Swap-bot Time: March 10, 2025 8:58 pm

All ratings for Buecherwurm

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Comment: Your postcard is very cute! I also love the hamster villagers!
Comment: Thank you for the adorable card! Spheal is so cute and chonky! :D
USAFwife rated for R&W: Let's read & discuss on Jul 6, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the book! When I first read it, I didn't really like it very much. But a few months ago I watched the TV series and enjoyed it quite a bit, so I borrowed the audiobook again to listen to. I think the way the TV series was written gave me a different viewpoint to the book, made me think of the characters in a different way. And I agree with you - Brooke was annoying! haha I think so many books illustrate poor communication like in this book because that is something that people seem to struggle with a lot - at least in the US. I usually tell the book or show "just talk to each other for crying out loud!!!" But then I struggle to communicate with those around me. :( IT was good to hear your thoughts of the book! :)
Comment: Thank you for sharing with me, I found your letter touching. I love the goodies you included as well and I will be sure to use them to spread happiness through the mail. Wishing you all the best <3
Karen07 rated for R&W: Lit Chat #1 on Jul 22, 2022
Comment: I enjoyed the card you sent! Happy reading!
USAFwife rated for R&W What I read in June Email on Jul 19, 2022
Comment: Thanks so much for sharing your reads! And so great to have you swapping again. :) The Miss Merkel book reminded me of a book that came out a few years ago with Joe Biden and Barak Obama going off to solve a mystery together. Can't think of the title, but it was funny to read. And, we read PPZ (as the kids called it/ Pride and Prejudice and Zombies) a year or so ago after the kids read P&P for school. I think we also listened to Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. They are - interesting. :) I hope you find some good reads for July. :)
Comment: What a wonderful trip through your reading. Thanks so much. I can recommend Martha Grimes' Richard Jury series as one to listen to. Danke! for the postcard and bookmark that gave me a stroll through Munster. I've not been there, but have been south of you to Frankfurt and Strasbourg on the German/French border.
Comment: Thank you for the wonderful postcard! I love foxes; it's such a beautiful card! I agree with you about Canberra; she does seem so angry looking, but her personality is great! I also really like Apple - so adorable and so much fun!
USAFwife rated for R&W: Journal in a book on Apr 19, 2022
Comment: How wonderful to get your swap. :) I've missed you! :) I'm not sure how much you'll be able to find the "Dear America" series books there, but there are similar series - Royal diaries is one of them. I thought they were nice little 'tastes' into history and always got me curious to read more! I actually never read the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books - they were popular here when my kids were that age, but they didn't like them, for whatever reason, so I never read them. The Bert series sounds interesting! I love your 'group journal' idea! That sounds like a fun idea! I hadn't even thought of The Martian for this swap! But you're right, it totally fits! And thank you for the book suggestion - I'll check them out. :)
Response: Loved being in a swap with you again and missed our swaps, too :) Thank you for those great suggestions, will see if I find any of those books! Had never heard of them before, but yes, they sound like a good introduction to get more interested in a historic event, I love that kind of books. Yes, it was quite fun :D I hope you like them, they are not my favorite books and the mysteries could be better, but they were really fun and cozy listening to for me nevertheless. Have a great day and all the best! :)
KSENiA rated for R&W: What I read in March - EMAIL on Apr 13, 2022
Comment: Thank you for sharing.
Comment: Looks like you had a great reading month! Thanks for sharing!
Comment: Thank you for sharing! I like the song from the movie "Neverending Story" with the same title. Audiobooks are great for busy people ;).
Comment: Thank you for pc packed with information! Wow, amazing what's more and what's less expensive, lol!! Wine for 5EU?? I need to move to Europe:)
KSENiA rated for TBR: Unread shelf project December on Jan 12, 2021
Comment: Thank you for sharing. I grew up on LotR. I think The Fellowship of the Ring was a book that shaped my reading preference for entirety of my life,
Comment: Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!
Comment: Hey, what an interesting bunch of books! I do wonder what is about people in religion that some authors chose them as protagonists to solve crimes? You mentioned Father Brown and I also remember Grantchester... Isn't it curious? And A Human's Wings sounds very interesting! I'm taking note of it for the future. Thanks for sharing your list and thoughts! =)
Comment: Hi Ina! Thanks for sharing about your Dec reading - wow on the book that was over 1,200 pages! That is one huge book and I am glad you enjoyed it! Hugs, Happy Reading, New Year, and Swapping! ;)
USAFwife rated for TBR: Unread shelf project December on Jan 1, 2021
Comment: Thanks for sharing your books. :) I think I've heard of the first book, the mystery, but I don't think I've read it. I think the title just sticks in my mind. I actually read LOTR after seeing the movies for the first time, but my brain couldn't make sense of the setting and description on it's own, so I ended up going back and watching the movies, then reading the same segment, then reading the next, etc. It helped to make it all make sense, and I ended up really enjoying the books. But fantasy just isn't natural for me. :(
Comment: I love it when books surprise you, when you're first a bit anxious to dive in. Seems like an interesting read. I'm so curious for the lotr books. I've been trying to read some works of Tolkien. I'm reading the Hobbit now. I love the songs too. And you're definitely right, everyday stuff is fun. Expecially in such special worlds. Thanks for sharing.
Comment: Great job!
monsbrick rated for R&W: In November I read ... EMAIL on Dec 7, 2020
Comment: Hi Ina, thank you for wishing a cozy November reading experience to me. I treasure coziness and relaxing time. I wish you a happy cozy December reading month too!
USAFwife rated for R&W: In November I read ... EMAIL on Dec 1, 2020
Comment: Your books sound interesting! And I think we are sharing your weather - lots of heavy rain, too!
USAFwife rated for R&W: The MOVIE was better! on Sep 27, 2020
Comment: Oh my goodness, what a wonderful letter! After the kids had to read Pride & Prejudice last school year, we listened to it all together (and talked about it far too much), then after their test, we watched the Kiera Knightly version of the movie. It was ... ok. I don't like the story, overall, and I just can't stand Kiera Knightly, for some reason. I'm just not a Jane Austen person. haha! I did watch Interview with a Vampire, but never did read the book. Hmm, maybe I will now. :) Thanks so much for sharing all your thoughts! :)
Scuslidge rated for R&W: Book vs Movie on Sep 15, 2020
Comment: Thanks for the swap! Always fun to see what others think of the book/movie thing. I don't know if she still does, but Anne Rice used to have a house in New Orleans and when my husband and I visited that city, I took a picture of it. Lovely place in the garden district.
USAFwife rated for R&W: Book vs Movie on Sep 14, 2020
Comment: I have to agree with you about Pride & Prejudice - we listened to a really well done audiobook when my kids had to read the book for school and I did not enjoy it. AT all. Then we watched one of the movies and I I could enjoy it a bit more, but it's still not my type of book. Or movie. Most of the time, my family won't even agree to watch a movie with me if I've read the book - I keep 'correcting' the movie all through and they get rather annoyed! :)
KSENiA rated for R&W: EMAIL In August I read ... on Sep 13, 2020
Comment: Thank you for sharing.
Comment: Great job! I read Midnight Sun and I gave it 4 stars. I can't wait to read Broken Throne!
Comment: I loved your email! The layout of it was cool too! You read a lot! I really liked your thoughts/reviews too! Have an awesome week :)
Comment: Hallo Ina, danke für deine Email :) Das Buch Khaos hört sich sehr interessant an. Werde es auch meine Wunschliste setzen. :) Happy September reading !
