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Page 7 of cherlita's Comments

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HappyMom on Oct 25, 2020:

Hi Cherlita! Here's to a festive and fun Halloween! I hope you think these dogs are cute - They made me smile :)




Hugs from Happy Mom! ESG: Dogs in Costumes

traceyj on Oct 25, 2020:

Hi Cherlita!

via CBC on Giphy

via ABC network on Giphy

via Crusoe on Giphy

via Oscar the Frenchie on Giphy

Thanks for swapping with me!

ESG: Dogs in Costumes

Rosie2766 on Oct 16, 2020:

Hi Cherlita,

Here are your images for the Inventor Scavenger Hunt Profile Deco #5

I hope you like the images I sent!!!


Gold on Oct 16, 2020:

Inventor Scavenger Hunt Profile Deco #5

grammypammy on Oct 16, 2020:

Inventor Scavenger Hunt Profile Deco #5


Alarm Clock


Thanks for joining this swap! Enjoy your day!

Jeanb217 on Oct 14, 2020:


I live in Colorado. We have a cabin near Estes Park, Colorado, which is involved in the wildfires. The cabin is a vacation home. We had to go up to empty our personal items because the wildfires are very near our property. We finally managed to get most of our stuff out. This is good because there were bad winds in the mountains. So far, we haven't lost our cabin, but please keep us in your thoughts. Jeannie Blender

Jeannie Blender

bluecrayons on Oct 8, 2020:

L eave a comment.

“Don’t forget you’re human. It’s okay to have a meltdown. Just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out. Then refocus on where you’re headed”

cynaemon on Oct 8, 2020:

“ All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. ” Gandalf J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring (1954)

For "Leave a comment" - a quote from my favorite author. Hope you are staying safe. Have a great day. Cynaemon

cynaemon on Oct 8, 2020:

“ All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. ” Gandalf J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring (1954)

For "Leave a comment" - a quote from my favorite author. Hope you are staying safe. Have a great day. Cynaemon

amanda1334 on Oct 8, 2020:

Hi! This is for the "Leave a Comment" Swap. Here is one of my favorite quotes

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."

Hope you have a great day :)

Amanda (amanda1334) Leave a Comment Swap

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