Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you for rating!
Response: I am so glad that you liked it!!
Thank you for the great rating!
Response: That's a bummer! We didn't get much of a fall here; we seem to have gone straight from summer into winter! Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: So glad you enjoyed your envelope! It was fun to paint something, I just got a bunch of acrylics when our local shop had a food sale on Liquitex! Thank you for rating!
Response: I was tickled I got you as a partner! Glad that you liked the card!! And I love your watercolor paintings!
Response: They were sprayed with a gloss varnish! I am glad you liked them. This was such a fun swap, thanks for hosting it!
Response: I am so glad that you liked it! The company that made the postcard makes handmade wood block printed tshirts - I own a couple, they are really fun!
Response: So glad you enjoyed her! And thank you for rating!
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed the card! And thank you for rating!!
Response: That is awesome! Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: It was fun to make the tatted flowers - it's been a while since I've tatted anything!! Thank you for the nice rating! I am so glad you liked it!
Response: I am glad you liked it! Thanks for rating!!
Response: That really was a fun swap! It was fun to figure out what to do around the monster! Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed it!! And thank you for rating!
Response: I am glad you liked it! Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: Thank you for the nice rating! I am glad you liked the card, it was really fun to make!
Response: I am glad you liked the cards! We actually had one night last year where you were supposed to be able to see the northern lights from here, but you had to drive out to one of the dark sky areas -- but then they called it off and said "never mind we miscalculated" so I didn't do it. And they promptly did have them! I was bummed!
Response: So glad you liked it! Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: Glad you liked it! It's fun to share a bit of Idaho with you! Thank you for the kind words and for rating!!
Response: je suis heureux que vous aimiez le marque-page! And thank you for rating!
Response: I am so glad you liked the card! Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: I have never seen the Northern Lights - that is absolutely on my bucket list! I am so glad you liked what I made for you! And thank you for rating!
Response: I am glad you liked it! Thank you for rating!
Response: Yay! Love that quote!
Response: Glad you liked it!!
Response: Thank you for exposing me to some new music! Loved swapping with you!
Response: Thank you for playing in my swap! I really had fun putting this together for you, thank you for the nice rating!
Response: I am just happy it got here! Thank you for rating!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you for the rating!
Response: So glad you like it! Our dog's favorite thing is to jump into the water! Thank you for rating!
Response: Yay, I am so glad that quote meant something to you as well! Thank you for rating!
Response: I am so glad you like the ATC! It was really fun to try and combine all thing in there! Thank you for rating!
Response: Thank you for your kind words and for rating!
Response: Thank you for being so kind and for the nice rating! I got those cat stamps back when I collected stamps as a kid, so they should be around 50 years old or so!
Response: I was so happy to get a library person as my partner!!
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating! It was really fun to put this swap together!
Response: Thank you - it was a really fun swap to put together!!
Response: I am so glad that you liked it!
Response: The bookmark is silver scratch paper!
Response: Oh, I am so glad that you liked them!!
Response: Too many! My art room is always a crazy place! Thank you for the rating!
Response: I am so glad you liked what I made for you!
Response: I am so glad you liked the swap! Thank you for your kind words!
Response: Yes, it is watercolor! The postcard is from a photo I took. I am so glad you enjoyed them!
Response: Nice! Bryce Canyon is one of my favorite spots on the planet!
Response: Hie Debbie, thank you so much for the lovely rating! I am so glad that you liked the card! Yes, that snow tunnel is a magical place - it is in a state park that is on my way to work - so I stop by there often! Happy holidays!
Response: Yay, I am so glad you liked them!
Response: I am so glad the swap made it safely! Yay!
Response: All the photos on the cards I send are my own photos, so yes, that has been a place I've been! I am so glad you enjoyed the swap!!
Response: Yes, the one with the ferns is made with alcohol inks! The envelopes are made from a 2000 years of art book that our library discarded - it may have possibly been the biggest book in the library! ;0) So glad you liked your swap, and thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: Yay, I am so glad that you liked the package! It was a delight swapping with you!
Response: Photography is my main love in art! I am glad you enjoyed the photos!
