Swap-bot Time: June 2, 2024 7:10 pm

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groundhogstamper on Jan 20, 2012:

Happy Birthday Nora! from Marsha in the Gentle Hugs group.

ktina on Jan 11, 2012:


Thanks for joining :)

ktina on Jan 2, 2012:

Hi, I just drop in because I've created a swap what may interest you check it

Happy New Year! :)

earthnk on Sep 29, 2011:

There is a stuffed toilet paper roll envie headed your way. Mailed it today :-)

racheljohnson on Sep 15, 2011:

I just featured your autumn TP Tube swap on the Swap-bot blog here. Thanks for being a great host!

lilmissthrifty on Apr 15, 2011:

glad you got it! and yes, i made the soaps!

lilmissthrifty on Mar 22, 2011:

Hey your package arrived safe and sound! Thanks, just in time for St.patty's day! I will be mailing yours out very shortly!! Thanks for angeling!

nlgrudis on Feb 23, 2011:

Be happy & grateful for everything in your life!

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, Show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile!

nlgrudis on Feb 23, 2011:

Swap Bot ~ Reveal yourself in 24 easy steps!

1) I am not: A victim, helpless or weak!

2) I hurt: When I think about people being abused in any way.

3) I love: My husband, children, grandchildren, family and my dearest friend (CJ). I also love seafood, ice-cream, watermelon, black licorice and chocolate. I love the smell of babies, puppy breath, puppies & kittens, life, freedom, my faith, sunny warm days, the beach and so much more. I also love the person I have turned out to be.

4) I hate: Stupidity, the word “Hate”, lies, gossip, people who steel or cheat, discrimination (age, race, religion, sex, etc.) and saying goodbye.

5) I fear: Being alone, dying, spiders, snakes, the unknown and the thought of outliving my children or grandchildren.

6) I hope: For a peaceful future, to grow very old (while being healthy) with my husband and watch our children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren grow.

7) I regret: Not learning “How to” from my Mom & Dad (cooking, crochet, knit, etc.). Other than that I don’t hold stock in regrets, I wouldn’t be who I am without the mistakes I have made & learned from.

8) I cry: At sappy movies and books, when people hurt inside, when I am happy and when I am sad. Sometimes even when I laugh real hard.

9) I care: About Love, freedom, faith, the earth and I could go on and on with this one.

10) I always: Say “I love you” at the end of a phone call or a visit with family or close friends. Also before we go to sleep. You never know when it will be your last chance to say it.

11) I long: For long, lazy warm days with not a care in the world

12) I listen: For a baby’s sounds, for a soft rain, beautiful music and for someone to say “I love you”.

13) I hide: My fears & emotional scars from everyone but my husband & God.

14) I write: Very seldom but normally about the past

15) I miss: Living near my family, the freedom of childhood, my parents (both have passed on), Eastern Shore food and my size 7 jeans.

16) I search: For knowledge and reason (and a lot of the time for whatever it was I went into the next room for)

17) I learn: Something new everyday

18) I feel: Much younger than I look, healthier than ever (except when I was pregnant), very safe, loved & respected, fortunate to have the husband & family & friends I have.

19) I know: Myself much better every day

20) I want: My daughters to get over all the crap and be friends (and the same for my extended family).

21) I worry: About the thought of outliving my children or grandchildren. Also that my husband will never find another job and we will start running out of money.

22) I wish: Everyone to have a warm, safe place to call “Home”, people who care for & love them, plenty to eat and to be healthy.

23) I have: A blessed life, the best husband & friend ever.

24) I give: My all in everything (sometimes too much)

25) I wait: For my ship to come in (LOL)

26) I need: To feel loved, wanted, safe & respected.

MistyPup50 on Aug 19, 2010:

Thank you very much for angelling the Handmade cards - Open Theme #2. Both cards are beautiful and I very much appreciate the time you took to make them and to send them in place of the gal who flaked. All co-ordinators should be so considerate for those who join their swaps.

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