Response: Habe den Drachenmond Verlag erst kürzlich entdeckt, aber da ein paar wirklich schöne Bücher gefunden :) Und lese mich gerade durch den Stapel, den ich da bestellt habe. Den Plot von Khaos fand ich wie gesagt rückblickend so naja, aber durch den Schreibstil hat mir das Buch trotzdem sehr gut gefallen und war ein schönes Leseerlebnis. Noch etwas besser fand ich aber Animant Crumbs Staubchronik von der gleichen Autorin, ein bisschen wie Stolz und Vorurteil, mit weniger Orten, Charakteren, Plot, aber dafür detaillierter in den einzelnen Situationen und einem Hauch von Steampunk. Und es spielt in einer Bibliothek, das fand ich traumhaft :) Und vom Drachenmond Verlag generell fand ich wahrscheinlich "Winter zerbrechlicher Fluch"(sehr düstere, traurige, märchenhafte Geschichte) und die "Von Göttern und Hexen" Serie bis jetzt am besten, spielt in einer Fantasiewelt und der Serientitel beschreibt das Thema gut. Da haben mir die Charaktere (unterschiedlich, nachvollziehbar, handeln im Kontext "realistisch"), die Welt und der Plot unglaublich gut gefallen, nur hätte das Lektorat in Bezug auf Flüchtigkeitsfehler besser sein müssen. Dir auch ein Happy September reading!
03Scarlett rated for August 2020: What Did you Read? on Sep 6, 2020
Comment: Hi Ina, Wow - I think that you read quite a lot for just in one month (I only read 6 books this month. lol) Thanks so much for sharing.
Response: Thank you for your rating! :) Well, I had holidays, so a bit more time :) I hope you still had great books last month and hope you find wonderful ones for September. Best wishes and happy reading!
junemoon rated for August 2020: What Did you Read? on Sep 6, 2020
Comment: Thank you for your list. I like these swaps becauseI hear about books and genres I didn't know existed. Happy reading.
Response: Thank you for your rating! :) Yes, the same for me, I always discover so many interesting books each months through them, sometimes even new ones for my to-read-list. Best wishes and happy reading!
chelle523 rated for R&W: In July I read ... on Aug 23, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the lovely letter and the goodies - they're perfect! No worries about the pug postcard - it's still perfectly usable and completely adorable! I do love the quote on the bookmark. As far as your books you read, I read "Dr. Jekyll" years ago, and "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" and "Too Much and Never Enough" are both on my to read list! And the Von Gottem and Hexen series sound very interesting! Thanks so much and happy reading!
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm glad the letter arrived without problems and you liked it :) I hope you had a great August reading month! Yes, the series was really cool, I hope sometime it gets translated into English, that would be great, it had a really interesting world and characters. Best wishes and happy reading!
Loosefolia rated for July 2020: What Did You Read? on Aug 10, 2020
Comment: Thank you for sharing you July reading list with me. I'm really excited to pick up The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde now. I'm probably one of the blessed few who doesn't know how the story of this book goes (please, no spoilers)... I only know that this book is about a mad scientist? And I want to be a scientist, so yes please, a book about scientists! I'm also totally down for a bit of classic horror/thriller. Thank you for the review! I also have the Perks of Being a Wallflower on my reading list. I might just take the plunge and see how bad it is for myself someday... I'm still curious lol :")
Response: Thank you for the rating! :) I hope you have fun reading The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Yes, it's about a scientist, although the story is mostly told by someone else. I think it's also science fiction, but more so fantasy/horror, probably, so I hope you like it nevertheless :)Yes, without knowing spoilers, I think it would probably make a good thriller as well. Hope you had a great August reading month and happy reading for September!
Comment: Thanks very much for your thoughtful mailing - I like the Andromeda postcard and enjoyed your note, especially the part describing the stories behind the tickets you sent.Thanks also for the postage stamps used on the envelope and enclosed. My day was somewhat tiresome, but finding your swap in my mailbox after work was a wonderful pick-me-up!
Response: Thank you for your rating! :) I'm happy you liked receiving the swap! Best wishes!
junemoon rated for July 2020: What Did You Read? on Aug 2, 2020
Comment: Thank you for sending promptly and for your comments. I have just sent you a message in response to your email.
Response: Thank you for your rating and your message :) I will answer you there. Best wishes!
Comment: Thanks for sharing:) Kraniche und Klopfer klingt sehr interessant. Ich habe es auf meine Wunschliste gesetzt. Viele Grüße aus Nürnberg:)
Response: Thank you for your rating :) Das Buch hat einen ungewöhnlichen Schreibstil, der wahrscheinlich nicht jedem gefällt, aber mir persönlich hat er sehr gut gefallen. Und die Geschichte selbst fand ich auf jeden Fall lohnenswert, was ich gar nicht so erwartet hätte, ich hatte es eher wegen des Schreibstils angefangen :D Wenn du es gelesen hast, kannst du ja schreiben, ob es dir gefallen hat :) Viele Grüße und alles Gute, bis zu einem nächsten Swap :)
USAFwife rated for R&W: EMAIL In July I read ... on Aug 1, 2020
Comment: Looks like you read some good books. :) And I agree with you about the book about Trump - books like that are really hard to rate. Any time I read memoirs or biographies, books like that, it's really hard to figure out how to rate them. Educated, for example - it wasn't a fun, enjoyable story, but she told a really good story. Do I believe it's all completely accurate? No, but maybe it's how she remembers it, right? So books like that are hard for me to rate, as well. We've been debating about reading that book by Trump, but I'll take your review into consideration. :) Thanks for sharing!
Response: Thank you for your rating :) Thank you for mentioning "Educated", that book could interest me as well, on my to-read list now! For that Trump book I think it really depends on what you expect from the book, if you will find it worth it reading it or not. I read the goodreads reviews before and many described quite accurately, what to expect and what not to expect from this book, maybe they also help you decide on that topic :) I wish you lots of great reads in August, see you in the next book swap then! :D Best wishes!
USAFwife rated for R&W EMAIL In April I read ... on May 4, 2020
Comment: Looks like you found a few really good ones last month. :) I have the audio of Carmilla, I think it's narrated by David Tennent, but haven't tried it yet. Maybe I should put it higher on my list! :) Thanks for sharing your reading list. I hope you are doing well. :)
Comment: Thank you Ina for your list! It was very interesting, and I enjoyed reading your comments on these authors. Some of them are new to me, some others I knew, but haven't read anything from them yet (North and South has been on my radar for a while) and a couple were in my own list =) [Oh, and never mind the typo, I probably wouldn't have noticed] [Also, I always liked the German HP covers so much! thank you for the pictures, I don't think I had seen the ones of the last books before!]
ioana rated for R&W EMAIL In March I read ... on Apr 1, 2020
Comment: Thank you for taking the time to send a detailed e-swap. I might look up those radio mysteries on Spotify, just for fun! You read a lot in a month! Have a good reading month and much health to you!
USAFwife rated for TBR: Read a classic with me on Sep 23, 2019
Comment: I'm sorry you didn't get to finish the book, but it sounds like you did enjoy it. I hope you are able to finish it soon and continue to enjoy it. :)
USAFwife rated for R&W In July & August I read ... on Sep 23, 2019
Comment: Thanks for a great swap. I enjoyed reading it. :)
Bucket rated for TBR: August Update! on Sep 9, 2019
Comment: Amazing progress!
USAFwife rated for TBR: August Update! on Sep 4, 2019
Comment: You read so much in August! :) Looks like you have a good list to yet to read as well - I recognize some of those titles and authors. :) I'm so sorry you didn't enjoy The Lightening Thief - that series is one of our very favorites, like our family's Harry Potter, I suppose. Admittedly, I listened to the books along with my kids when they were much younger, and that was probably a big factor for me. Thanks for sharing your lists with me. :)
monsbrick rated for TBR: August Update! on Sep 3, 2019
Comment: Hi Ina, thank you for sharing your list and reflections.
