Swap-bot Time: June 3, 2024 1:09 am

Are you sure you want to signup for USA - Best Queer Show/Movie EVER?

Yes, sign me up! or No, I changed my mind.


Notecard or letter, whichever fits better.

Must have 10+ type 2 swaps, no 1s/non-sends in past 6 months.

What is your FAVOURITE movie or show with queer/mogai/LGBTQ characters?

How old were you? What did you like about it? Do you wish something was different, or maybe there were laws against that at the time?

Was it Wanda in the Sandman, Willow in Buffy? Sense8 or But I'm a Cheerleader?

Tell someone about it!

There are people who do not know about Buffy the Vampire Slayer or why Astarion's (Baldur's Gate 3) pansexuality is SO rich. There are people who do not remember a time when any queer character in a book or show HAD TO, by law meet some horrible end.

And there are people who got so depressed from decades of that, the idea of watching anything new feels like an inevitable letdown.

Let's trade some favourites.

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