Swap-bot Time: December 22, 2024 9:37 am

All ratings for Rjay37

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luluwonder rated for TV Show Reccomendations on Jan 18, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the recommendation list! I might have a look at 60 days in
03Scarlett rated for TV Show Reccomendations on Jan 16, 2020
Comment: Hi Rebecca, Thanks so much for your list of shows you recommend - I enjoyed reading about them. The one I've watched a time or two but got too stressed out by it (60 Days In), not knowing if something major was gonna happen and if the ones that were undercover would get hurt. Yeah, I'm weird like that and it stressed me out too much to watch it. lol Anyways, before I end this I wanted to say "Welcome to Swap-Bot" and since you went in depth with describing the shows so well, I will give you your first Swap-Bot "heart". Have a fantastic day!
MrsKytes rated for TV Show Reccomendations on Jan 16, 2020
Comment: Thank you for sharing! I've had The 100 recommended to me before, so it's looking like I should add it to my list! I'll have to see if I can find the SAS show anywhere. I'm interested in the 60 Days In to see Muhammad Ali's daughter. My hometown is one of the areas he retired too, so I would see him out and about with one of his daughters. Thanx again!
mickiecheryl rated for TV Show Reccomendations on Jan 15, 2020
Comment: Thank you :-). I used to watch The 100 but stopped after the first series. I might start up again watching it after your description. :-)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 1 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
1 4 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 0 0 0

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