Kokoxo rated for That's a good question on Sep 3, 2019
Comment: Thank you for your detailed answers! I will definitely have to check out the Chernobyl series, looks very interesting :) Happy swapping ~! xoxo
kayos rated for That's a good question on Sep 2, 2019
Comment: I loved your open and honest answers to all of my questions. I want a dog one day too! Hopefully one day we'll both have them.
cauchy81sk rated for R&W: In February I read ... on Mar 5, 2019
Comment: Wow, the three investigators! That's something I loved as a child and found some cool books also some years ago. But in general I prefer the old stories - Stuttering parrot, Fiery eye, Screaming clock, ... As for the stories from your list, I think I've seen the dangerou barrels also in Slovak translation.
fiorellaione rated for R&W: In February I read ... on Mar 4, 2019
Comment: That series reminded me of one I used to read when I was a kid, but in that case were three girls solving the crimes. Seems like you had a lot of fun this month :D Thank you for your reviews!
Response: Actually, some years ago their book publisher decided to also launch a similiar series with three girls (who know the other series as books and want to become detectives like them) :D But that probably is not the series you mean, I think it's very new and just in German. But I can imagine your series would be fun to read as well :) Thank you for your rating!
Drachenfrau rated for R&W: In February I read ... on Mar 4, 2019
Comment: Wir hören auch fast jeden Abend Hörspiele. Meistens Harry Potter. :D
Response: Meinst du die Hörbücher von Rufus Beck? Die fand ich wirklich gut zum Anhören :) Jeder klingt irgendwie unterschiedlich und ich kann bei denen relativ konzentriert zuhören. Danke für dein Rating :)
USAFwife rated for R&W: In February I read ... on Mar 4, 2019
Comment: So glad you were able to participate in the swap, and get a bit of relaxation with radio dramas. :) The series sounds interesting. :)
Response: Thank you for your rating and you hosting the swap! :) It was fun as always reading all the reviews.
fiorellaione rated for R&W: In January I read ... on Feb 2, 2019
Comment: I had very similar thoughts about Carry On! But then, I also think that going through all the previous years would ended up being too "Harry Potter-y", and this way moved the plot forward to whatever will happen in the years after school, which I thinkis the age spectre the author writes best. But yes, the flashbacks were mostly too annoying xD Thank you for your reviews! I always enjoy reading your thorough opinions :)
Response: Yes, that is true, I also think it might have been a good decision, to skip all those school years, it is just a pity that it means less books in that series, because those years are already excluded :D But I'm really looking forward to the second book. Thank you for your rating! :)
cauchy81sk rated for R&W: In January I read ... on Jan 31, 2019
Comment: I really loved reading your e-mail and I hope we'll meet in some similar swap again! :)
Response: Thank you very much for your rating! :) I'm happy you liked the swap! Yes, I'm looking forward to that as well :) Best wishes!
jenmcjen rated for R&W: In January I read ... on Jan 30, 2019
Comment: You have changed my entire life. I still have to check, but if the US also has books on Spotify, wow. Game changer. And I think you write the BEST summaries/ reviews/ analyses! You make me want to read every book on your list. But like I said, give Anne Rice a chance. It only gets better. Also, if you're like me, your mind gets used to her style. For certain writers, I have to get my head in their space, prepared to hear their voice. Dickens is like that for me, and also Anne Rice, and some others. Let me know if you read future Vampire Chronicles and what you think. I'd love to discuss. Thanks so much for sharing!
Response: Thank you very much for your rating! :) I'm glad I could help you with discovering books on spotify :) I hope you can also find great books there. Yes, I'll definitely read more books by her, this one certainly was not that bad :D And I think I could like her other books :) Best wishes!
USAFwife rated for R&W: In January I read ... on Jan 30, 2019
Comment: It looks like you got to do a lot of reading this month! :) That's great. :) And about the US paper backs - I've noticed that too. Obviously I usually only get US books, but every once in a while I'll get a book from the UK, and a few times, other countries. I was surprised at the formatting of the pages and the quality of the paper and covers, too. Doesn't seem like it would make a difference, but it does, huh?
Response: Thank you also for this other swap :) Yes, fortunately more than I thought I could :D Yes, I was really positively surprised as well how different the formats can be. I wish I had known of this format before, but now I'll always check which one to buy :D
USAFwife rated for R&W: January Book Bingo on Jan 28, 2019
Comment: Oh! I love how you presented this! I may have to borrow your idea for Feb. :) I haven't read "Blood Sinister" by Rees yet, but have read some of her others. I may have to go look for it. :) Thanks so much for the swap. :)
Response: thank you very much for your rating and hosting the swap, it was really fun! :) If you like other books by her, I suppose you would like that one as well, it may not be her best book, but it was certainly nice to read :) Best wishes!
Tinne rated for R&W Dec challenge, snail mail on Jan 9, 2019
Comment: Thank you very much for the reviews! I watched Divergent but never really felt like reading the books. I am not a big fan of dystopians in general and the movie reminded me of that fact, haha. The Red Queen sounds interesting though. I'll see if I can find it for my kindle. P.S. I love the Felix paper and card.
USAFwife rated for R&W December book challenge on Jan 2, 2019
Comment: I tried Red Queen a few months ago, and I couldn't get into the story. But my daughter read it and enjoyed it. Maybe it's too much fantasy for me! But I've heard that the books are very popular. I"m glad to year that you were able to "get lost in a book" during your break. :) I love it when that happens! :)
fiorellaione rated for R&W December book challenge on Dec 30, 2018
Comment: Thank you Ina for your review! I have the feeling that I've read about this book before, probably from another swap-bot partner, and I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on it :) I hope this new year brings lots of more good books for you!
jenmcjen rated for R&W December book challenge on Dec 28, 2018
Comment: As I said in the email I sent you, thanks so very much for sharing that book. I'm definitely going to look into that series! And I totally encourage you to check out VE Schwab's Shades of Magic series, or maybe it's a trilogy. I've read 3, and yeah, I think it's a trilogy. Anyway, also have a fantastic New Year and I look forward to sharing more of our love for reading and writing in 2019!
ch23 rated for Dog Postcard Swap INTL on Nov 29, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the great card, words and decorations!
USAFwife rated for R&W: November Reading Challenge on Nov 5, 2018
Comment: That's a great reason to choose a book! :) It sounds interesting, although I'm not usually one for sci-fi. Thanks for sharing. :)
Comment: Thank you Ina for your review! Even though is not a book I'd read, I got a little bit curious about the subject. As a kid, I had a certain interest about the outer planets, so such a concept as a troupe visiting the moons is quite compelling, although It's shame the characters aren't as developed. In anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed your reading!
jenmcjen rated for R&W: November Reading Challenge on Nov 4, 2018
Comment: Thanks for your excellent review! I also appreciate that you pointed out the "science" vs. "fiction" count, which makes this probably not a book I'd be interested in, but that's what's so awesome about reading and hearing about new books - such a huge choice and there's something for everyone! Thanks so much for sharing!
NRGordon rated for Space Postcard Swap INTL #4 on Oct 31, 2018
Comment: Viele Grüße. Thank you for the lovely PC, your nice note, and the words in German. I knew a fair amount of deutsche Sprache, and even more Spanish, many years ago. Lack of use has taken a great toll on both.
fiorellaione rated for R&W October Reading Challenge on Oct 19, 2018
Comment: Thank you Ina for your review! How cool that you found a Follet's book that more or less relates to your field. The only mystery book I read from him related to my field, art, and I quite enjoyed it. Although I don't think I'll like anything by him like I liked "Pillars of the Earth". The excess in details comes in very handy in a historical fiction, to help build the world and make you feel part of it :)
USAFwife rated for R&W October Reading Challenge on Oct 15, 2018
Comment: Thank you so much for joining the swap, and sharing your review. :) I haven't read anything by Ken Follett (though my younger son has!). I've heard about his books, but never really got into them, but this book sounds interesting. :) IT was interesting to hear your thoughts on it. :) Thanks for sharing!
USAFwife rated for R&W: My very favorite book! on Sep 13, 2018
Comment: I think of your list, I've only really read - or really remember - the Harry Potter books, but some of the others I've heard about. I'll have to check them out, based on your comments. :) Thanks for sharing!
