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Date Joined: January 20, 2012
Last Online: August 1, 2021 Birthday: October 7 Country: United States My Website |
Aug 21, 2015
Just updated my list of state map PCs. Lacking 2 states, Mississippi and North Dakota. I am joining state maps swap in hopes of completing the list.
Summer is wrapping up and school is starting. I'll be volunteering at the Early Childhood Center with pre K. Should be a interesting and fun school year.
Nov. 8, 2014
I took a break from Swap-bot for numerous reasons but I missed swaping. I missed opening my mailbox to lots of mail and I missed the joy of sending out cards and PCs so I decided to start again. I want to be able to send out Christmas cards to all the good swappers out there. I did last year and got great pleasure doing so.
January 24,2014
This month has not been easy for me. My Mom passed on the 18th after suffering a stroke. I was with her until the end. Now I need to get on with my life. I know that it won't be easy but I have the love of my family and friends to get me through. So swapbot friends I will get caught up on my ratings and start joining swaps again.
My precious little great grandson has had two of a series of six casts put on for his club feet. He is dealing with them quite well, poor little guy.
January13, 2014
Please bear with me. I know I have swaps that need rating it might be a while before I get around to them. My Mom has had a stroke and I have spent most of the past week in the ER, in hospital rooms and now I am sitting in a nursing home where I will be spending days and nights with her. I don't want her to be alone. I have one swap that I need to send out and after that I wouldn't be joining any for a while.
Dec. 13, 2013 I'm not going to Florida this year for Christmas. I'm a little disappointed but there are things( or should I say people ) here at home that need me to be here. My first great-grand-son was born on Dec.8. He has some problems so I thought it best I be here for support to my granddaughter and my daughter. He weighed in at 6lb.1oz. so that's good news.But still we have to deal with physical problems with his legs and feet. Prayers would be great from any and all.
Then there's my 92 yr.old mom. She fell Tues. Dec 10 didn't break anything but is pretty banged up. On Thurs. Dec. 12 she was found slumped over in her chair by a CNA so off again to spend more time in ER. Dr. not sure what happened but it is sure a worry.
Then there is my daughter that had hip surgrey. She has needed me to drive her to Dr. appointments and Physical Therapy.
Life has been crazy to say the least.
Oct 21, 2013 Well here it is over half way thru Oct and I'm finally updating my profile. I didn't meet all my summer time goals of watching every movie I own but now I got winter coming on so I'll try then to see if I watch them all. It just seems lots of things come along like friends calling to say "Let's do lunch" or "What about a game of cards tonight". So off I go. Not enough time in a day to do everything. I started back volunteering at school. This year I'm working with two 1st grade classes and two 3rd grade classes. What Fun !
Update : July 30
I would like to explain my 3 rating. It is for a swap that my partner, Alisha Kostiuk ( megankayden ) did not receive her envie so she just rated me a 1 without any communication. So I PMed her and we PMed back and forth with her being very unreasonable. I resent and decided to take a 3 and just deal with it.
Update: May 30
Spending my time fighting an ailing computer. It seems to do its own thing. Kicks off without a moments notice. Then I lose everyting that I've been doing. So bear with me if I'm slow to rate.
I'm a mother of 4 grown children and 3 grandchildren,2 teen-age girls and a 6 year old boy. They are my pride and joy. I volunteer at the local elementry school. .I love children and enjoy being around them. So many of the children where I volunteer are in need of a hug and words of encouragement. I gladly offer them. I teach Sunday School to the pre-K class. I believe in recycling I want to leave the planet in the best condition I can. I enjoy the outdoors. I now live in an apatment so my gardening has come to an end. I'm a bargain shopper. Saving money is a way of life and it is a fun hobby. I love to go to garge sales, thrift stores & flea markets. I love to travel. My goal is a trip to Alaska, a cruise trip would be awesome. I go to Florida at least 2 times a year to visit my grandson and oh don't forget my daughter and son-in-law. My son lives in The Lake of the Ozark, Missouri. I make a trip there often. It is a 4 hour drive for me. My other 2 daughters and families live close by. I am lucky to have my 92 yr old mother still living and fairly healthy. We talk everyday.
I enjoy country music. The songs by the Zac Brown Band are some of my favorite. I also like the oldies, 50's & 60's & ABBA Songs.
My favorite books are:
The Help,
Gone With the Wind
Little Women.
I enjoy books by Debbie McComber ( read the whole Blossom Street Series & The Cedar Cove Series ) Susan Wiggs loved her Lakeshore Chronicles.Beverly Lewis and other authors that write about the Amish. Histoical fiction and Christian themed novels are high on my list.I also enjoy reading John Grisham & Nicholas Sparks.
I like reading Dr. Suess to the students when they come in the library. Harold & the Purple Crayon and When You Take a Mouse to School are fun.
I read every night before turning out the light.
The Help
Mama Mia
Gone With the Wind
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Legally Blonde 1 & 2
Sweet Home Alabama
Sleepless in Seattle
When Harry Met Sally all movies with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.
I also love Sandra Bullock Movies.
Cary Grant Movies
Andy Griffith,
The Dick Van Dyke Show,
Everybody Loves Raymond,
and most recently Parenthood.
I don't watch alot of TV. Most things on are not worth wasting my time with.
