Swap-bot Time: December 22, 2024 7:06 am

Ones ratings for joaogfer

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mermaidery rated for My Playlist in August 2019 on Oct 15, 2019
Poina rated for My Playlist in August 2019 on Oct 2, 2019
Comment: Account has been inactive for a while now. Never got anything.
Response: Hi, how are you? Sorry for not answering you, but I was new in this site and I didn´t know how to use it. Woud you mind to help me answering how could I send my musics after this long time? Beause I really want to get my rating better to continue exploring the wonderful travels that this site might provide to me. I hope you have a nice week!
ariestess rated for My Playlist in August 2019 on Oct 1, 2019
Comment: I hate to rate a 1, but you haven't been online since the day you signed up, never sent your swap, and haven't answered the PM I sent on 09/21/19. If you ever log back on and send the swap according to the rest of the swap's requirements, I'll change your rating to a 3.
Response: Hi, I am new here, I don´t know how to use it and even send my musics after this long time. Could you help me? Beause I really want to get my rating better to continue exploring the wonderful travels that this site might provide to me. Wish you the best! Have a nice day.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
1.0000 0 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
1 0 0 3
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 0 0 0

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