Comment: Thank you so much for the package! You've inspired me to officially start collecting tiny owl figurines! And my mom loved the candles, thank you!!!
Comment: Thanks for the list and the details. I'm going to have to add some of these to my list! Some on your list I've read and recommend VERY much: Tao Te Ching, The Screwtape Letters, and The Jungle.
Comment: Awwww! Poor NJ ;-) Love the mapcard....I collect them and this is even more fun because of your toast. And...just so you know.... Pittsburghers think the Jersey shore is the best place to holiday. I'm not from Pittsburgh (native Bostonian) so when I heard people were going to Jersey for their vacations, I thought they were joking. Now that I've seen their photos and heard their tales, I'm thinking I was quite the snob.
Response: haha, yea, NJ does get picked on, but I'm embarassed to admit that some of the stereotypes are true :o
Comment: Great picked my two favorite things off the list too. :o) Tell your niece for me that I love the pin and I will be wearing it "Rudy Days" (that's the 25th of every month when I work on getting things ready for Christmas) Thanks again, Carrie
Response: She was ecstatic that you liked it, and so am I!
Comment: Wow.. what a great quote. I will definitely think about it time and again when i find myself being judgemental. Also... awesome Nancy Drew card!