Swap-bot Time: May 17, 2024 11:20 pm

Are you sure you want to signup for Christmas Themed Journal - 7 of 12 - USA ?

Yes, sign me up! or No, I changed my mind.


To participate you must have completed at least 50 swaps and have a minimal rating of 4.99; with no recent 1s nor unexplained 3s.

Please send your partner a journal decorated with a Christmas theme. Your journal should be at least 5x7 and can be nicely handmade or store bought.

Include a note to your partner on the first page in the journal. Let them know what you enjoy most about Christmas, or share if you have a routine on Christmas Day, etc.. Remember to include your name and the name of this swap.

Decorate at least 15 pages any way you choose, as long as it’s Christmas themed. For example, you can use stickers, washi, stamps, drawings, buttons, clipped art, etc. (your choice).

Please leave a little room on each page for your partner to write daily entries (if they so choose). You can add prompts if you want.

Include a surprise flat Christmas themed gift of your choice.

Have fun!

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