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outsideartist on Oct 20, 2011:

" a quote " from me a Artist...THIS IS A BIZARRE WORLD IN ....."INSIDIOUS ALLIANCE WITHIN ITS - OWN" ......THOUGHT LESS-SELFISH -DISTORTED- BELIEFS......... I refuse to just spin along with ...the mindset "its ok to say this do that THEN STICK IT TO OTHERS......... I REFUSE and dispute having any alliance with the whole. Because Im a rebel , I do not go allong with the very " false niceities" of many here When they are so Foolish I want to run....and hide my eyes..BUT Then I wouldnt be a rebel if I hid my eyes.....I AM BOLD...and I stand firm..... I will not give my ART to anyone that has such a awareness to their own need......they fail to see their IGNORANCE' in their LIES... end quote'

outsideartist on Oct 20, 2011:

" a quote " from me a Artist...THIS IS A BIZARRE WORLD IN ....."INSIDIOUS ALLIANCE WITHIN ITS - OWN" ......THOUGHT LESS-SELFISH -DISTORTED- BELIEFS......... I refuse to just spin along with ...the mindset "its ok to say this do that THEN STICK IT TO OTHERS......... I REFUSE and dispute having any alliance with the whole. Because Im a rebel , I do not go allong with the very " false niceities" of many here When they are so Foolish I want to run....and hide my eyes..BUT Then I wouldnt be a rebel if I hid my eyes.....I AM BOLD...and I stand firm..... I will not give my ART to anyone that has such a awareness to their own need......they fail to see their IGNORANCE' in their LIES... end quote'

outsideartist on Oct 20, 2011:

you are a simple woman......and you may say what you feel.. is your right' and so can I You can see how many swaps you do" I rest my case... ----------NUMBERS SPEEK LOUDER THAN MY WORDS.. I have a LIFE" and is why I HAVE VERY FEW' (just thought Id spell it out for you)

by the number you left me 'is what I referred to YOU" and is MY RIGHT AS WELL.... "as saying I WAS A FLAKE.........." also IF YOU WERE A TRUE CHRISTIAn....... you would no enjoy scaring children and studing the "occult' flipp flopp' ding dong......HELLO! jealous? YOU MAKE NO SENCE..

Naeco on Dec 22, 2009:

alt text

Thanks for joining my swap! If you have any questions, feel free to message me!

kizmet on Jun 5, 2009:

In answer to your rating answer: It would have been impossible not to love the doll you made. It's so beautiful and you took care of every tiny detail.. the bag is SO cool (I have a weakness for leopard printed stuff!) and so clever! And don't worry about not having had the time to do an Amanda Palmer doll. I'm very happy with the one you made!!

Thanks again!

outsideartist on Apr 25, 2009:

"Steal flamingos and gnomes" from the dark side of the lawn"

outsideartist on Apr 6, 2009:

tit4tat is a good name?

SewSouthern on Mar 30, 2009:

Your artwork is fabulous!!!

biasbabe on Mar 28, 2009:

You have some wonderful art work

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