Swap-bot Time: December 22, 2024 6:15 am

Ones ratings for jolenegreen

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pc51870 rated for Private Swap- pc51870 & jolenegreen on Jun 22, 2011
Response: Id like to make this up and fix this rateing. Im sorry I didnt get your package out. Pls pm me your adress :)
Comment: I received the message from you Feb 2nd that it was sent that day (already very late) and as of today (7th) I have yet to receive anything. * March 4th - Never received anything at all after several emails saying it will be sent "today". May 7th - STILL never received.
Response: oops...I forgot...so sorry. Ill get it out asap!
Lexidh rated for GSC: Stuffed Envelope on Jul 4, 2010
Comment: Got nothing. Will revisit if I ever get something.
Response: Id like to make this up and fix this rateing. Im sorry I didnt get your package out. Pls pm me your adress :)
Comment: Have not received anything and have waited quite a while now
Response: Id like to make this up and fix this rateing. Im sorry I didnt get your package out. Pls pm me your adress :)
beenieb333 rated for february kindness swap on Apr 12, 2010
Comment: i have still not recieved the package from you. and i feel like maybe you shouldn't be joining other swaps until you fulfill the swaps from february. will change if i ever recieve anything.
Response: Id like to make this up and fix this rateing. Im sorry I didnt get your package out. Pls pm me your adress :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.0000 10 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
15 20 2 6
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
2 5 8 0

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