Swap-bot Time: December 22, 2024 11:56 am

Ones ratings for francz

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kasriel rated for Crochet or Knit 12" Square - Part 4 on Sep 19, 2015
Comment: :( Second Crochet or Knit 12" Square -swap and last too.. Never received anything like a square! Half years ago I sent a crocheted, pink-black square at Part 3 - and also tea bags, I remember. Have you received my swap, Francisca? I sent you a message about this a few months ago.
mariaeliana rated for 3, 2, 1 on May 26, 2015
Comment: 26/5/15 Pucha no sé qué onda, a pasado más de un mes y nunca te pusiste en contacto conmigo... cuando tenga una respuesta o si recibo el swap modificaré la evaluación, ojalá no sea la definitiva jjjj.
Response: Lo comprendo, solucionare el problema!!
KathyB rated for Crochet or Knit 12" Square - Part 2 on May 15, 2015
Comment: I sent a message again. You haven't responded back about the resend. I will rerate when/if I receive the swap.
Response: My post office had a problem, I hope when you recive the Swap change this!!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.0769 10 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
9 10 0 3
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
3 2 4 0

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