MelbourneGirl rated for Insect PC INTL Swap #3 on Jun 7, 2018
Comment: Thank you for this wonderful card. We loved hearing your news and loved the Trichius fasciatus - your drawing is very life like! <3 <3 <3 We enjoy these swaps so much, thank-you <3
Sarahldf rated for Space Postcard Swap INTL #3 on May 31, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the postcard! I especially love the stamps, they are fantastic. :)
Comment: Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed your answers. My mother's name was Inna (but wit double N). I agree with you about Mars, so much cool to live/explore it. I love Lucifer. I think I have a crush on Tom Ellis right now.
EmiEmi rated for Insect PC INTL Swap #2 on May 7, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the lovely postcard! The stamps are really cool too!
Funkyrunt rated for Why I Believe What I Believe on Apr 29, 2018
Valkyrien rated for Why I Believe What I Believe on Apr 23, 2018
Comment: Thank you for a lot of good information and insight :)
elkalsa rated for Why I Believe What I Believe on Apr 22, 2018
Comment: thank you so much. So detailed answer♡
Elliepatterson rated for Why I Believe What I Believe on Apr 18, 2018
Comment: Hello Ina, I so thoroughly enjoyed reading your answers to the .questions in this swap. Thank you for being so open and honest. I can certainly understand the questions you had as a child. It is a struggle/battle we all have to fight for ourselves. Thank you for joining my swap. Happy swapping
kuulapulla rated for Why I Believe What I Believe on Apr 18, 2018
Comment: thanx for your long and explicit view on your believes. enjoyed reading it!
Comment: Fun list
Comment: So sorry I missed this one by mistake
Comment: Thank you for your list.
Comment: Thank you for sharing!
Comment: Thanks for answers -- alway enjoyable to get a look at life in other countries.
Comment: Wooh soo interesting! This will make me work!
kimhoay rated for Hello Stranger PC Swap INT Jan 2018 on Feb 3, 2018
Comment: Hi, Ina! Thank you for the fun postcard and sharing about the different pronunciation of Tupperware. I thought it was very interesting!
ElenaMaz rated for ANIMAL PC # 16 P is for ... on Jan 23, 2018
Comment: I absolutely loved all the elephants included in the pc! :D I was a very nice touch, thanks you so much
Response: I'm happy you liked it so much :) Thank you for your rating!
Mimiadpi rated for Space Postcard Swap INTL #2 on Jan 17, 2018
Comment: Really nice postage stamps!! Cool! I like the tape one the back too! Thank you for the cool postcard!!
Response: I'm happy you liked it so much, I tried to put as much "space topic" on it as possible :D Thank you for your rating! :)
Evelynswap rated for 19: Handmade envelopes! on Jan 12, 2018
Comment: Hallo! Danke sehr für die schöne Umschläge! Ich mag die Atlanten Umschläge so gern, selbst mache ich auch viel Umschläge aus Atlanten. So schön jetzt auch nicht-Niederländische Karte zu bekommen :D Liebe Grüße
Response: Dankeschön für dein Rating! Freut mich, dass dir die Umschläge gefallen und du die gebrauchen kannst :) Ich mag Umschläge mit Karten auch gerne :D Liebe Grüße!
Lina279 rated for Non Dominant Hand PC_Dec on Jan 11, 2018
Comment: Thanks!I loved it!
Response: I'm happy you like it, thank you for your rating! :)
Comment: Thank you Ina! Both you and Cindi had made great additions to my story :D It's getting so intriguing!
Response: Thank you, I'm happy you like what we have added to your story! It was really fun doing that :) I'm curious how it will continue :)
LoveThis rated for NH: Space Postcard Swap INTL on Dec 7, 2017
Comment: thankyou very much for the beautiful card :)
Response: Thank you for your rating!
Comment: I love looking at pictures of abandoned places, which makes me want to go there and take my own. I'd think it twice now ;P
Response: :D I hope you have fun continueing! Best wishes and thank you for your rating :)
arembanas rated for ESG: 30 Questions on Dec 1, 2017
Response: Thank you for your rating!
mickeykul rated for ESG: 30 Questions on Nov 22, 2017
Comment: Thank you!!!
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
HappyMom rated for ESG: 30 Questions on Nov 21, 2017
Comment: I loved your insightful answers! Those food services are getting very popular here too, but I've never tried it :)
Response: Thank you very much for your rating and sending me your answers as well, it was interesting reading them :) I probably wouldn't have tried it out as well without a gift voucher, it was fun, although I'd find it too expensive to buy that myself :D
VASaint rated for B&W PCs week 45 on Nov 17, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the nice card! Love the UNESCO stamp too!
Response: I'm happy you liked it, thank you for your rating! :)
Poohtat rated for Insect PC INTL Swap on Nov 13, 2017
Comment: Wow awesome postcard! Thanks.
Response: I'm happy you liked it :) Thank you for your rating!
CindyST rated for Send my postcard back - Week 5 on Nov 11, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for all the awesome postcards you sent me. I will get yours in the mail for you tomorrow :)
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm happy you liked them :) The postcard arrived today, thank you, a wonderful Christmassy backside :)
armadillogal rated for B&W PCs week 44 on Nov 4, 2017
Comment: Great card and stamps!
Response: I'm happy you liked it :) Thank you for your rating!
USAFwife rated for Private Short Story Swap on Oct 30, 2017
Comment: It's a great picture! Can't wait to get started. :)
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm curious what for a story you'll write :)
MelbourneGirl rated for Send my postcard back - Week 4 on Oct 29, 2017
Comment: Hello Ina - we received your cute dr who adipose postcard and will be sending it home today. It was so lovely to read your lovely note. Thank-you. <3
Response: Thank you for your rating! And also thank you very much for sending the postcard back with such pretty stamps and a quote from the doctor! Received it today and loved it :) Best wishes!
Comment: Great beginning! I hope I'll do justice to your story in the next round
Response: Thank you for your rating! :) I'm really looking forward to see how you'll continue the story! :)
Comment: WOw! What a great postcard- Thanks so much. I love how your story matched the card. Happy Halloween!
Response: I'm happy you liked the postcard :) I really loved sending the card for the swap, thanks for hosting it, it's a great swap idea! Happy Halloween and thank you for your rating!
reader44ever rated for ESG: Shuffle your music #19 on Oct 19, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the Spotify playlist, Ina! I listened to your shuffled songs that way, playing the videos for the ones that weren't on it. :-) Those Game of Thrones songs are beautiful! I might have to see if I can check the soundtracks out from my library. :-) Thank you for sharing!
Response: I'm happy you found some new music to like! :) I don't often like more than one song from the same album, but this Game of Thrones album had several that I really loved. Good luck with finding the soundtracks at your library! Thank you for your rating! :)
ariestess rated for ESG: Shuffle your music #19 on Oct 16, 2017
Comment: Thanks for sharing! Definitely some stuff to check out in Spotify.
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
PineappleTarts rated for ESG: Shuffle your music #19 on Oct 15, 2017
Comment: Thank You!
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
MarieS rated for Postcard Swap - Dogs on Sep 5, 2017
Comment: Thanks a lot for your card!
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
ambwilcox rated for Science Fiction PC Swap #15 on Sep 4, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the card! I have never seen an episode of Dr. Who, although in high school I was required to dress like one for thespian initiation. A long, brown trench and long multicolored scarf. I remember it was soooooo hot that day! And whenever anyone asked me why I was dressed like that, I had to say, "I'm Dr. Who, traveler of space and time. Would you like a tic-tac?" Pro-tip: theater people are pretty odd!
Response: I have discovered Dr Who just some years ago, and have watched lots of episodes since. Thanks for sharing this unusual story :) Yes, sounds like an unusual way of getting to know Dr Who :D Have a great day and thank you for your rating!
LegacyHardware rated for B&W PCs week 33 on Sep 3, 2017
Comment: Hi Ina, love your card of a Garden house in an allotment garden. The story of the back ground you wrote, really gives context, and makes the photo so much more meaningful. We can imagine we are really there, back in 1962. Thanks!
