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Date Joined: October 21, 2013
Last Online: April 3, 2014 Country: United States My Tumblr My Website |
I am Deanna and I have been married for almost 26 years.. He is retired from the Army where he served 22 yrs. I am currently in Law School so my swaps are limited to a few here and there and my penpals that I have made in the few months I have been here.
⃰ I was born in OH
*I have lived in OH/GA/PA/TX Germany
*I have been online since 1985 I Just got a letter from AOL reminding me I have been a member since Dinosaurs ran their servers.
*I am addicted to my IPAD
*I have had an IPhone since the beginning.
*I spend way too much time on Facebook
Twitter- Phimu4ever
Pinterest Boards
Hello Kitty
If you understand what the Greek letters Phi and Mu are and know about my fraternity and want to do something with it I will love you forever. I am always looking for someone who can sew and has one of those fancy embroidery sewing machines.!
My favorite colors are Pink .. Hot Pink.. Light Pink.. Ok PINK
Purple My eyes are blue
black and white photography
moleskin books
Art Supplies
Anything Girly
Nail Polish
My ears are pierced 3 times
I have 3 tattoos : Rick Springfield Signature on my Right Shoulder, Greek letters Phi Mu on my ankle and my children’s names are on my right wrist
I am a Rick Springfield Groupie/Rick Chick I have seen Rick at least 50 times in concert I have been on the RS Cruise ( I have been on only one cruise and that is what I want to do more than anything go cruising again. I collect anything to do with Rick Springfield.
Albums, Old Soap Opera Digests. Tiger Beats from the 80’s.
I Adore Cameron Mathison ( All My Children) I watch Good Morning America just to see if he is on.
I love the 80's
I wear converses that are insane colors.
I love Glitter
I love Bling
Silver Jewerly
I collect PINK and Purple Pens
I enjoy classical music
I love New England ( Boston in particular
If I could live anywhere It would be Rockport MA
I love the Boston Red Sox
My dog's name was Fenway Frank
I love dogs and people who love dogs
Toy Story.. WOODY!! and Slinky Dog
The Hardy Boys Mysteries
Paper Crafts
Card making
Pen pals
Smash Books
Tom Clancy Novels
I usually write in Pink
I am legally deaf
I wear hearing aids
I am blind in one eye
I wear glasses
I love purses/Backpacks/wallets
I do not know sign language well enough to use it yet
I use Closed Captions on the TV
I blare music to hear it
I blare the TV to hear it
I usually have on headphones
I am 5'2
I am the youngest of 5 children
I am a makeup junkie / work at Sephora
I collect lipstick /lip gloss
Disney : Love Pooh, Lion King and TOY STORY!! I love Woody and the smelly strawberry bear from TS3!
Naturally Curly Hair
I am a member of Phi Mu Fraternity
Our colors are Pink and White
Lions and Ladybugs
quatrefoils ... EVERYTHING!!!!!
I collect quatrefoils They are everywhere in my house
My favorite book is Gone With The Wind
I have an obsession with Old Las Vegas I love Sinatra and the Rat Pack
Dean Martin
Anything to do with Vegas and Casinos
I write Interactive Fiction and Have been active in RPG’s for many years.
TV I like Political Dramas
Law and Order
Modern Family Big Bang theory Seinfeld Fraiser Cheers Realty Tv – Cooking Shows Masterchef/Top Chef Gordon Ramsey Just started watching Supernatural American Horror Story
Coca Cola
Candy in General
I am addicted to Pixy Stik’s
I love Good and Plenty ( they are pink and white of course)
Movies: Cheesy 80's movies Robert Deniro Bruce Willis Sharon Stone Adam Sandler
lighthouses Beach Ocean Sea Life
Rick Springfield!
Billy Joel
Heavy Metal
Adam Levine
Michael Buble
Theory of a Deadman
Gold Jewelry
Mickey Mouse
Hi! You sent me a ENVIE ART WINTER made with HELLO kitty and zen tangeling on the back. You made this years ago-go and I just looked at it again and I love it. Just wanted to let you know how much I love it!
Still have yet to receive the April journal, as well as some response to either my SB message and email.
I currently have a partner for February, would you like to be my March "A Day in the Life" journal partner?
Thank you for rocking my beautiful envie!
Oh Im just loving you for the Whale Tale ...thats soooo nice! x
Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day!
And an extra one for you!