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eonsmomma on Nov 13, 2007:

Last I heard from you, you were mailing my Day of the dead alter piece, but I still haven't gotten anything. Please let me know what is going on, thanks.


sweetsugartree on Nov 13, 2007:

I see on the Swap Genie Swap that you have not sent to your partner...Please think of the other person's feelings and how it sucks to get flaked on...Hopefully you have emailed your partner and told them that your swap is in the mail????

bettysoo on Nov 2, 2007:

Hi Brandedeclipse, Just a quick line to say, I hope you are feeling better and that i'm not in a hurry for my calender . Just look after yourself and your family, That is more important than anything else...I hope your pregnancy is going well... Take care and best wishes - Sharrena -bettysoo .. :0)

bettysoo on Nov 2, 2007:
mwquilt on Oct 24, 2007:


I see from your website currently that things are still not going well and you mentioned the possibility of having to take bedrest.

I need to emphasis that I wasn't being sarcastic in my previous comment in this column.

I made an error with dates. I wrote my comment on 23rd and referred to your website post of "yesterday". In fact I was talking about your website post where you referred to the Halloween trick or treat bags and I think that was actually posted also on 23rd. I thought you did sound a bit more upbeat at the time..

But from later entries on your website, you are clearly still having a really bad time. I do hope you will start to feel a bit better soon.

mwquilt on Oct 23, 2007:

Not sure how you are. I was worried that you hadn't been on here for a few days, so I visited your website.

Sorry to read from there that you have been feeling so bad. You sound more cheerful on the entries from yesterday though, so hopefully you are feeling a bit better now.

You pm'd mke last week to say that the candy wrapper atc would be going out with some swaps you were mailing last Friday. Not sure if you managed to mail those as I haven't heard from you since.

Hope you are managing OK.

mwquilt on Oct 15, 2007:

I am so sorry for the illness and accidents you have been struggling with. I hope that things will improve for you very soon.

I just wanted to thank you for taking the trouble to pm me with updates on the delayed candy wrapper atc, and for letting me know that it is going to be mailed out on Friday.

It is really helpful when swap partners take time to communicate about what is happening, and I know it can't be easy for you, especially with a broken wrist.

jeanland on Oct 15, 2007:

I'm so sorry to hear about your broken wrist and bout of bad luck. My thoughts are with you.

I hope the swappers you are sending to will take the time to consider what you're going through before they leave you a bad rating.

Everyone here is human and all of us have body's that sometimes fail us in some way.

We should all remember that kindness & understanding should always be put before our personal desire to receive our swaps.

Receiving something a little late because someone is having health problems is really not a good reason to leave someone a bad rating.

Thank you for taking the time & pains to send me messages in order to keep me informed about the runes. I appreciate it! :)

roberta51503 on Sep 13, 2007:

I am soooooo jealous 4 hours to play every day!! You mention children but not age or gender that would help make sure goodies for them are right for them.

CajunLady on Sep 11, 2007:

Wow is all I can say! I wish I had the time and ability to do half the swaps you're doing!!

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