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bb2 on Jul 18, 2011:

I just have to smile every time I look at the organizer you sent for my July wish in "Granting Wishes." The kitty floating on the umbrella is just too cute. Thank you for sending such a nice, useful item! And, your Etsy shop is great. I sure recommend your spiral journals! You do beautiful work.

clutterfree on Jul 14, 2011:

SOOOOOOOO a funny thing happened that I posted my thanks to you for my July wishes granted in the Granting wishes forum under granted rather than received so I have corrected my error...my bad !!! Thank you for all the great craft magazines, stamps and your faithfulness to INSPIRE me :) You are truly gifted...I have been to your Etsy store and follow your blog :)

NaughtyElf on Jul 2, 2011:

Yes, my girls are so cute together. Every time Thea sees Hera she has to kiss and hugs her like 3 times at least! And she just giggles she is so excited about the baby. Thank you for your kind wishes, I hope you have great weekend! Sher

mamacrafter on Jun 20, 2011:

Just stoppin by and noticed that we have the same B-Day! How cool. :)

wolfeagle on Jun 18, 2011:


Thank you for the fun fiber, box tops and education labels. The fiber is perfect for a project I'm currently working on. Thanks again.

MrsRemington on Jun 18, 2011:

Hi Angela Thank you!!!!!! for granting my wish! I was so excited to get that package yesterday in the mail. It made my day! The tin is perfect!!! and the die cuts - outstanding! So, generous of you. Welcome to the group!

LeosMom4Life on Jun 16, 2011:

Thanks SO much for the TH surprise goodies for the Ive got something TH Tag !!!

Your rock !

phillyzee on Jun 8, 2011:

Thanks for the TH tag goodies, they came today! Love it all.

iGirlZoe on May 26, 2011:

Thank you so much for the gorgeous matchbox for the "I Have Something Tim Holtz Tag Game" in the Tim Holtz Addicts Group! I am so happy that I have given you another addiction! You make fabulous matchboxes and I LOVE the eye bottle cap on top and the hardware pull on the front. Thank you for so many goodies inside. I love the light bulb stamped image, is it from a TH set? I really like that you've used tissue tape on the side, I hadn't thought of that.... I saved the best for the last... the eye bottle cap magnet! Oh I gasped, it's AWESOME! I kept showing Neil how you can hold it a fair distance from the fridge and it pulls it to the door. Those magnets are amazingly powerful! I have the bottle cap on my fridge and I grin everytime I see it. Thank you so much. P.S. I now need bottle caps! Oooh new addiction coming up!

LeosMom4Life on May 5, 2011:

Thank you SO much for all the TH googies for the Ive got somthing TH tag !! I LOVE it all and already will be using some on future projects !!

xoxox Melody

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