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Date Joined: March 6, 2011
Last Online: July 18, 2012 Birthday: June 2, 1973 Country: United States Don't Click this Link!! |
*****I am out of state since June 13, 2011. My dad had to have surgery and I went to help out with his recovery. While here I found out that I have a spinal degenerative disease and have been put on tons of medications and will be seeing a spinal reconstructive surgeon on August 15, 2011. If I have any swaps with you and you have not received them, I ask of you to please be patient with me as I am trying to handle my health issues at this time. I will follow through on my swap agreements, however, they may be late and I do sincerely apologize for that. I did not expect to receive news such as this. Thank you so much for your understanding and patience with me as I try to regain my health.
******First of all, If you do not receive your swap from me, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE contact me! I live in Brooklyn, NY and we've had many issues with the postal service here.
Im 38 years young, married to my best friend for 2 years! * We dont have any children (because we can't), but we have 6 spoiled rotten kitties (Lily, Daisy, Gidget, GaIahad, Joe & Ruckus) and 2 foster kitties (Jasmine & Willow) *
I was born and raised in Louisiana until I was 15, grew up in Indiana, and now live in New York.*
I am Apostolic, but I DO NOT shove my beliefs onto anyone. Everyone has the right to believe how they choose to believe without being judged. :) *
Im a true gemini, born June 2nd. I truly do have more than one personality. *
Im a stay at home wife so I have plenty of time for my swapping :) *
I love to burn Yankee Candles and tarts * I love to use tons of johnson and johnson's lavender baby powder * I love the rain * thunderstorms * lightning and snow * I love to watch a mama kitty nurse and bathe her babies * i also love to watch my kitties bathe themselves * To me there is nothing sweeter or cuter than that! * I love the smell of a baby when they've just been bathed and they smell like baby lotion :) * I love to watch people and birds * I love to take tons of photos of my kitties * I love spending time with my family * I love to veg out on the couch with the hubby and watch a good (or a not so good, sometimes) movie *
I also love to spend time alone. LOTS of alone time * I love to watch Dexter, but I will only watch it at night when Im by myself and its late. Color me weird, right? LOL *
Now..for the not so loving side...hahaha. Ive got road rage like you cant believe. Its best that I dont drive unless absolutely necessary. *
My family, my kitties, my religion and my church family are everything to me. I don't and won't put up with anyone talking down about them. *
I despise bullies or bullying. I will not put up with it. I dont care who you are or how much bigger you are than me. I will go toe to toe with you in a heartbeat.*
I despise people that are abusive to children, the elderly and animals.*
I believe in being honest, loyal, compassionate, courteous, kind, generous, unselfish and trustworthy * These are things I require in a friend as I require them of myself.*
ok..thats me. somewhat. lol *
Oh and I dont mind receiving anything religious.. BUT if you send me yours...Im sending you mine :) So be prepared! :)
southern gospel * gospel choirs * celtic, * enya * classical *
Bible * "She's Come Undone" * Archie Comics * Ramone Cologne (see link below) * Twilight Series * Sweet Dreams series (1980's young romance) * love to read True Crime books.