Response: I'm happy that you love this postcard :) I always like it when a card has some context and it's great to know that you found it interesting. Thank you for your rating :)
EllieBeth8 rated for Postcard Swap - Dogs on Aug 28, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the great postcard and the birthday wishes!! :) Have a nice day! Shelley
Response: I'm happy you liked it :) Have a nice day and thank you for your rating!
AnneliesV rated for City / Town / Village with M R2 on Aug 16, 2017
Comment: Vielen dank
Response: Thank you for your rating :)
Comment: Yaaaay!!!! I'm soooo happy!!!! Thank you sooooo very much!! I literally cannot thank you enough ^_^ Everything is quite lovely!! I adore the stickers, and that cherry blossom washi tape is my favorite thing ever right now!! I'm super excited to try all these candy goodies! A million hearts your way, this package made my day, and made my week!!! I certainly hope you'll love your package just as much!! <3
Response: I'm happy that you liked the package so much! ^_^ I hope you have fun using the stickers and washi! Let me know how you like the candies! :) I certainly loved the package you sent at least (!) as much :D Thank you for your rating and your lovely package as well :)
Sissi rated for Multi Multiview PC Swap #15 on May 21, 2017
Comment: Thank you very much for your wonderful card from Muenster and your long and nice message. Vielen lieben Dank!!
Response: I'm happy you liked it :) Dankeschön für dein Rating!
Comment: LOVE this postcard!!! Love the Deutsche word for mushroom!!! Fun-guy!!! (Bad American English pronunciation!!!). Thanks for a lovely swap.
Response: I'm happy that you like the postcard so much! :) Pizzas with mushrooms are often called pizza funghi here, because the many Italian restaurants here call it like this. For other dishes mushrooms are called "Pilze" (spoken: ""pill-ts-a", a like the indefinite article) :) Thank you for your rating, I loved doing the swap :)
ToujoursMoi rated for B&W PCs week 20 on May 17, 2017
Comment: Vielen Dank für die tolle Karte mit Charlie Chaplin und tatsächlich fast der gleiche Städtename. Allerdings machen die kleinen Punkte einen wahnsinnig großen kulturellen Unterschied aus. Um den Verlag von Felix, dem Hasen und dessen Werksverkauf beneide ich Dich sehr. Liebste Grüße aus der Heide und Danke für den tollen Swap
Response: Freut mich, dass sie dir gefallen hat! Die Geschichten mit Felix (besonders wegen der Briefe im Buch) fand ich als Kind immer interessant, vielleicht hat das auch geholfen, dass ich jetzt auch Postkarten und Briefe schreiben interessant finde :) Hoffentlich kannst du heute auch das schöne Wetter genießen. Danke für dein Rating! :)
Comment: Thank you for the PC! I love that brand of chocolate and miss it! I lived in Iceland and it was easy to buy there. The space stamps are great!! I like to carve stamps, but am not good enough to sell them! 😀 Happy Swapping
Response: I'm happy you liked it :) I can imagine that, they have many deliciopus types of chocolates. Living in Iceland sounds cool, it seems to be a really interesting country :) Carving stamps seems fun, maybe I'll try that sometime as well :D Happy swapping and thank you for your rating!
LaLaLove rated for Science Fiction PC Swap #10 on Apr 29, 2017
Comment: I LOVE the postcard; thank you!
Response: I'm happy you liked it :) Thank you for your rating!
atanava rated for NH: Ad/Free Postcards on Apr 15, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the nice postcard.
Response: I'm glad you liked it :) Thank you for your rating!
seekingjoytoday rated for FREE/AD #14 ANIMALS on Apr 12, 2017
Comment: I LOVE this card! Thank you.
Response: I'm happy you love the card :) Thank you for your rating!
pernie123 rated for B&W PCs week 13 on Apr 3, 2017
Comment: Thank you for interesting card. And, informative note. We like each other's country. A good thing! 50 degrees here today!
Response: I'm happy you liked it! :) Similar temperatures here, finally not super cold anymore :D Thank you for your rating!
Typicalfemale rated for 2 tea bags & PC - private swap on Mar 30, 2017
Comment: I have recieved your tea and postcard. thanks so much. the blueberry smells so nice. my mom says she couldn't drink something that smelled so good. she took it to her bed room I'm sure she sniffed the flavor right out of it. thanks so much
Response: I'm happy you liked the tea :) I also like that blueberry tea a lot! :D Thank you for your rating!
chaari rated for ESG: Let me recommend a book #20 on Mar 12, 2017
Comment: Danke dir Ina für deine mail! Ich finds ja super süß, dass du dir die Mühe gemacht hast extra für mich eine Mail auf deutsch zu schreiben ♥ Ich hab tatsächlich noch nie ein Buch von Jodi Picoult gelesen (zu meiner Schande muss ich außerdem gestehen, dass mir der Name absolut gar nichts sagt^^) Aber die Synopsis klingt superinteressant, ich denke ich werd mir das vielleicht mal aus der Bücherei holen :-) Die anderen Bücher die du empfohlen hast, kenne ich - ich liebe Terry Pratchett ♥♥ Danke dir!
Response: Danke für dein Rating! Freut mich, dass ich dir vielleicht was empfehlen konnte :) Jodi Picoult ist für mich eine von den Autoren, die am besten gut nachvollziehbare Charaktere beschreibt, die Motivationen/Gedanken/Gefühle finde ich immer sehr glaubhaft und detailliert dargestellt. Die Geschichten selbst finde ich ok bis sehr gut, daher finde ich die Bücher eigentlich immer lohnenswert zu lesen :D Ich hoffe, dir gefällt das Buch :) Ja, Terry Pratchett Bücher sind einfach genial. Auf so etwas zu schreiben würde ich nie kommen, das macht es für mich sehr interessant zu lesen :D
Comment: Thank you, Ina, for so many great recommendations! I haven't read any of those. I heard about "The Physician" before, but about its movie adaptation. Have you seen it? Anyway, thank you again, and I'll be on the look for these books :D
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm happy I could recommend you books you didn't know yet :) Yes, I saw the movie and I really liked it, but the book is even better :) I would recommend reading the book first. The journey part of the book is almost left out in the movie and the time in Persia is described shorter than in the book, too. But, it nevertheless is a good movie and rather close to the book in several aspects ;)
smartin85 rated for ESG: Let me recommend a book #20 on Mar 10, 2017
Response: Thank you for your rating!
Minivandreams rated for Outer Space PC Swap on Feb 8, 2017
Comment: I love the postcard! That museum sounds awesome!
Response: I'm happy you like it :) Yes, I loved the museum :D Thank you for your rating!
Mia8871 rated for Different language Christmas Cards on Jan 26, 2017
Comment: Thanks for nice card. I like the fabric too. But words are a bit blur😅may be absorb ink in fabric already. Hahaha
Response: I'm happy you like it :) Oh, thank you for telling me, I hadn't thought about that, I'll be more careful when sending fabrics in the future :) Thank you for your rating!
Comment: Tks for recycling a PC to me, appreciate as saving the earth in some mean.
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
inthewild rated for Different language Christmas Cards on Jan 17, 2017
Comment: At last one of my 3 cards have landed! Thank you so much for the recipe - I'm definitely going to make it as it sounds yummy. Have a great 2017.
Response: I'm happy it arrived :) I'm glad you like it. I wish you a great 2017, too! Thank you for your rating :)
tynesha rated for PC diary - December on Jan 14, 2017
Comment: Ina! Many thanks for your cards and the long messages (I do it too) with whole different stories in them actually! Aren't they so rewarding? It's really worth it to read all of them since they tell a different story that I can vividly visualize what's going on. All of your and your family events are very interesting to read, and it seems to be so fun being around them :) You seem like a great person to meet, so how about that we write to each other soon? If you want, just email me: 10neesha@my.com. I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of stories to tell when I come back :) ● If I get the other installments ever, I'll be sure to comment in your profile. All the best! -Tynesha
sakura377 rated for Postkarte auf Deutsch, Nr. 2 on Jan 10, 2017
Comment: Vielen Dank für die süße Karte <3
Response: Freut mich, dass sie dir gefallen hat :) Danke für dein Rating!
