Fives ratings for Ettoad
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Response: I would absolutely love to have a letter from you!!
Response: I would enjoy hearing from you!
Whenever you are able - absolutely no rush ❤️
Response: I’ll be earning credentials to teach English as a foreign language!
Response: I so look forward to hearing from you!
Response: I am so very glad to hear you enjoyed, as much as I enjoyed putting everything together ❤️
Response: I’m so happy to hear that you are happy with everything, and that it was a pick me up!
Your rating was a pick me up at the end of my own rough day 😻😻
Response: I absolutely would love to be in touch as penpals 💗
Safe travels to Israel 💙💙
Response: I am both shocked and delighted that the re-send made it to you so quickly!!
Response: I’m glad the card finally made it to you!!
Happy New Year!!
Response: Wow it certainly took its time!!
So glad it finally arrived 💙💙
Response: Oh there has to be life we don’t know about up in our skies!
Neat to think there are literally whole worlds we have yet to know about!!
Response: We’re thinking late May/early June to make our trip down!
Response: Hooray!!
Must have been a fun time opening all of your mail!!
Response: While I’m not at work much beyond business hours (we close at 6pm) I am at times alone in store, tho only occasionally after hours and after night fall (with the exception of a few weeks of the year, there are lessons taking place well beyond when I leave for the day). . .yet while I’ve at times felt Barry’s presence I’ve never felt uncomfortable. . .I usually shout out a quick greeting to him!!
Response: We wound up sending store bought cards as life/the holidays was just too busy to do justice for homemade cards within the window we decided to make them and when we needed to send them, for them to arrive in time for Christmas
Maybe next year!!
Response: I look forward to hearing from you!
Response: All the best with your studies!
Response: Baking is a wonderful consolation!!
Response: I look forward to hearing from you 💗
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed the card and note!
And I’d love to hear back from you, if you’re interested!!
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed!
Looking forward to hearing from you!!
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed reading!
This was a fun swap
I very much look forward to hearing from you 💗
Response: So glad to hear you enjoyed!
Response: I look forward to hearing from you, as always!
Response: I so can’t wait to hear from you!!
Response: So glad to hear you enjoyed hearing about my haunted work place!
Stay spooky 👻
Response: I’m going to have to check out Witcher - sounds fascinating!!
Looking forward to having the opportunity to talk with you again on this subject 💗
Response: I hope you have finally been enjoying some proper spring weather!
We’re still quite chilly and rainy here. . .nowhere near blizzard but still waiting for a proper spring!
Response: I will enjoy hearing from you whenever you are able to write!
Safe travels!!
Response: I look forward to hearing from you!!
Response: I would have enjoyed taking your “ethics” class - I’ve often wished I had taken such a class while in school.
Response: So crazy how long some mail is taking to arrive!!
I’m glad it finally did make its way to you!
My holidays were very nice - my extended family actually had a belated Christmas celebration a couple of weeks ago!
I hope 2022 has so far been good to you 😺
Response: I’m glad you enjoyed!
And thanks for sharing a weird water fact I didn’t know - that’s so cool!
Response: I would absolutely love for you to write back!!
Response: There’s a Muppet Haunted Mansion?! How did I miss this?! The Haunted Mansion has been my favourite Disneyland ride since I was young so I shall be having a look for the movie!
Response: Oh I am so glad to hear the cookies are being enjoyed!!
Response: I will have a reply to your last letter in the mail soon!
Response: I love the prepaid postcards!
I look forward to checking out your book recommendation!
Response: Autumn came and went too quickly here!!
While I enjoy winter in its own right it seemed to arrive and settled in earlier than usual this year
Response: We are finally enjoying some cooler weather which makes my kitties and I very happy 😺😸
Response: I’m happy to hear you enjoyed!
Response: So far it is continuing as started!
I didn’t realize when I picked it up (from my buildings communal bookcase) that it is a sequel to its previous book called Iron Lace
Not having read the first book doesn’t seem to be having much bearing on enjoying Rising Tides, and I may seek out Iron Lace to see about filling in any gaps in the storyline
Response: We had a lovely time 😊
Response: I hope so too! Belief in ghosts or not, Barry is a special part of my workplace!
Response: I’m so glad you hear you enjoy! We will for sure swap again soon 💕
Response: Please give your little foster kittens some loves for me 💕
Response: I am so glad to hear you enjoyed everything! I look forward to hearing from you!
Response: I’m so happy to hear!!
Response: Wonderful! I look forward to hearing from you!!
Response: Glad to hear I am in good company when it comes to having an insane amount of books 💗 Happy reading!!
Response: I love your cats names!! My boys are named after family members as well - Floyd after my Dad, and Johnie after my paternal grandfather.
Response: Johnie and Floyd were very happy to hear their Cat Taxes have been accepted!!
Response: I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying everything!!
Response: A lucky choice of cards for me to send!
Response: I’m glad to hear you enjoyed everything! And thank you for the podcast recommendations and geocaching encouragement 💗
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed! And I look forward to hearing from you whenever your poor, worn out hand is up to it!!
Response: So great to year you enjoy everything!!
Response: I look forward to hearing from you !!
Response: I'm glad to hear you enjoy!!
Response: They’re so pretty! I had a bit of a tough time sending them off, I may have to go find some more for myself!
Response: I’m so happy to hear you are enjoying them! The cat cactus is a fave of mine too!
Response: I still haven’t tried the Guinness Chocolate Cake!!
It’s a must tho!
Response: Wonderful! I look forward to hearing from you 💞
Response: I look forward to hearing from you!
Response: Thank you! ❤️ I look forward to hearing from you!!
Response: I’m so happy to hear! I enjoyed putting everything together for you ❤️
Response: I look forward to hearing from you!
Response: I’m glad it finally made it to you - I was beginning to wonder!
Response: I had a lot of fun sending my St Patrick’s Day cards, it is a holiday I have ever sent out cards for before - so thank you for hosting your swap!! Have a lucky St Patrick’s Day!!
Response: Oh I love podcasts! I will for sure check out Double Love!!
Response: Thank you for the recommendation!
Response: Many thanks for the words of encouragement! ♥️💜
Response: I am so happy to hear you enjoyed!!! ♥️💜
Response: I will look forward to hearing from you!!
Response: I look forward to hearing from you!
Response: I look forward to hearing from you!!
Response: I am so glad to hear you enjoyed everything!!
Response: Your letter arrived a few days ago, on the 14th!!
I am looking forward to writing to you again soon:-)