Pretty In Pink*
Sixteen Candles*
The Breakfast Club*
Pride & Predjudice*
Iron Man*
Where the Heart Is*
ANYTHING by Tyler Perry*
Anything with Chevy Chase (Vacation Movies)*
The Green Hornet*
Twilight Saga*
Batman Begins*
The Dark Knight*
The Princess Diaries*
Bridget Jones' Diary*
The A-Team*
Gone With the Wind*
Marie Antoinette*
The Duchess*
Fried Green Tomatoes*
Steel Magnolias*
The Chronicles of Narnia*
and soooo many more :)
hawaii 5-0*
Criminal Minds*
WIthout a Trace*
Celebrity Apprentice
Law & Order (all of them)
No makeup or jewelry...I don't wear either.*
Im not a cartoon fan..so please no cartoon things (i.e. simpsons, family guy, south park, etc),*
No music other than what's listed in my music section, please*
Im not "into" wrestling or Nascar*
No candy,food, or drinks of any kind unless Ive signed up for a swap for it :)*
I dislike, VERY MUCH, tarot cards,horoscopes, clowns, contortionists, seafood(except for fried catfish), advocados(that includes guacamole), salad dressings, any kind of unusual or weird foods,
I am not a fan of postcards. Please do not send unless Ive joined a swap for them.*
NOTHING satanic, evil or demonic!!! I cannot stress this enough. If it is sent to me, I WILL destroy it. I hate to be rude, but I don't allow anything of the sort in my home!*
DEFINITION OF SATANIC : satanic - extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell; "something demonic in him--something that could be cruel"; "fires lit up a diabolic scene"; "diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils"; "a fiendish despot"; "hellish torture"; "infernal instruments of war"; "satanic cruelty"; "unholy grimaces" fiendish, demonic, diabolic, diabolical, hellish, infernal, unholy evil - morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence"; "evil deeds"
demonic - extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell; "something demonic in him--something that could be cruel"; "fires lit up a diabolic scene"; "diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils"; "a fiendish despot"; "hellish torture"; "infernal instruments of war"; "satanic cruelty"; "unholy grimaces" fiendish, satanic, unholy, hellish, infernal, diabolic, diabolical evil - morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence"; "evil deeds"
DEFINITION OF EVIL: evil [ÃËiÃÂvÃâĒl] adj 1. morally wrong or bad; wicked an evil ruler 2. causing harm or injury; harmful an evil plan 3. marked or accompanied by misfortune; unlucky an evil fate 4. (of temper, disposition, etc.) characterized by anger or spite 5. not in high esteem; infamous an evil reputation 6. offensive or unpleasant an evil smell 7. Slang good; excellent n 1. the quality or an instance of being morally wrong; wickedness the evils of war 2. (sometimes capital) a force or power that brings about wickedness or harm evil is strong in the world 3. (Medicine / Pathology) Archaic an illness or disease, esp scrofula (the king's evil) adv (now usually in combination) in an evil manner; badly evil-smelling
I love ANYTHING cats *
sparkly stuff,*
glittery things *
fairy tales *
Cinderella *
unique handbags *
Fiesta Ware*
any cookbook put out by the TASTE OF HOME*
rubber stamps (any kind) acrylic stamps, inks *
Josephine Wall Jigsaw Puzzles *
ANYTHING Marjolein Bastin*
BUTTONS, BUTTONS, BUTTONS! Any kind of buttons!! * Lace, Lace, Lace! *
OLD KEYS (i.e. skeleton keys)
* gorgeous brooches
* flowers (anything! real, silk, dried, stationary, etc)
* bright colors
* anything LISA FRANK
* fbs * slams * crams * decos
* butterflies
* faeries
* hand made items
* Tupperware
* books in different languages
* anything retro
* antique shops
* thrift shops
* yankee candles
* diamondcandles.com (LOVE those candles! especially the green apple!)
* Hello Kitty
* unique picture frames from all over
* the New York YANKEES!!!
* Im a huge baseball fan and fan of PETE ROSE! :)
* Im also a big Twilight fan
* My husband is a huge fan of KISS. Collects anything with KISS on it. If you dont know who they are...check out the link
I need to get on a plane, not knowing where it's going and get off that plane ready to experience the adventure of a lifetime. * I want to not worry about anything, just experience my life and find out who I really am.* I have made my life about the people around me. I like what they like, I do what they do, Im who they are. I need to find myself.*
Did you get your Birthday card?
hiya... just read about your holidays and dad's surgery (hope all goes well and he recovers quickly)... when youre back and fancy a catch up on those recipes, give me a shout :) id love to do another swapsy with you... take care and have a good holiday
Happy Birthday!
I'm inviting you to join my Swap!
I was actually able to send them off today!
The timing is perfect! Thanks for doing this swap with me!
How many do you want to do? Could we start small- like about 10 or so? Do you prefer them to be a certain way or do you take anything? I'm not picky at all. I even love to get Friendship Sheets".... I'll let you set up the swap since I'm flexible on dates.
Would you be interested in a Private FB Swap? I finally have enough now to go around! :-)
just wrote out the first of your recipe cards :D still makes me laugh.. i hope you get the 1st package any day now...
lol ive just seen that you are my partner for the recipe swap as well :) how cool is that?????