Liiskah rated for B&W PCs week 51 on Jan 10, 2017
Comment: Thankyou for the interesting postcard!
Response: I'm glad you found it interesting :) Thank you for your rating!
WayUpInAlaska rated for Wierd/Ugly Postcard Swap #4 on Jan 9, 2017
Comment: Hahaha!!! OMG I love this card haha!! How funny, yeah that is one job I wouldn't want either!! The stamp with the wild kittens is cute!! That would be something to see with wild hedgehogs! they are cute :) Thank you for the great card ! got some great laughs from this side :)
Response: I'm happy you liked the postcard! :) Yes, this stamp series is great, just a pity that you can't buy all stamps from this series at once and each year there appear only two new ones :D There has been one with hedgehogs as well. I'll send you a picture. Thank you for your rating!
indigo68 rated for Animal Themed Postcard Swap #4 on Jan 9, 2017
Comment: Thank you Ina for such an adorable squirrel postcard and the stamp with the cutest little baby squirrels!
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm glad you liked the postcard :)
kaelsmails rated for Show me your Christmas day on Jan 7, 2017
Comment: Your Christmas looked wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing !
Response: Thank you and thank you for your rating! :)
DebR rated for ESG: How I celebrate Christmas on Jan 5, 2017
Comment: Thank you for sharing
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
ladyjbug rated for ESG: How I celebrate Christmas on Dec 30, 2016
Comment: Thank you for sharing your Christmas with me. I love all the photos! We also enjoy the Dinosaur series, and that card game you played looks fun. Might have to adopt that tradition. Thanks again, and Merry Christmas!
Response: Thank you for your rating! :) Yes, when we watched it as children, my parents wanted to watch it with us :D Last weekend we watched some more episodes. Merry Christmas!
Janevey rated for Show me your Christmas day on Dec 29, 2016
Comment: Thank you for sharing! I love How to train your dragon 2, I actually went to see it in the cinema. Lovely movie :) And your Christmas tree looks pretty :)
Response: Thank you for your rating! I saw the first in the cinema, the second on tv :) Yes, I also like them. They are fun to watch. Thanks, it's still in the living room :D But in some days it will have to move outside, when it looses too many "leaves" ;)
Janevey rated for ESG: How I celebrate Christmas on Dec 29, 2016
Comment: Thank you for sharing! It was interesting to read and it's always nice to hear how others celebrate their Xmas on different countries :) Happy new year to you!!
Response: Thank you for your rating! Happy new year to you! :)
basykes rated for Christmas Survey on Dec 27, 2016
Comment: :Loved your answers. If you like newsy Christmas letters, here is ours: http://funnytheworld.com/2016/Xmas2016.htm
Response: Thank you for your rating! And thanks for linking to your Christmas letter, loved to read it! :)
EricB rated for B&W PCs week 50 on Dec 19, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the great Charlie Chaplin card! I love the stamp too--it's amazing to think of how many generations now have different (and sometimes the same) television memories. I still haven't gotten to Dr. Who yet but have been reading lots of recent British history, so I've read *about* him a bit. Best Wishes for the holidays and new year!
Response: I'm happy you like it! :) Yes, especially when some television memories are the same ("classic movies/series") and others are completely different. And the television has changed a lot as well (style, possibilities). For example I'm watching a bit of the old Star Trek episodes now and then and the style is really different from current tv shows...but I like it :D Soon there'll be a new Dr. Who Christmas special episode :) Best wishes for the holidays and new year for you as well! Thank you for your rating!
pcfan13 rated for Christmas Survey on Dec 18, 2016
Comment: Enjoyed reading.
Response: Thank you for your rating!
paraxparaxnoia rated for Christmas Survey on Dec 18, 2016
Comment: I would love to have a real tree but I live with my allergic sister so it's a fake one for us :D I do love the scent though! Thanks for sharing, happy holidays :)
Response: Thank you for your rating! Yes, the scent is great, smells like Christmas for me :) Happy holidays! :)
littlemissme84 rated for Christmas Survey on Dec 18, 2016
Comment: Thank you for sharing. I'm quite jealous that you have had a few white Christmases. We don't really get them here.
Response: Thank you for your rating! This year unfortunately it will be probably without snow...but at least colder than last year...it was almost 15°C for Christmas! :D
tichyleon rated for Christmas Survey on Dec 16, 2016
Comment: Was great reading the experience in your country. Thanks a lot or sharing. happy holidays
Response: I'm happy you liked it :) Thank you for your rating! Happy Holidays for you, too!
tmma27 rated for Christmas Survey on Dec 15, 2016
Comment: thank you for sharing.
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
tyracrafty rated for Christmas Survey on Dec 15, 2016
Comment: I loved your answers, have a great Christmas!
Response: Thank you for your rating! Have a great Christmas, too!
Janevey rated for Christmas Survey on Dec 15, 2016
Comment: Thanks you for sharing. I really enjoyed reading your answers. That three nut for Cinderella trailer was beautiful! Happy holidays :)
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm glad you found it interesting :) Happy Holidays!
Helena8664 rated for Christmas Survey on Dec 15, 2016
Comment: Thanks for sharing...I'm feeling SUPER Christmasy now! :)
Response: Thanks for your rating!
Comment: Thank you! Loved the postcard. Happy holidays!
Response: I'm happy you like it :) Thank you for your rating!
jimncinpease rated for Christmas Survey on Dec 14, 2016
Comment: it was a pleasure to read! merry christmas to you and your family!
Response: Thank you for your rating! Merry Christmas to you and your family as well! :)
Comment: You put so much thought into your answers! Loved your logic especially on the height one at the end!
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
matt319 rated for Postcards for Dog Lovers on Dec 11, 2016
Comment: Love it! Thank you very much!!
Response: I'm glad you like it :) Thank you for your rating!
Eclectonote rated for Vintage Postcard International on Dec 10, 2016
Comment: Wonderful postcard and poem! I am very familiar with the flower on the postcard, a Monarda that is quite enticing to hummingbirds and bees. I grow them in my garden. And such a happy stamp! Thanks also for writing about the pre- and post- reunification postcard identification - fascinating and historical. The poem is about good fortune, and I'm so lucky you were my swap partner!
Response: I'm happy that you like the postcard so much :) Interesting, that you grow that flower in your garden! Yes, he really smiles a lot and made mostly funny poems :) Usually with puns. I'm glad you enjoyed reading the postcard. Well, I was lucky as well, so this nice card could go travelling to someone who appreciates it :) Thank you for your rating!
clorinspats rated for Science! Flat mail swap on Dec 8, 2016
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful swap!! These articles are so interesting; I'm happy that you translated them for me! My favourite here is the article about zebra finch babytalk...I love the intelligence it shows in birds. The owl postcard is a wonderful addition to my collection and I am hunting for a place to put it by my desk so I can look at it every day. You've had quite the science journey and I am grateful to have been a part of it now!
Response: I'm happy you like it so much! I had fun putting everything together and planning the swap :) Yes, and birds in general can have amazing intelligent talents. Great that you like the owl postcard :) When I read your profile I remembered about that owl postcard that I had seen in a book shop and hoped they hadn't sold out it already :D Thank you for your nice rating!
grethe418 rated for NH: Tea and Craft Swap on Dec 7, 2016
Comment: Thank you so much for your gift!! I loved that you had taken so much time to make it fit my interests. ❤️❤️❤️ Happy holidays!! 😘✨
Response: I'm happy that you liked it, loved doing it, I really like the Harry Potter books/movies/spinoffs and hoped this would be nice as you like it, too :) Happy holidays to you, too!!