Response: I am so glad you liked the card and ATC! Best thing about those paint chip cards is they come in all colors and completely free! :0)
Response: Oh good, I am glad you enjoyed them! This was my first time painting pennies, so there was a definite learning curve, LOL. I make jewelry, so I thought it would be fun to turn one into wearable art!
Response: I am so glad that this finally arrived! The mail is ridiculous right now. My Mom sent a package "express mail" and it took almost 6 weeks to get here.
Response: Yay, I am so glad you liked the package I put together for you! This was my first skinny!
Response: I am so glad you liked the necklace and the card!
Response: Thank you for your kind words! I am glad you loved your swap!
Response: Thank you! That is one of my favorites, too!
Response: Hallelujah, it made it! Wow, thank you so much - I am so happy that you like it. I had fun making that one!
Response: Wow, that got there quickly! It's a great story. I am glad you liked the card, and thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Yes, I did draw it - I am glad you liked it! :0)
Response: I wish I would get to the coast more often - but in Idaho, that is sort of a problem!!
Response: I use Amazing Mail (the Postal Service at some point had a link to it - but that was a few year back.) It's a great way to send pictures by snail mail (since my family is in Germany and my mom is not tech savvy at all, emailing photos is out, so I use Amazing Mail to send her pictures a lot.) I am so glad you liked the photos!
Response: Yay - I am so glad you liked them!
Response: Us bookish types have to stick together!
Response: I was so glad you like butterflies, because I love to draw them! Thank you for the heart!
Response: The background was already prepped (a while back, I did a bunch of splatterpaint on canvas and cut that into ATC shapes for future purposes.) I figured that was time it was legitimate to not count towards the ten minutes. ;0)
Response: Yay - I am so glad you liked it! My husband was mad I was sending it away to the Netherlands - Yondu is his favorite character, as well!
Response: Thank you for the nice rating and the heart! I think the hardest part was to get the ATC into its protective sleeve - without any adhesive, all the little bits stick up! ;0)
Response: I have one bush that has yet to produce a ripe one (it's some sort of big beefsteak type that was a volunteer plant, so it got a late start already - I am starting to wonder if it will make it before the end of the growing season! )
Response: Yes - definitely something to do in a well-ventilated room! ;0) Thanks for the kind words and the heart!
Response: I am so glad you liked it! I had fun with that one - I was going back and forth on what to use for the pocket, and then my old atlas was staring me in the face! :)) I love photography, and that photo on the card is one of my favorites I have taken, so I am glad you liked it!
Response: Things are going much better - my husband got the "We got it all" message that we were hoping to hear, so hopefully, that's the last we'll see of hospitals. I am so glad you liked the card!
Response: Thank you so much - I am glad you liked the card. I had fun making that for you!
Response: As luck would have it, I am taking an art metals class this semester - so I could actually make us of the annealing torches, sheet cutters, punches etc in the studio (I wouldn't have been able to make it with stuff I have at home, I don't think.) I am so glad you liked it!
Response: I am so glad you liked him! I love macaroni penguins, so this was a perfect excuse to draw one.
Response: Glass Butte in Oregon is pretty dang cool - it's hard to even drive up there because the obsidian has been known to puncture tires. I wish I could have sent you bigger chunks, but with international package rates being what they are... ;0)
Response: I am so glad that you liked the card! I've been having a lot of fun with the alcohol inks. There's been a few challenges drawing over it because a lot of the art pens will completely dissolve the alcohol inks since they contain alcohol or other solvents. ;0) I am glad that card worked out!
Thank you for the heart and rating.
Response: Thanks for the nice rating and the heart! The lighthouse is the Cape Hatteras lighthouse -- there were so many fun lighthouse on the Outer Banks, it would probably be worth a trip for you! I am a big fan of lightouses as well.
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: I had you as a swap partner last year, and was so happy when I got you again, because it is so much fun to put together an envelope for you! Thanks for the great rating!
Response: Oh, I am so glad that card found an appreciative home! ;0) Thanks so much for the rating and the heart!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed the little owl!
Thanks so much for the kind rating.
Response: I am so glad that you liked it! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Wow - that got there really quickly! Thanks so much for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thank you for your kind words and the heart, Barb! I haven't done all that many painted ATCs, so I am glad you liked it!
