About Me
About Me
Helloooo Lovely Swapper's. The names Melody & I am 29. I work full time for an OBGYN clinic. I am on the HIM team (Health Information Management). I have been with this company for almost 10 yrs! Man!
When I am not working you will find me hanging at home with my son Leo & my boyfriend Tom.
I have been on SB for a while now.
I know I don't have the best ratings (lots of 3's). I am able to mail things through work, so that does not always work out the best. But I am making a pledge that I will get my items done before they are due so that way when I do have them sent out through work it will give them PLENTY of time to get to their destination and not be late.
I take lots of pride in my work (as you can read in my 3's they mention that my work is nice.) So please don't think badly of me for those ratings. I am going to work hard to make sure I do not get any more.
I LOVE this site, and all of the great friends I have made and come to LOVE. Thank you to everyone that asked me not to leave!
Response: Yeay happy you liked it !! I had ton's of fun making TWO of them . haha. Yes I hope where ever the first one landed they are enjoying it ! hehe cool happy your kids like them. THanks for the heart and the rating !
Response: Yeay !!! Happy you liked it. I had a great time making this and it was cool because that song is awasome ! Yes I would LOVE to swap again !
Response: *blushing* Thanks my friend I am SO happy you liked everything I wanted to make sure I gave you lots of Timmy Yummies for sure ! This made me smile :) :) Thank you for the heart !
Response: You are so welcome ! Happy you liked it and thank you for the rating and the <3
Response: Awww. Thanks! Im blushing. I had alot of fun making it. I got the idea from my lovely friend Sue on here.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thank you for the rating & the <3 !
Response: Thank you for the rating and the <3 . Happy you enjoyed reading my answers !
Response: Thanks for the rating & the <3 !
Yeah he is just so great ! Let's swap sometime !!! Message me if interested !
Response: Your are very welcome. Yes this was a hard swap, but an important one. I am happy I could participate in it with you :) Thanks for the rating and kind words. Oh and the heart !
Response: You are SO welcome. I just felt so bad that I could not get this to you ! My LOVELY Sue is just great, I hope you like what she sent !
Also thank you Sue for helping angle this swap !
Response: You are so welcome my friend ! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: You are so welcome ! I loved making the tag !
Response: You are so welcome !
Response: I am so sorry :(
Response: You are so welcome !
Response: I am sorry it took so long. I hope you like them :(
aka @Skulls4LeosMom
Thank you for sending the Halloween craft grabbie. There were some cute pieces I can use for Halloween next year. I hope things have settled down some for you. Happy 2013!
Hoping 2013 is WONDERFUL!!!
Hi Melody, I know you're pretty busy right now with work and life. So when things settle down and you're able to swap again, I'd appreciate it if you could send (or re-send) the Halloween craft grabbie I tagged you for on Oct 10. In your last PM you said it was on it's way. But I never received it, so I'm guessing it still wasn't sent...
HOLY WOWZA WOMAN! This RAK you sent to me for suggesting birthday ideas for you is outrageously craplicious! It is just crammed with things I will use in my crafty ways and covet. Thank you so much!
Hi Melody

Happy halloween from one of your Swap-botting ghoul-friends, Barbara (bandkh1)
Thank you so much for the die cuts. THey are just what I was looking for.
Thanks for the pick 2 tag...they are great additions to my stash! happy MONDAY!
Yippee! I updated my profile and addy! Now to join some swaps. I miss you and your boys sooo much. I have been bumming out and having a rough time here. Hopefully swap-bot can cheer me up. :) lvoe you lady!