ThatPunkReject rated for Would you rather? Round #4 on Dec 6, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the email and the music suggestions! I'm rocking out as we speak! 🤘🤘🤘
Response: Great, that you like it! :D Thank you for your rating :)
Guppies rated for Send Me a Recipe! #VEGANIZED #2 on Dec 4, 2016
Comment: You deserve all the hearts! Thank you for such a thoughtful swap! Ich liebe Deutschland!
Response: I'm happy that you liked what I send, I loved making the swap as well :) Thank you for your rating!
kdg3k rated for Image as a writing prompt on Dec 4, 2016
Comment: Hello Ina! Thank you for a lovely note. The tea made my whole PO box smell like Christmas! I can't wait to try it. And I can't wait to write back to you about the image. I've been thinking about it the past few days lol Thanks again :)
Response: Hello Kate! Great that you liked it :) I'm looking forward to read what you write to the image, I think this will be an interesting swap :) Have fun writing! Thank you for your rating :) Edit: Thank you very much for your story to the image! Love it and the goodies as well :)
dawnakaulen rated for B&W PCs week 47 on Dec 2, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the cool Marilyn PC! My husband has already taken it for himself:)
Response: I'm happy that you both liked it :) Thank you for your rating!
carolaila rated for Non-English Music Swap on Nov 30, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the great playlist!
Response: Thank you for your rating!
ITSkiaful rated for Non-English Music Swap on Nov 29, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the songs! i really like the video of the chocolate chip cookies, i have a craving for cookies now!
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm glad you liked the list and hope you found some cookies after listening to the song :D
Fever rated for Non-English Music Swap on Nov 28, 2016
Comment: Vielen lieben Dank für die Extrawurst! Das fand ich total lieb, dass du speziell für mich noch mal andere Songs rausgesucht hast. Ich habe mich noch nicht ganz durchgeklickt, freue mich aber schon auf alles weitere. Und ich gebe dir 100%ig Recht, was Zaubererbruder betrifft! <3 Natürlich habe ich auf meiner eigenen Liste auch ASP weiterempfohlen, allerdings mit "Biotopia" als Vorschlag.
Response: Freut mich, dass dir die Liste gefallen hat :) Ich dachte mir, dass die Liste sonst etwas langweilig für dich werden könnte und das wäre ja schade, wenn es so viele interessante Lieder gibt :) Ja, Biotopia ist auch super, gefällt mir auch! Aber das Krabat-Album ist einfach nur perfekt, da könnte ich mich auch nie für ein Lieblingslied entscheiden, ich finde das als "Gesamtheit" einfach toll. Dankeschön für dein Rating :)
geordiebaker rated for What Christmas means to me. on Nov 27, 2016
Comment: Thank you for your card and the insight in to your Christmas traditions.
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
Comment: Thanks so much for the wonderful Christmas card, and I loved the bookmark and the postcard! Thank you for sharing your traditions with me. Happy Holidays!
Response: I'm happy you liked it all :) I wish you happy holidays, too! :) Thank you for your rating!
Sash90 rated for Ein Brief auf Deutsch on Nov 25, 2016
Comment: Vielen Dank liebe Ina für den Brief und die süße Karte 😊 Es hat mir Spaß gemacht, deinen Brief zu lesen. Hättest du vielleicht Interesse daran , mit mir weiter zu schreiben? Ich würde mich über eine Brieffreundschaft sehr freuen 😊 Viele liebe Grüße aus Jordanien 💐 Sasha
Response: Dankeschön für dein Rating, es freut mich, dass dir der Brief gefallen hat :) Eine Brieffreundschaft klingt super! :) Ich würde gerne weiter Briefe mit dir schreiben. Kannst du meine Adresse auf dem Briefumschlag gut lesen? Falls nicht, kann ich dir die nochmal als Swap-Bot Nachricht schreiben :) Viele Grüße aus Deutschland :)
Comment: What a sweet card and note from you! It sounds like you have a lot of special traditions at Christmas time! Wonderful! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to try the tea you sent - it's pretty chilly here today and I could use a warm drink! Happy holidays!
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm glad you liked what I sent and found it interesting. I hope you'll enjoy the tea! :) Happy holidays!
ElanorC rated for Non-English Music Swap on Nov 21, 2016
Comment: Ina not only sent me a list of songs but also wrote a brief introduction for each song mentioned. As I'm learning German, I'm so glad to receive a list with many German songs. I like to discuss politics too and therefore rather appreciate some of the songs she includes related to this concern. To summarize in one sentence -- I love Ina's recommendation!
Response: I'm happy you like the recommendations! :) And I hope the songs help you with learning German. If you want more songs or book recommendations, just ask :) Thank you for your rating!
Comment: Ina, thank you SO MUCH for the adorable, beautiful advent Christmas card! I really love it! It's almost too nice to use, but I'm so eager to open each little door! ;) I shall definitely have fun opening them one by one each day! I’ll take a photo of it beforehand so I can keep the original image. I loved reading about your favourite Christmas tradition! I too love advent calendars :) I certainly don't think they should just be for children, they're too much fun! I just turned 28, and there's no way I'm giving up any of the 'childish' things that I love! ;) I think this year I will make my own advent calendar with decorated envelopes and little surprises inside, strung up on some string. I've seen many great ideas on Pinterest! I too love the smell of pine trees! We almost always buy a cut pine tree for Christmas…it's just not the same without it. You're so lucky to have even experienced one snowfall. Living in Melbourne, I've never seen snow! The closest I've ever seen to snow is hail! I'd love to experience a traditional white Christmas one day. Thank you for being so thoughtful with the card selection, and all the extra lovely goodies you chose for me! I do love the stegosaurus sticker, it's so cute! And the other stickers and the postcards, especially the bunny one…adorable! You are so sweet and such a thoughtful and generous swap partner! Wishing you and your family a wonderful, magical and peaceful Christmas xxx
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm happy that you liked what I sent so much! :) I also love opening advent calendars, even if I kind of know what's behind of the door :D I'm looking forward to get mine next week :) Your idea sounds nice, have fun with that advent calendar! Yes, we always have a cut Christmas tree too, Here are two main types of trees sold as Christmas trees and we always buy that one, that "pricks" more but has a stronger tree scent :) (Unfortunately they are harder to find now, because most people prefer the tree that doesn't "prick" when you touch it...but it has almost no tree scent unfortunately) Here it usually snows at least once in winter (and sometimes even most of the winter), but Christmas rarely has snow in my region...other regions (mostly in the South) of Germany always/almost always have snow at Christmas :D I love a bit of snow on Christmas, it looks even more cozy inside then, because it looks so cold outside :P And it just looks pretty. Wonderful that you liked the things :) Thank you! I'm wishing you and your family all the best for Christmas, too! :)
OonaWingedWolf rated for Would you rather? Round #3 on Nov 19, 2016
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
ladyjbug rated for Would you rather? Round #3 on Nov 19, 2016
Comment: Thank you! I really enjoyed reading your answers. Have a lovely day!
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm glad you enjoyed it :) I wish you a lovely day, too!
cindynvb rated for 2 Blind Postcards in November 2016 on Nov 18, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the nice stamps and the great cards. Cindy
Response: I'm happy you liked it :) Thank you for your rating!
Comment: Thank you so much for the card. Opening after thanksgiving
Response: Thank you for your rating! Have a nice thanksgiving :)
Comment: Thank you for the extras
Response: Thank you for your rating! I hope you liked them :)
Comment: Schloss Munster looks fabulous! I hope to visit it one day. Thanks for the postcard :)
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm happy you like it! :)
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
EllieBeth8 rated for B&W PCs week 44 on Nov 8, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the great postcard!! Have a nice day! Shelley
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm happy you like the postcard :) Have a nice day, too!
