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BhaktiCreations on Apr 29, 2018:

This is my first email swap, I am just getting started on Swapbot.

Ok, here we go...

10 things that make me happy

  1. Creating - I am at peace when I am creating, so I am creating most of the time. I work in stoneware clay, and use it in pretty much all of my artwork. Mixed media collage, altered art, assemblages, jewelry, and more.

  2. my cats - they give me unconditional love and caring for them anchors me Willow is the black and white one, Honey is the longhaired one, and Shelby is the tortie

  3. Spring weather- new growth makes me feel new

  4. meeting new people online - I am an isolated sort of person so Facebook has opened up my world, I sell on Facebook and have met some lovely ladies and that is why I wanted to join Swapbot so I could meet more people. I am also in a couple of swap groups on Facebook that do altered art, if you are interested let me know, we need new people.

  5. going to pottery studio on Fridays - we are a small group that work independently and share techniques and ideas, it's my outing for the week

  6. My friend Silvia who I met at pottery studio, it's been a long time since I had a friend that I could talk to

  7. My health, even though its not great, I am able to get around and do what needs done and live independently, and that makes me happy and grateful

  8. my new hat - i found it at a flea market, its covered with sequins and beads and I am currently adding rhinestones and bling to it!

  9. being 60 - I allow myself so much more freedom, I would never have worn a hat like this in public, now who cares, I can be as eccentric as I want!

10 - writing this to you - who knows maybe we will meet again, or pick up a conversation, if anything I wrote connects with you, write me back!

And there you have it!

Love and Light, Alexis

aurelas on Apr 27, 2018:

I was going to have pictures until I realized how much space it was going to take up! So I'm afraid you'll have to imagine your own pictures. ;)

10 THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY in no particular order

  1. Rain: it always lifts my spirits far above the world and I long to dance in it like Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain, which is one of my top all-time favourite movies since I was a kid. I was actually happy that it rained a little on me on my wedding day--it felt like a blessing. The scent of rain is intoxicating! And we can include thunder in this, because it makes me happy too. Also the frogs who do a hoarse cry on rainy days.

  2. Sun shining through leaves: I noticed that this made me happy back when I was in middle school, but was much too shy to tell anyone. My name here on Swap-bot, as well as just about all of the internet, Aurelas, means roughly "sunlit leaf" in Quenya (Tolkien's high-Elvish language). When I see a leaf made transparent and glowing by sunlight, I feel joy. I think of it as God's stained glass. Also, just being surrounded by trees or large quantities of natural colour green (ivy, green grass, England, etc).

  3. Snuggling with my daughter: There is nothing sweeter to me than when my 6yo climbs up onto the couch or bed and smushes herself close to me. It brings back memories of the days when she was so small I could hold her entire body on the top part of my chest. Even when she kicks me or pokes me by accident (which happens a lot), the warm fuzzies don't go away. Even better is when she tells me how much she loves snuggling with me. Gosh, I love that girl!

  4. Books: reading has been one of the biggest life-changers I have encountered, with some books changing my perceptions, my beliefs, etc. and others helping me to become a better person or even helping me to keep from killing myself. Books are friends; unread books are friends I haven't made yet. I love the feeling of a book in my hands, especially if it is old or familiar. I enjoy the smell of books--the scent of a room full of books and the scent of each particular book, for many have their own unique perfume. The font choices, the footnotes, the crinkly endpapers protecting lovely illustrations... I could rhapsodize for hours, probably. I am simply book mad! My books fill one whole room and about half of another in our house.

  5. Meeting a kindred spirit: It is so rare for me to find someone who knows about things I am interested in (besides my husband of course) that I often feel very alone in the world. A chance meeting with someone in a Dr. Who t-shirt or a book in their hand, or paints on their fingers, or an anime backpack or something can make my day. I have to talk to them and get their opinion on my favourite things.

  6. Driving: I don't know why it is, exactly, but driving calms me, steadies me, helps me to focus. I love feeling at one with the car and the road and the world outside my home. I someday want a green-energy-powered car so this could be a guilt-free pleasure.

