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lilychouchou on Aug 20, 2009:

I am so sorry for your loss. I will be thinking of you. xx

Lishmo on Aug 20, 2009:

I'm just so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself. Cynthia

Doodlebabe on Aug 20, 2009:

Sweetie!!! (HUGS) My prayers and love go out to you and your family. That is so unfair for you to have to lose someone so dear to you. I hope you have many happy memories to cherish and that you hold on to those. If you ever need someone to share a scream or cry session with feel free to message me. ((((HUGS!!!!))))

Love your swappin' sister, Dani

peachykeen on Aug 20, 2009:

I am so very sad to hear of your loss.Please take care and I will keep you in my prayers. Charlene/Peachykeen

4getmenot71 on Aug 20, 2009:

Dear Colleen,

I am so sorry to read about your loss. I don't have the words that I wish I had, to make all of your pain go away, but just know that I am here for you if you ever need a shoulder.



AngelFaeryKathleen on Aug 20, 2009:

Dear Colleen, my thoughts and prayers are with you at this terrible time for you. Please do not worry about your swaps to me for ages. Healing hugs from me to you.

MamaD on Aug 20, 2009:

I am soo soo sorry to hear your news Colleen! Words cannot express how terribly aweful I feel for you. Please if you need anything, even just an ear, let me know.

Huge hugs...


Marymint on Aug 20, 2009:

Just thinking of you, take care and look after yourself, xxx.

Fittzwm on Aug 20, 2009:

Colleen, words cannot express the sorrow I feel for you. You are in my thoughts and prayer.

DosLittleMonkeys on Aug 20, 2009:

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