

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Comment: I will rerate if you do send
Response: This person has multiple profiles on here and hasn't used this profile in about a year. I have multiple ones from this person but there is no way to remove them because she hasn't used this profile in so long. USER IS SUSPENDED WITH 13 ONES AND HAS NOT BEEN ON SWAP-BOT SINCE OCTOBER 2023
HappyWitchGirl2023 rated for OHS~Pinterest: Beach! on Jul 14, 2023
Comment: never recieved it
Response: This person has multiple profiles on here and hasn't used this profile in about a year. I have multiple ones from this person but there is no way to remove them because she hasn't used this profile in so long. USER IS SUSPENDED WITH 13 ONES AND HAS NOT BEEN ON SWAP-BOT SINCE OCTOBER 2023
Comment: I will re rate if I recieve anything
Response: This person has multiple profiles on here and hasn't used this profile in about a year. I have multiple ones from this person but there is no way to remove them because she hasn't used this profile in so long. USER IS SUSPENDED WITH 13 ONES AND HAS NOT BEEN ON SWAP-BOT SINCE OCTOBER 2023

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9685 1505 17 22
Completed Fives Threes Ones
1235 2313 31 3
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
587 387 261 0

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