Swap-bot Time: June 2, 2024 6:49 pm

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PAStryloVER on Sep 24, 2010:

thanks for the heart and im very glad that you liked all the stickers for the 30 profile themed sticker swap take care velia ;)

happysaz133 on Sep 21, 2010:

Hiya! I am one of your partners for Read and Comment swap. You sound quite like me! I love reading books, watching tv, penpalling, cycling, sleeping (although sadly I don't get enough of it!).

You even have similar favourite books to me! I love all the HP books, especially no. 2 & 7 which I think are the best. I also love Twilight, and any vampire books really! The Shopaholic book you mention, is that Sophie Kinsella? I am currently working through her books, they are an easy but enjoyable read usually!

We even have the same tastes in letter paper :) I take pride in my letters and how colourful and cute they are when I send them. I always like to think how bright the postmans mailbag must be when I post a bunch of letters! :p

Hehe, well that's all! Sarah :)

luv2share on Sep 18, 2010:

Read and Comment swap. I too am new to Swap Bot. I see that you are a Christmas Baby :D Hope it was enjoyable for you. I love the variety of music you listen to. As I am new to the swapping community I would love to know what slams and label bags are if you don't mind. Enjoy your swapping.

City700 on Sep 18, 2010:

Read and Comment on your partner's profile ! Bonjour, de France, en Normandie,

It's my first swap for Denmark, my english is not perfect, And we have the same job!!! I work in a preschool with 2-3 years old childs!!!!

I have one cat too , you can see it on my blog, she decided to live here,and she is realy the queen... We have same favorite books, love so much Bridget Jones!!! And I've just buy the new album of Muse.

Hope we will do another swap together, because I really want to know all things about Denmark !

Gros bisous City700

tessalou on Sep 17, 2010:

Hello, I am one of your partners on the read and comment on your profile swap.

I live out in the country and have sattelitte and do not get the local channels. I really miss criminal minds...I loved it so much and really miss it. I need to get the seasons that I missed and catch up on it.

I just started pen-paling. When it comes to snail mail I am bad on mailing. But I do love to email and am faithful with that.

I have heard alot about fbs, slams and label bags. But I do not know how to make them or what they are for. But I see that alot of people on swapbot love doing them.

I hope that you have a great day and enjoyed reading your profile. tessalou

pendragons on Sep 17, 2010:

Oh maybe i should have also mentioned i am your partner at the 'Read and Comment' swap! :D

pendragons on Sep 17, 2010:

Hi Nadja!!

First of all may i say how jealous i am of you living in Denmark! It is the one country i have wanted to visit for soo long, but no one has ever wanted to visit it with me, so i haven't been able to go yet! I don't know what it is about Denmark but i just really love it!!! I would love to learn the language, but i know that it is a very hard language to learn, and finding somewhere to actually learn it is difficult too!

You like the Shopaholic Series too!!! It is one of my favourite series!!! She has a new one coming out about the daughter... i can't wait to read it! I read the others a while ago though, so i have forgotten a lot of what happens, so i need to re-read them!! hehe

Two and a Half men... what a show!! It is soo funny!!!

James Morrison has one of the most amazing voices in the world. I could spend hours listening to him sing! And he's supposed to be very very good live, which is always nice!!!

You penpal too!!! I love it!! I just placed a big order at JanetStore... i think my mum wanted to kill me when she saw how much paper i got!!! Woops!!

Sorry this is slightly long!! Hope you don't mind!! :D

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