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yomousey on Feb 15, 2020:

Hi there, I pm'd you my reading challenge for January.

jenmcjen on Mar 17, 2019:

lovekiva on Sep 29, 2018:

Book quote, September

"My stomach broke into pieces and spun like a kaleidoscope. Dimly I saw my hand reaching toward it, lifting it to my nose. Cheap ink and old paper. It felt hot, but my arms prickled with goosebumps. I ripped it open."

The Hazel Wood, Melissa Albert

colleenbUSA on Sep 29, 2018:

Book Quote- September

“When new hopes fail, old hopes return in the endless cycle of desperation.” ― Dean Koontz, Prodigal Son

itsLinds on Sep 29, 2018:

Book Quote - September

“To the blessed darkness from which we are born, and to which we return.” ― Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Frost and Starlight

ankitabora on Aug 29, 2018:

Book Quote - August “because we have two legs and travelling on foot is the right speed for human beings. Walking sorts out your problems and anxieties, and calms your worries. Living from day to day, from inspiration to inspiration, much of what I have learned as a Jain has come from wandering. Sometimes, even my dreams are of walking.” - William Dalrymple, Nine Lives

Autumn5 on Aug 27, 2018:

August Book Quote 📚

"The caterpillar goes into the chrysalis, her grandmother had said. And then it changes. Its skin changes and its eyes change and its mouth changes. Its feet vanish. Every bit of itself - even its knowledge of itself - turns to mush.

'Mush?' Luna had asked, wide-eyed.

'Well,' her grandmother had reassured her. 'Perhaps not mush. Stuff. The stuff of stars. The stuff of light. The stuff of a planet before it is a planet. The stuff of a baby before it is born. The stuff of a seed before it is a sycamore. Everything you see is in the process of making or unmaking or dying or living. Everything is in a state of change."

  • Kelly Barnhill, The Girl Who Drank the Moon
jenidleman on Aug 25, 2018:

“The books we love, they love us back. And just as we mark our places in the pages, those pages leave their marks on us. I can see it in you, sure as I see it in me. You're a daughter of the words. A girl with a story to tell.” - Jay Kristoff, Nevernight

I mostly read while on the treadmill at the gym, and this book has been quite a page turner. :)

Fan art by gabriella.bujdoso

user6937 on Aug 1, 2018:

Please rate me for 100 FOOD QUESTIONS!!! I sent the day partners were assigned. Thanks :)

littlemissme84 on May 29, 2018:

Song Lyrics #4 Electronic Song: These Days Artist: Rudimental ft Jess Glynn

I hope someday We'll sit down together And laugh with each other About these days, these days

A new song but one I’ve really gotten into. It’s about a relationship ending and looking back on it but also looking forward and hoping that they can stay amicable and still chat about the times they had in the future.

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