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Page 9 of colleenp's Comments

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choke on May 21, 2009:

Thank you for the 'c'at cards you sent from the alphabet tag in OoO traders, very cute!!

JenDiggityDirt on May 18, 2009:

Don't you just love Bentley Little?! He takes the craziest, most ridiculous ideas and he somehow makes them work. Love him! Oh yeah, and welcome to our silly, little group!!

momoeight on May 18, 2009:

Glad you liked the cards! Good luck on the job search.

Dmitterhofer on May 18, 2009:

Thank you for both, the wishes and joining the POEM ATC swap!! :)



raven on May 17, 2009:

Click for a shortcut welcome

Thanks for joining us...Hope you enjoy the group

ChimpieArtist on May 6, 2009:

Hi! Come check out my Circus ATC Swap! Hope to see ya there! -- Julia

lovetherain on May 2, 2009:

Hi! Please check out our group's (Swap-Bot Friends) new Round Robin :-)

ButterflyPrincess on Apr 30, 2009:


Welcome to the Butterfly Group! :)

oziloulou on Apr 24, 2009:

Don't worry about not knowing about the envelope source. I think it was definitely a scrapbooking paper creation, as there was no unicorn in sight. It was lovely no matter its origin

BeautifulMess on Apr 19, 2009:

Thank you for joining Swap-bot friends

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