Swap-bot Time: December 22, 2024 8:09 am

Ones ratings for valdes53

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pianoheart rated for book swap on Jul 27, 2010
Comment: This was a private swap set up by valdes53 for June 2, 2010. She marked the swap sent, but never sent anything and read my message but never replied.
Susu rated for 5x7 Painting (JUNE) on Jul 14, 2010
Comment: I never receive the painting. It's a shame , cause this was only my 2nd swap ):
aifos rated for valdes53 and aifos private swap on Jul 7, 2010
Comment: I'm sorry for rating you with a 1. I didn't received your swap. I re-sent mine. I sent you a message. I can see that you have logged in every day, but didn't anwser my message. I'll change my rating when I get my swap.
Response: understandable but my after personal problems that i wont discuss i find my personal life more inportant right know than swaps, i have always responded to your emails , and i did send your item i told you was wiling to tre send if you did not get , but my life right now is on hold im sorry.
Comment: Only just going through swaps and realised i never got nothing from you.!
Response: i did re send your package but i got a one anyway , please change it once you get your goods. sorry life is not the best right now. and i have to prioritize .

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.5000 23 4 6
Completed Fives Threes Ones
33 35 0 5
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 6 26 0

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