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kiddomerriweather on Dec 31, 2016:

I just did some research and they are the gulls from "Finding Nemo." I've never seen that movie. The penny is from EPCOT. I had my WDW Pressed Penny app out, but it's not really helpful because they don't post pics of the pennies, just the names and locations. I searched for birds in every category and then decided to look for sea gulls and then whittled it down to gulls. That was some frustrating detective work, I'll tell you what! lol Catch you on the flip side, Des-Ray. Oh and I'll send out your penny sometime in the near future. :)

kiddomerriweather on Dec 29, 2016:

So glad you like your "first" pennies. Did I send you the ones with the birds on it? If not, I found an extra I can send you. Just let me know.

Dear, Lord! Please don't say 2017 can't be worse than 2016. Remember we're going to have a moron in office. He conducts international politics over Twitter for goodness sake! I'm hoping that my mental illness continues to improve so our political climate doesn't drive me insane.

Have a Happy New Year, Des-Ray. That's your new name. Embrace it. lol Love you, gal.

oblivionspin on Dec 25, 2016:

To be fair, the first thing I saw Zachary Quinto in was American Horror Story and he flippin killed it in the second season. But yeah, he just creeps me out. And it's not even because he was in American Horror Story, I just find him creepy. poor guy.

Happy Christmas to you as well (: Have a wonderful day!

kiddomerriweather on Dec 24, 2016:

My dad got me a Cinderella penny during the DW trip before last. It was dirty because the penny he used had some black stuff on it, but I do have a Cinderella penny. I flipped over the Chewie quarter! It's the 3rd quarter that I have and definitely is my favorite. Thanks again for scouting out the ones you knew I'd like. You are the sweetest!

kiddomerriweather on Dec 22, 2016:

OMGoodness! Thank you so much for the December AATW wishes. I LOVE the Chewie Quarter! The Little Mermaid penny is a favorite too. I love them all though. The Jungle Cruise (in DW) is a favorite ride of mine. Minnie Mouse is also a fave character. You were so thoughtful in choosing pressed coins for me. Thank you for taking the time to choose those for me. You made me so very happy! Happy Holidays! Love you, sweetie!

oblivionspin on Dec 21, 2016:

I don't super duper collect quarters, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and get a smooshed quarter. Kylo Ren is definitely one of those occasions where I embrace the quarter. (:

You know, I need to rewatch the new Star Trek movies because the first time I watched them I just wasn't feeling it. Partly because the actor who plays new Spock pretty genuinely creeps me out. :/

Funny enough my family never sent out Christmas cards either! I sent out a few "ironic" form letters when I first started pen paling and then when I got married I started doing the Christmas cards to let all the obscure relatives know we were thinking of them and each year it just grows a little more. They aren't my favorite to send, but people seem so genuinely happy that we took a moment to think of them. What I would really like to do is send out a second batch in the Spring or Summer for Merry UnChristmas or something...

(I meant to say- glad you liked the ATC- but I got sidetracked.)

snpyrunner on Dec 19, 2016:

Thank you thank you for the awesome card kits you put together for my boys for the AATW Group- December! Finally, a thoughtful gift! Truly appreciate it. Merry Christmas!

phillaine on Dec 19, 2016:

Hey Ray :) I hope your week's starting off with lots of spoons. Thanks for sharing that article-- I read it today and it helped. Also, thanks for the nice note and the postage you sent me for my AATW December wishlist. ♥

cayers2 on Dec 17, 2016:

Thank you so much for the stamps from AATW Dec. wishlist!!

LMeowkin on Dec 16, 2016:

Thank you for the wonderful wish! You're right - boring flag stamps are still stamps! I appreciate your gift so much!

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