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peachykeen on Aug 29, 2008:

Goodie---you are one rockin' wishlist-sistah!!! Thanks for ALL of my incredible wishes!! LoVe yOU

carterXchan on Aug 22, 2008:

Goodie2shoes, I have to say that opening your package, sent for the Wishlist group, totally made my Friday (especially after opening the other dreary bills in my postbox). I fairly wanted to cry after seeing all of the ephemera crammed inside - you are so thoughtful to share these things with me! The little poems meant to prod people into paying their bills are priceless! Those and the cigar bands are my favorite. Oh, and the little silver, plastic women from different nations - where in the world did you find those?! They are too precious!!! Once again, I can't express how happy your package made me - thanks for granting my wish!

whinendine on Aug 1, 2008:

A little wish. Hello. It was huge. Thank you so much. And Don loved the card. Thanks for the wishes.

happypup on Jul 23, 2008:

I am going to have to have a talk with your mother about you- what are you doing with this wishlist stuff? SISTER -- you are makin me crazy! I LOVE the stuff... I love the pcs and the pictures and the cards... love the dog pictures. That pc with "we missed you last sunday" cracks me up! You are too kind... thanks so much for sharing all your goodies with me!

breccamerie on Jul 17, 2008:

Hey Cher, Thank you for the wonderful suprise package! That made my day! I really loved everything especially the carnival tickets. Thanks for everything. I will be sending some Karma back in a few days and will keep you in my heart and prayers-for what ever needed reason. Thanks again!

happypup on Jul 16, 2008:

Hi Goodie--- I was going to rate you for the Animals ATC you included in my wishlist package, but just realized it was an extra goodie! Really Cher- thanks so much for the stash of goodies. You never cease to amaze me with all the stuff you come up with! love you, Jill

agonysdecay on Jul 12, 2008:

Your so welcome for your reviews! Thanks for letting me know what the mediums are and such. The Twinkling H20's, do you remember where you got it? Or where I can find some online or in stores?

I will be looking through Stampfrancisco today!

Thanks so much darlin ♥

Cocoa on Jul 7, 2008:

What a wonderful surprise! Thank you for the goodies. I can't wait to use the doll pieces.I prayed for you and hope things straighten out.

ArtsyAthina on Jun 30, 2008:

Thanks for joining my "What a hoot!!! Owl's ATC SWAP" I hope you enjoy it!!

-Artsy Athina


happypup on Jun 28, 2008:

Goodie- you really are a glorious sweetie! looking forward to spending time with you today and finding some great treasures. Don't know that I tell you this enough but YOU ARE AN AWESOME FRIEND (and sister!) LOVE YOU!!!

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