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cafebrulot on Sep 17, 2010:

Read and Comment on your partner's profile !

oh wow, alaska! I couldn't handle it. I need to be in my good old sunny Florida without snow [or even cold, for that matter.]

I was a music major for a little white. I was in concert bands since I was around eleven, but marching band was my favorite thing. I marched bass clarinet because I decided to be awesome hehe. I also played clarinet, upright bass, tenor sax, and french horn. the soundtracks from Pirates of the Caribbean really caught my attention. I think the music is fantastic.

and I think you love coffee about as much as I do. have you had the pleasure of trying Thai style coffee? it's very dark, very strong, and sweetened with condensed milk. absolutely fantastic.

AutumnRain on Sep 17, 2010:

"Read your partners profile & leave a comment swap" Hello, it's amazing what diet can do for certain conditions isn't it. My sister's son is Autistic & she is very strict with what he eats and has seen such improvement with him. I have always wanted to visit Alaska but I don't think I could live there as I am a horrible insomniac & the 24 hours of daylight would be to much for me. I hear it is very beautiful there. I love to read as well especially Dean Koontz and Patricia Cornwell novels, any type of suspense really. I love a book that takes you totally by surprise just when you think you had it all figured out. I also understand abut driving your husband crazy with recycling stuff. I hardly throw anything out, can't stand the thought of all that stuff ending up in a landfill to sit for hundreds of years. He just shakes his head at me now whenever I hang onto something. I see that you make your own candles & essential oils, I do that as well as part of my massage practice (that I do on the side when I'm not to busy with my nursing work). I have a lot of good recipes for oils, bath salts & such if you'd like. Okay, I've rattled on long enough.....sorry. Blessings, AutumnRain

Jenna83 on Aug 10, 2010:

Do you ever listen to audio books? I saw you are looking to do book swaps...I have a couple of audio books looking for a new home. :) Take Care, Jenna

Love2Scrap45 on Aug 10, 2010:

Hi!! We have ALOT in common!I have 5 kids (I know you have 3 but I once only had 3..hehe).I just celebrated my 13th wedding Anniversary.My girls would love penpals!My girls are 6 and almost 10.Is Devon a boy/girl?Anyway,my 6 year old would enjoy her first penpal and it is a very nice practice for writing,spelling..etc.I homeschooled my oldest for awhile.He is now on an IEP and doing good.He will be starting middle school this year (yikes!).I don't drink coffee but currently am trying to ween from soda.Hard habit to break.I love the Fall/Winter months.Cold days remind me of book reading which I love to do as much as time allows.I have some amish jelly recipes,canning if your interested.We visit Amish country ALOT.I read the triology of Nora Roberts...the books about the flowers.It was about 3 different women...anyway...LOVED it.I also read the 3 about the Earth,Water and Fire.I loved those 2!I love 2 recycle and am known to take things from the trash to recycle them (only my own trash so far...)I use old jars,containers and decoupage them with paper and use them for storing small scrapbook supplies.I once used a huge clear cheese ball container and filled it with small gifts and shredded paper for a party gift.The little girl loved it!I love to find good deals!Let me know about the penpals/recipes.

CynthiaL on Aug 9, 2010:

Hi there, I am in the Crockpot swap. Thought I would stop by and check out your blog. I homeschooled my daughter - she is now a Sophomore in college. As you said, it can be hard, but it is also very rewarding. We mostly un-schooled until she was of high school age. At that point we cracked the books more. She always did Saxon Math - it was never her favorite subject! I would say the only downside of homeschooling is that when they go away, you really, really miss them!! It sounds like you have a lot to keep you busy!

Aria on Aug 8, 2010:

Hi! It's so awesome that you recycle and make crafts with recycled materials. I too feel very happy when I do my part for the environment. Hmm, there is so much we have in common: we both like musicals (Classic Hollywood musicals are my favorite), baking dessert and Gossip Girl. It's also pretty awesome that you live in Alaska. It always looks so magical in pictures.

I look forward to swapping with you in the future. :D

Have a nice day! :D

palespectre on Aug 8, 2010:

There is so much here to pick...but what I like most is how dedicated you are to your family. 13 years of marriage is so admirable these days that marriage has become disposable to many. I can tell being best friends with your husband only makes it stronger. Second.. I cannot begin to imagine how tough (but rewarding) it is to be a homeschooling mum, It's underrated but probably one of the best education a child can ever have. I salute you! <3 oh and on the lighter side... hurrah to coffee, you should taste Philippine coffee..it's good too!

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