Response: Thanks so much for the extra kind rating! You have been wonderful swap partner - thank you!!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed them!
Response: Thank you so much for the nice rating! I am glad you enjoyed the extras. You'd be surprised at how many people don't even see the grasshopper! ;0)
Response: Eyes are one of my favorite things to draw, so I am glad you enjoyed that one!
Response: Hi Marg, the card is ink pen and colored pencil, blended using the turpenoid method, which gives it more of a 'painterly' feel than a 'drawing' feel. I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed the little flower shop! I had so much fun putting that package together for you -- thanks so much for your kind words and the great rating!
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed the ATCs - I had a lot of fun making that lizard (well, I guess he's really a gecko!) for you.
Response: I am so glad you liked them! The alcohol ink is a new technique for me.
Response: Thank you! It's always fun to be your partner!
Response: Glad you liked it! I had originally sprayed the penny on the other card silver, as well, but decided I liked the copper color and cleaned it off with some turpenoid! Thanks for the great rating!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it -- Idaho is really a beautiful place, it is hard to pick photos to send! Thanks so much for the rating and for the heart!
Response: Thanks so much for rating! Thanks so much for the heart, too!
Response: I love potatoes, too. I guess I had better! I am so glad you liked the ATC, and thanks for the great rating!
Response: I hope you found some new favorites! I really am enjoying Good Old War - I think I am going to buy their album! I'd never heard of the Great Lake Swimmers, but they seem to be right up my alley!
Response: I recently pulled out my stamp album from when I was collecting stamps in my teens - that was one of the ones in there! I saw that you liked birds, so I thought that would be a good choice! So glad you liked the card! Thanks for the great rating.
Response: Thanks for the great rating! My best friend also had long braids - except she was a redhead!
Response: Thank you so much for the great rating; I am so glad you liked it!
Response: I am so glad you liked it!
Response: Toll, dass sie dir gefallen hat! Ich komme kaum noch zum Deutschsprechen, also war dies klasse! :0) Danke fuer das Herz!
Response: I am so glad you liked the card -- I really had fun making them! Thanks you for the heart!
Response: I am so very glad you enjoyed it - I actually sat out in nature looking at the hills when I was making it! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: I love whales too, so it was a pleasure to make that card for you! I was really happy with the way it turned out, so I am glad you enjoyed it too. Thank you so much for the heart!!
Response: Thanks so much for the heart. I was thrilled beyond words that you picked a quote from one of my favorite books ever, so that made things so much easier! I am so glad that the extra I sent was actually personally meaningful to you. That's special!
Response: I am an absolute Harry Potter nerd, so this was such a fun project for me! I am so glad you liked it too - thanks for the heart!
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed the The Wunderland. It is really fantastic -- it was even better in person. The amount of detail is amazing - there is a whole soccer stadium full of people less than an inch tall, and as far as I could tell, all their poses were different!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: Ruby Beach is up on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. It and Rialto Beach are my two favorites (and wonderful to photograph in any kind of weather...)
Response: Yay, a fellow Death Cab person!! (Most people in my age bracket have never heard of them, it seems...) That stretch of the coast is so, so beautiful -- though Ben Gibbard's Big Sur album was a sad disappointment, considering how much I love everything else he's done, from Death Cab to Postal Service to solo stuff...
Response: I love HHG, so I was thrilled you were my partner. I was really pleased with the cup of tea just floating off into who knows where, but in complete serenity,,,
Response: Rachel, thanks so much for the rating and the heart! The intuitive art thing was hard -- I had a hard time just actually dropping the paint on the surface without a plan -- I kept wanting the blots to look like *something*! I made a couple of cards before I actually had a really 'unplanned' pattern!
Response: I am so glad you liked your ATC! Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I am so glad you enjoyed your cards!
Response: Thanks so much for the heart! I really had fun with that card. Many wallet size prints are exactly ATC size (though some aren't - depends on the printer) so that makes them easy to turn into an ATC! Photography is my number one hobby...
Response: Wow, that got there quick! I had fun with that little guy. Thanks so much for the rating and the heart!!