Sewing, Scrapbooking, Card Making, Baking. My granddaughters love me to stop by with a surprise baked good. Most requested by them are a Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake and Puppy Chow. My Grandson lives in Florida so he doesn't get the treats delivered to the door. I try to bake something when I'm down there visiting. I like to embroider. I never learned how to knit or crochet and not sure if I want to. I'm in charge of the costumes at my church. We put on The Live Nativty at Christmas and an Easter Production and various things in between. It is a huge responsibility but I enjoy it.
My favorite colors are red, yellow and blue. I love cats especaily white ones with blue eyes. Fall is my favorite season. The leaves are all in such a full display of color. I don't like Halloween, it is my least favorite holiday. Christmas being the holiday I like best. I say it can snow on Chhristmas Eve and stay on the ground until school starts back up. That way the kids can play out in it until tiheir little hearts content. The first snow of the season is always so beautiful. But then bring on Spring. I guess I'm not big on the winter months.
I could wander around a book store or library forever. So many books So little time. I also get lost in the greeting card isle at the store. I want to read them all and then buy them.
As I wrote above "I love children''
I love to cook, bake, and EAT. I bake surprise treats for my family. Family gatherings are important to me. Playing games and lots of laughter.
Apples to Apples,
Pharse 10,
Skip Bo
I like to go to Trivia Games in my community. It's a fun evening and a way to give to a good cause.
I LOVE : These are not in order of likes, just as they came to mind:
Lady Bugs
Country Theme
Norman Rockwell Paintings
Debbie Mumm
Mary Engelbreit
Gooseberry Patch
Precious Moments
Note Cards
Cards (store bought or hand made)
Wrapping Paper
Smiley Faces
Gingham Fabric
Chocolate YUM YUM YUM !!!!!!
Scented Candles ( vanilla ,cinnamon )
MY Grandson is into : Courious George & Spiderman
My Granddaughter is into: Hello Kitty,
I have joined a lot of postcard swaps since I came on swap-bot. I have recieved so many and they are all different. I had no idea what there was to offer out there. It had been years since I even bought a postcard. It's hard to say which ones I like best. I have some of state maps. So I think I want to collect all 50. Here is a list of the states I have:
1. Alabama ( 3 )
2. Alaksa ( 3 )
3. Arizona ( 6 )
4. Arkansas ( 3 )
5. California ( 9 )
6. Colorado ( 3 )
7. Connecticut ( 1 )
8. Delaware ( 2 )
9. Florida (9 )
10. Georigia ( 4 )
11. Hawaii ( 3 )
12. Idaho ( 2 )
13. Illinois ( 5 )
14. Indiana ( 3 )
15. Iowa ( 2 )
16. Kansas ( 4 )
17. Kentucky ( 5 )
18. Louisiana ( 3 )
19. Maine ( 2 )
20. Maryland ( 2 )
21. Massachusetts ( 4 )
22. Michigan ( 2 )
23. Minnesota ( 3 )
24. Mississippi
25. Missouri ( 4 )
26. Montana ( 1 )
27. Nebraska ( 2 )
28. Nevada ( 2 )
29. New Hampshire ( 1 )
30. New Jersey ( 3 )
31. New Mexico ( 3 )
32. New York ( 3 )
33. North Carolina ( 3 )
34. North Dakota
35. Ohio ( 3 )
36. Oklahoma ( 4 )
37. Oregon ( 2 )
38. Pennsylvania ( 2 )
39. Rhode Island ( 1 )
40. South Carilina ( 2 )
41. South Dakota ( 1 )
42. Tennessee ( 3 )
43. Texas ( 6 )
44. Utah ( 5 )
45. Vermont ( 2 )
46. Virginia ( 5 )
47. Washington ( 4 )
48. West Virginia ( 3 )
49. Wisconsin ( 4 )
50. Wyoming ( 1 )
Washington DC ( 2 )
I will give a star for any state map so I can collect them all.
I also like postcards with birds
I don't have the Illinois state bird, the Cardinal. I have one from Virginia with the Cardinal on it, that doesn't count or the other states with it on it. And again the first one that says Illinois state bird on it gets a star. I have PCs with the state birds of Nebraska, The Western Meadowlark and Texas, The Mockingbird.
I like to add to my bird collection. I want PCs with birds set in the wild (outdoors). Although I would gladly accept any with birds on them.
Things I dislike : These are not listed in order of dislikes. Just as I stated above, as they came to mind.
War related items
Tattos ( temporary or permanent ),
Rap music,
Twilight Series,
I don't wear a lot of make-up or jewerly or perfume
Foods I dislike :
Black Licorice
Lima Beans
Buffalo Hot Wings
Hot Tea
I don't need any knick-knacks. I have limited space in my apartment. What I have sitting around has special meaning to me. I don't need things that collect a lot of dust as I really do not like dusting. Housework is not high on my to do list. I'd rather spend my time being creative, reading or just having fun.
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Hosted |
4.9990 | 3292 | 2 | 2 |
Completed | Fives | Threes | Ones |
1832 | 4127 | 0 | 1 |
Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 | Uncategorized |
7 | 1693 | 132 | 0 |
would u please rate me for daily pc swap by 1/29 so i can go ahead and archive? thanks!
From Cheap Postage Group!
From Sharings God's Grace Group:
Thanks for sending me a thank you card. That was so kind of you to set up the swap to send one to John also. Wshing you a Happy New Year, Linda
Wishing you a Merry CHRISTmas!
Thank you for the Christmas card - such a kind thing you have done for Mr. Green! (";)