Swap-bot Time: June 22, 2024 8:18 pm

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duckduckgoose on Mar 13, 2012:

Thanks for never sending the blank journal that you agreed to send me for the Journal your July Swap. The creepy letter that you sent in place of your July Journal was quite a read.

TerryF on Sep 11, 2011:

This person will be away for 2 months because she is going to jail for embezzlement.

Lauriez on Jul 7, 2011:

Hi Jessica, Just wanted to let you know that your "Journal Your June" swap arrived safely to me a few days ago...I had oral surgery on Tues. and have been laying low...but tomorrow morning I plan to curl up in my favorite chair, with my morning cup of latte in hand and start reading your journal! I just flipped through it quickly and OH MY, do you have gorgeous handwriting! :) Anyway, I can't wait to share a month with you and wanted to let you know it may be a few more days before i am finished and can rate you. (although i already know I am giving you a 5 and a million hearts for all your hard work & dedication i can tell went into this journal!) Take care! Swap hugs!

SecretSerendipity on Jul 7, 2011:

Jessica, again, thank you for the kind words! I am very happy you liked your package. I saw that stuff and I knew you would enjoy it. I am doing my best to get back up on swaps, I CANNOT believe how many are missing and Ive become quite discouraged! :( I LOVE swap-bot but this rating thing has truly gotten to me. So, now Im just getting to them as I can, its all I can do, and I hope eventually I can make everyone happy. I am a little tired of hearing that I am a liar, and a cheat though.... it makes me sick for people to think that of me, when truly it was my post office. But anyways, Im glad I have made you happy, and got the stuff to you, Im still slowly working on our private journal, Im really enjoying it!! Happy Swapping! Crystal

mcovey on Jul 6, 2011:

did you recieve your return postage for my goof that sent you??

SecretSerendipity on Jun 21, 2011:

JESSICA!!! Oh my gosh! Thank you sooo much for the wonderful comment!!! I didnt see it until right now!!!! And beleive me RIGHT now is when I really needed it!!! I am SOOOO happy that you liked everything.... especially the quote mini journal! I LOVE QUOTES and POEMS..... I just went through my poem book and re organized it, see I have had the poem book since I was 17 and so it had ALOT of things about my ex husband in it, so I decided to start a new poem book, and I couldnt do it, I felt like the new book I was starting was just that a book, my poem book is like a piece of me, it has literally my life in it.... so what I did was I ended up pulling out all the things to do with my ex husband and a ex best friend, got a big cardboard envelope and put all the "CRAP AND LIES" into thwe envelope and sealed it shut. I couldnt bring myself to throw the stuff away, because it still is my life, but the poems that my ex wrote werenothing anymore! He isnt even the same person that he was when he wrote poems to me... So I sealed the envelope and put it away, I may never open it again, as that part of my life basically is dead, but I will say this, my ex husband was an excellent poet, and maybe when my kids are older I will give the poems to them, or atleast show them who their dad used to be "Once Upon A Time" So I have my beloved poem book all in order again and cant wait to start adding things to it again!!!! But thanks again for all the kind words, In light of me getting my first "1" rating, I am hoping that when i want to join swaps the swap coordinators will be able to see your comments, and over look the low rating, which I feel is just SOOOO UNFAIR!!!! :( You should be getting your private swap questions from me soon too!!!

handsdown46785 on May 6, 2011:

hi, hope you're doing well. saw on your profile that you like girlie books and thought you might be interested in Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. They're romance/history/time travel kind of a series. just thought I'd share. have a great day.

tamtamlee on Apr 17, 2011:

Thank you for your comment! Sorry I didn't respond sooner! I don't know if i'm coming or going in my life right now. But.... I enjoyed "The Question Only Journal" Swaps. I can't wait for the second round Question Only Journal to get here!! I hope you host "The Question Only Journal #3" Swap Cause I will be sure to join....I love asking questions and I love answering them....Some questions really makes you sit and think! Thanks for hosting them!

mommabear on Mar 16, 2011:

Thanks...I won't be doing too many..mainly single envie ones...and email ones...just what ever my $$$ will allow...

StwbyQT on Feb 20, 2011:

As Promised: If you would like to participate in the next rounds of the Diary Postcards for a Week! series, see below:

Diary Postcards for a Week! – Int’l #2

Diary Postcards for a Week! – USA #2

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