Response: I am so glad you liked it! Whaddaya mean you didn't send any extras -- that letter was absolutely amazingly creative and wonderful!! Thank you so much! And thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Many thanks for your kind words! I had fun putting this swap together for you.
Response: Glad you liked it - that was out of my normal comfort zone!
Response: I am so glad you liked him! thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: I really liked the way that one turned out! Glad you did, too! Thanks so much for the rating and the heart.
Response: I am originally from Germany, so we have a few European things sitting around! Thanks so much for the rating and the heart.
Response: I am so glad you liked it - that was one of my favorites to make, ever!
Response: I am really glad you liked your cat ATC! Thanks so much for the nice rating!
Response: I am so glad you liked your card! It was fun getting to use my German - I don't have any German-speaking friends in this area. But I get to go home this summer, yay! Vielen Dank fuer das Herz!
Response: Thanks for the great rating, and I am so glad you liked your card!
Response: Thank you for rating and for the heart! I am self-taught, too - my husband's great-grandmother was a prolific tatter, but she died before we got married and didn't teach any of her children. Thank goodness for online tutorials -- I couldn't get the 'flip' from the book I bought at all!
Response: Thank you for the very nice rating! I actually took some liberties with this bug - I started out with a sugarcane beetle, but I turned it green to fit the theme! And I decided to add the antennae from another beetle. So not very useful for identification purposes!
Response: I am glad that you liked it! I mainly draw (not paint) so getting the acrylics out was kind of scary for me! Thanks so much for the great rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the great rating! Aren't those 3D cat cards a hoot? In the deck, the two jokers were actually dogs... it was my daughter's set of playing cards a long time ago, and many of them got lost, but I kept the rest! :0)
Response: Thanks for the nice rating! :0)
Response: Thank you -- I am glad that you liked them!
Response: I just signed up for another swap you are hosting, looking forward to it!
Response: How funny - I just left a rating for you not two minutes ago (the package got there today!) I have a friend who is a draper at a theater at the other side of the country, and a while back she gave me a bag of leftover ribbon from costumes they had made - some fun stuff in there! I am glad you liked your package, and thank you for the heart!
Response: Wow, those got there quickly!
So glad you enjoyed your hedgies - they are one of my favorites (growing up in Germany, we had some in our garden!) Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! And thank you for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart!
Response: I love bugs -- so many different cool shapes and colors! Glad you liked your card, and thanks for the heart!
Response: I actually had to Google Zentangle. Can you tell I haven't been on here that long? ;0) Thanks, I might have a new obsession now! Glad you liked your card, and thank you for the heart!
Response: Much prettier area than where I am! (Not that the Boise area isn't looking pretty nice right now, with all the mountains covered in snow. I am so glad you liked them - and thank you for the heart!
Response: I am so glad you liked them! Thank you for the heart!
Response: I really enjoyed doing the dictionary page swap - I found a very old dictionary for a couple of bucks at a thrift store, so that was fun to work with! Thank you for the heart!
Response: I am glad you liked your package ! And thanks for the heart!
Response: I was glad I found the thread - I googled it and there were some really fun vintage ads for it. Thank you for the heart!
Response: I am so glad! I had fun putting your package together. The first version I tried was colorized -- and that one didn't work out at all! So I stuck with graphite. ;0)
Response: I am glad you liked the card! I don't paint that much, so that one was a bit of a challenge!
Response: Aww - thank you! And thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh good! I put the little tatted star in just in case it didn't, ;0) (My mom sends packages from Germany, and they usually arrive looking like gorillas played football with them for several days.)
Response: I love aspens - most of our forests are conifers, and the aspens are just so beautiful no matter what time of year it is! (Even in the winter the silvery trunks look lovely!) Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed your package! I had a lot of fun making it.
Response: I am so glad you liked it!
Response: Mange tak for the rating and the heart! I am so glad you liked the little hedgie.
Response: Glad you liked the ATC - I had fun making it! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Yay, they got there! Thanks so much for the rating and the heart!
Response: Most of the music I listen to would fall under the indie neofolk/rock/singer-songwriter categories, so if any of those fit into your preferences, I hope you find some good stuff!
Response: Hope you found something fun!
Response: Hope you found something new you liked! Thanks for the rating and the heart!