  7. Asian markets: Walking around in an Asian market makes me very happy. There are all of these interesting ingredients and I don't have the slightest idea what to do with them. It always sparks my creativity and reminds me that there is still reason to keep going, because there is so much I haven't learned yet. And there is mochi! YUM :D

  8. Museums: Art museums, regular historical museums, you name it, I love them all. When I was a kid we couldn't usually afford vacations, but my parents were great at finding things that were free that we could go to and usually these were museums. The thrill of not knowing what wonder was around the next corner has never left me. And now museums also remind me of something special--for our first date my husband took me to see the Dead Sea Scrolls in a museum in Mobile, AL. It was the best date ever!

  9. Cats: How could I make it all the way to 9 without getting to cats? Cats have been my fascination and obsession since I was a baby. I love them all and would take them all if I could. A purring cat is a thing of joy, even if it is kneading with its claws out! I love trying to speak to cats in their language and hearing their answers. I play with them as if I were a cat too--when I move the way they do, they treat me as if I were! I would love to be the Jane Gooddall of cats.

  10. Ice hockey: I get so into hockey, especially the Stanley Cup playoffs and Finals. By the finals I'm ready to cheer the winners and cry with the losers. I'm one of those people who do the cheers in their living rooms, hehe. Hockey lets me let loose, and boy, is it ever fun!

Other things I didn't get to list: having a large snake such as a python around my neck, embroidering, thrifting with my husband or mom, the darkest chocolate I can get ahold of, and British accents (all of them).

littlemissme84 on Apr 24, 2018:

Profile Swap: Things that make you happy. I’ve not included my husband, cats or friends and family as they’re not ‘things’.

I hope you enjoy reading my list,

Ree 😊

1) Books - I love to read and will try to read most things.

2) Rainbows - the ones in the sky and my little people in red who I volunteer with (Girl Guides aged 5-7 - equivalent to Daisies in the USA)

3) crafting - all kinds but my faves are embroidery, crochet, rock painting and pyrography.

4) chocolate - I’m a HUGE chocoholic

5) my phone - I attached to my phone and enjoy playing games, surfing the internet and taking photos.

6) board/video games - I love both and hubby and I have nearly 100 board games and he’s gotten me into a few different video games.

7) butterflies - maybe not ‘things’ but they do make me happy

8) tulips - I absolutely love tulips. They’re my favourite flower though I also love daffodils and sunflowers too.

9) driving - I enjoy driving and singing along to the radio and my cds/iPhone music while driving along. It’s a good thing I like driving as I do a lot with work!

10) Pokemon go - I enjoy playing it and it gets me out of the house!

farangelinan on Apr 22, 2018:

Profile Swap: Things that make you happy.

  1. Clouds - be it viewing up from the ground or down from the plane. I would imagine animals and stuff from the shape of the clouds. or even jumping on those huge cotton candy land :)

  2. Stars - when i am upset, I would go down to the garden in front of our dorm and lie down on the (dry) grass, listen to David Choi's music, and gaze at the stars. that calms me down a whole lot.

  3. Travelling/Stayaction - visiting new cities i’ve never been to puts a smile on my face. Even a stayacation makes me happy even though i don’t get to travel anywhere. I guess it is the experience of staying in the hotel that makes it feel like not being in the current city i am in. Staycation = Vacation in the hotel of the city you live in.

  4. Kittens/Puppies - they are just so cute and cuddly.

  5. Avocado Toast - yes, its that specific. Hehehe. Actually i love all kinds of bread, but i am on a hiatus from consuming bread. But avocado toast is what makes me happy, every day, all day.

  6. Reading Novels - they allow me to be in a different world walking in the shoes of different people, experiencing through my imagination through the descriptions of the authors. It gives me time off from the things that i am going through at the moment.

  7. Bicycle shaped trinkets - it makes me happy because it reminds me of my bf whom i love so much.

  8. Food - because i am a foodie.

  9. Tulips/Peonies - these two are my favourite flowers and are hard to come by in Jakarta. So when i do get them, it makes me super duper happy. Even though they wither very fast without reaching their full bloom.

  10. Penpalling – I get to be in contact with people far away from me who i regard as friends although we have not met in person yet. I am happy to have found them and call them my friends.

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