This is a different kind of Profile swap, because it will be based on the Senders profile. Here’s how it works:
- After you sign up, pick out ONE color page you really enjoy.
- Cut it into quarters or 4 equal pieces.
- On the back of the coloring sheet, write your swapbot moniker, so partners can find you if they have any questions.
- Self address and stamp 4 envelopes.
- Place the self addressed stamped envelope and one piece of the coloring sheet in an envelope to send to partners when assigned and seal.
- When partners are assigned send out your four envelopes. You will have till the 4th to mark sent. They should be ready to go, before I assign so this shouldn’t be a problem. I WILL BE CHECKING.
- When you receive the swap. Color the portion of the coloring page. You will have till end of month to do so.
- Place colored piece of coloring page in SASE and send back to sender.
- When you have sent the coloring sheets back you will comment below who you sent them too with an @ and the date you returned them.
- Ratings will happen ONLY after you have done so.
- You will rate a 5 for your partners if their name is in the comments below before JUNE 1. If it is after the 1st of June you will rate a 3. If their name is missing you will rate a 1.
If you have any questions please message me personally so comments can be left for send dates.