EricB rated for Science Fiction PC Swap on Nov 7, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the great Dr. Who card and beautiful stamp. I haven't watched it yet, but I have a feeling that I won't be able to stop once I start. Best Wishes!
Response: Thank you for your rating! :) I'm glad you like the card. Yes, that can happen...the series is really great, it's a pity I watched all new episodes already, so I'll rewatch them until new ones come out :D Best wishes!
Comment: Great free postcard! Thanks so much! I love reading and try to inspire the love of it with my kids. My daughter and I read a chapter together every night in her fairy books. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm happy you like the postcard :) Great that you read with your daughter, reading is just wonderful :) Happy Swapping!
Gabrielle rated for Send Me a Recipe! #VEGANIZED on Oct 31, 2016
Comment: How fun that you are my partner and I got one of my recipe cards back! And German potato salad is one of my favorites, and also my husband's, so I am delighted to have an authentic recipe. Thanks so much, for the recipe and for the postcard and nice note. Your astronomy lecture sounds very interesting -- I still enjoy learning about things outside my familiar territory. I hope we swap again! Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you for your rating! Yes, that card travelled a lot the last days :D I'm glad you liked the recipe it's one of my most favourites, I made it twice already since sending the recipe card, this swap reminded me to make it again :D That salad is especially nice when it's very hot outside, it's so refreshing eating it cold :) I especially like about that astronomy lecture, that it's intended to be for a varied audience - you can find everyone in the audience, from physics professors to 5 year old children and all find the same lecture interesting! :D It would be great to swap with you again :) Happy Swapping!
Karen07 rated for PC diary - October on Oct 28, 2016
Comment: Thank you! Your studies really sound interesting to me! I enjoyed reading about them.
Response: Thank you for your rating! Wonderful that it was interesting for you :)
minatohinata rated for Sour and Savoury Swap <3 #5 on Oct 26, 2016
Comment: Thank you very much for all the great things you sent I really enjoy them :)
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm happy that you like what I sent :)
davesgirl rated for 100 Questions - Mail on Oct 25, 2016
Comment: Thank you a awesome swap.
Response: Thank you for your rating and I'm happy you like it! I'm glad it arrived without problems :)
EmilyT rated for B&W PCs week 42 on Oct 24, 2016
Comment: Love the girls jumping rope! Cool pc, I bet the museum visit was fun. And what a nice connection to your mom's childhood! Also the PC to my mom, she was 6 years old in 1961 and at that time my family was actually stationed in England because my grandpa was in the Air Force. Thanks also for all the other background information about the region it's really interesting :-) I enjoyed physics too, but really only when we had a math problem to solve I hate it when we had to do any kind of real science lab involving physics haha
Response: Thank you for your rating, I'm happy you like the postcard! Nice, that it fits well to her childhood, too :) Yes, I liked the maths part more, too... I rather like the theoretical part (like calculating with results/interpreting results) of physics, not doing the experiments :D
kssunlover1947 rated for B&W PCs week 41 on Oct 17, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the Eiffel Tower Card. I will probably never get to see it in person but I do love getting this kind of card. I have seen a smaller replica on the strip in Las Vegas, Nevada. Made me want to see the original. What is funny is I sent another Eiffel Tower card to my partner in this swap. From a set of cards I got off of Amazon.
Response: I'm glad you liked it! What a coincidence :) Thank you for your rating and happy swapping!
Valerie16 rated for Postcards for Dog Lovers on Oct 14, 2016
Comment: What a great postcard! Love it! I do like black and white postcards, as well as black and white photographs. Thanks.
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm happy you liked this dog postcard :)
CheyanneB rated for Blind Postcards for October 2016 on Oct 12, 2016
Comment: thank you for the great postcards!
Response: I'm happy you like them, thank you for your rating :)
Wildchild rated for 5 Favorite Books PC - INTL on Oct 12, 2016
Response: Thank you, I'm happy you liked it! :)
Response: Thank you!
bluehairedmary rated for B&W PCs week 39 on Oct 10, 2016
Comment: What a beautiful postcard of Audrey Hepburn! Thanks so much! I'd love to live in a more bicycle-friendly place! Alas, there are few places like that in the US. Happy swapping!
Response: I'm glad you liked it, thank you for your rating! Yes, I find bicycles very practical, too :) Happy Swapping!
saffronnginger rated for B&W PCs week 40 on Oct 10, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the lovely postcard! :)
Response: Thank you for your rating, you're welcome! :)
flickmobile rated for Hello #2 pc swap on Oct 6, 2016
Comment: Hi Ina, thank you for the lovely postcard! Your university looks amazing, and I'm intrigued by this Teekanne tea?? Haha. Also, I'm going to have great fun trying to speak german and portuguese. Thank you again!
Response: Thank you for the rating, I'm glad you liked the postcard :) Not all buildings from my university are so pretty, some are old ones, some are new built. I'm glad you found it interesting :)
Comment: Thanks for sharing and please excuse me a lot for the late rating!
Response: You're welcome! :)
Comment: Vielen Dank für die sehr interessante Email! Die Harry Potter Bücher sinf auf meiner "to read-list", und dieses Buch kmmt auch dazu. Obwohl ich Deutsch studiert habe, habe ich leider ganz weinge Bücher von deutschen Autoren gelesen. Deswegen bin ich dir sehr dankbar, dass du mir ein paar Autoren bzw. Bücher empfohlen hast :)
Response: Es freut mich, dass dir die Buchempfehlungen weiterhelfen :) Hoffentlich gefallen dir die Bücher. Und viel Spaß beim Lesen der Harry Potter Bücher! :)
Comment: Beautiful PC & stamp, thank you!
Response: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!
Comment: Thank you for sharing! And thank you for your recommendations :)
Response: Thank you for your rating! I hope you find them useful :)
Comment: Hallo Ina - vielen Dank für deine Buchempfehlung! :-) Mal sehen, ob ich mich mit so einem Genre anfreunden kann.
Response: Danke für dein Rating! :) Kannst ja einfach mal in der Bücherei reinschauen, ob die Bücher was für dich sind, besonders "Ausgebrannt" und "Der Schwarm" fand ich gut :) Gut finde ich, dass für die Bücher an vielen Stellen genau recherchiert wird und das einen guten, unterhaltsamen und detaillierten Einstieg/Überblick bietet, wenn man die erwähnten Fakten von den für die Geschichte erfundenen Fakten trennt, um in Sachbüchern weiter zu den Themen zu lesen :) Abeeeeer...natürlich sind Bücher immer noch Geschmackssache, muss also nicht alles immer jedem gefallen :D
Comment: Thanks a lot for sharing!
Response: Thank you for your rating! :)
Valerie16 rated for B&W PCs week 38 on Sep 24, 2016
Comment: Thanks for the great postcard of Cologne. Very impressive photographs. Love the b/w stamp (with a touch of green)!! Thanks, again!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! :) Thanks for your rating!
Pallolla rated for Favourite Songs Playlist Swap on Sep 18, 2016
Comment: Thank you for the musics!! I'll check them and listen to the ones I don't know! =)
Response: Obrigada for your rating! I hope you find some new songs to like :)
3rinn rated for Favourite Songs Playlist Swap on Sep 17, 2016
Response: Thank you!
BalticWind rated for Favourite Songs Playlist Swap on Sep 17, 2016
Comment: Hi Ina, vielen Dank für deine "Playlist", von deren Songs ich einige gar nicht kenne. Ich werde mal reinhören! ... und MOIN! 1x! Ich komme ursprünglich aus dem Emsland.
Response: Moin moin! :D Danke für dein Rating! Ich hoffe, dir gefallen ein paar von diesen Songs. Oh, wir haben mal einen Ausflug von der Uni ins Emsland gemacht :) Ist relativ nah.
Comment: Thank you. I will have to check out these songs as I have never heard of them.
Response: Thank you for your rating, I hope you'll find some new songs that you like!

Rating Overview

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5.0000 183 16 17
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131 204 0 0
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42 82 7 0

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