Swap-bot Time: December 22, 2024 2:34 am

Ones ratings for khballard81

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TurtleTats rated for *A Holiday Card in the US* #3 on Jan 9, 2015
Cartilong rated for *A Holiday Card in the US* #3 on Jan 4, 2015
Comment: Sorry to rate a 1, but no response to my message. I'll change the rating if I receive anything.
CraftyCari rated for *A Holiday Card in the US* #3 on Dec 31, 2014
Comment: Sent you a message around the 20th of December, and got no reply. I thought it odd, that you would received your cards, yet not send yours out. Hope everything is alright.
d2photo rated for *A Holiday Card in the US* #3 on Dec 30, 2014
Comment: Sent message to her with no response. Nothing received. I sent this on the 27th - I have noticed that as of dec 27 you have still not sent your swap. Cut off date was the 16th. If I receive this I can still only rate a 3 at this point. When rated I got an immediate response literally within seconds.
Response: Had a death in the family. Sorry if I didn't respond to the website at your convenience.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.4839 24 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
17 27 0 4
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 15 2 0

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