Hearts ratings for MiekeC
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Response: Thank you for the heart and compliment!
Response: No thanks, I'm happy to do that for you.
Response: Hi, thank you for the rating!
Response: ;-). glad you received the journal.
Response: Hi Gabi, Thank you for the rating. I also really like the cabinet cards. I often buy old military cabinet cards. They have a great attraction for me, they are often so beautiful. Here in Europe you can buy them quite often. Greetings Mieke
Response: Thank you for the rating and compliments!
Response: Glad you received it.
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you!! Glad you received it.
Response: Glad you received the journal. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the compliment!
Response: Thanks, thanks for the heart!
Response: Hi, thanks for the rating and the hart!
Response: Glad you received it and that you like it all. Thanks for the heard. Greetings Mieke
Response: Glad, thank you for the compliment.
Response: Great, glad you like it. The letter is French. I use Google translate, but old manuscripts ar difficult to translate. I have tried it, but i don't know. Often it is about everyday life. Greetings Mieke.
Response: Glad you received it. Thanks for the compliment.
Response: Glad you received the journal. Thank you for the rating and hart!!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad that you like all the ephemera. I was happy to find this out for you. Thanks for the hart!
Response: Glad you received the journal. Thanks for the hart and compliment.
Response: Glad you like the items, i love to share. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Hi, thank you for the compliments and the heart!
Response: No thanks you are welcome.
Response: Glad you received it! Thanks, also for the heart. Greetings Mieke
Response: Hi Joan, thank you for the compliment.
The technique with which I printed the front is called 'botanical printing'. You can look it up on the internet. In short, you print a print of leaves on paper or textile by placing leaves between paper/textile and securing it with twine. In a pan you put a piece of rust together with water and cheap vinegar. You cook this for 1.5 hours. The water will turn brown due to the rust and the drawing of the leaves will then appear on the paper. Every print is different. Very nice technique, only a hassle with cooking.
Response: Hoi José, dank je. Het is wat ruig geworden, maar ik vond het wel geslaagd. Groetjes Mieke
Response: Glad you received it. Thanks for the compliment. Greetings mieke
Response: Thanks, glad you received the journal.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: your welcome, tanks for all your hearts
Response: your welcome, thanks for the heart.
Response: Fijn, bedankt voor het hartje
Response: Your welcome. thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it, thanks for the heart.
Response: Hi Melissa, Youw welcome, glad you like it. greetings mieke
Response: Thank you for the compliment!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Sterkte ermee. Die inspiratie, daar heb ik ook wel eens last van ;-) haha.
Response: your welcome, thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: Good luck with it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Dat laatste niet eens gezien. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Glad you received it. Greetings Mieke
Response: Thank you for the heart, happy christmas and all the stamps on a envie i like them too.
Response: Yes it is a very nice card, i liked it too. Happy Holidays. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Fijn. Alvast fijne feestdagen met een misschien wel een mooie winterse kerst.
Response: The envelope took a long time. Glad it arrived and that it made you happy. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you received is. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Hi, so fast. I hope you can waith so long ;-). Have a nice christmas and greetings. Mieke
Response: Hi, you make me happy with that, your welcome, its difficult because the blind envie. Greetings Mieke
Response: your welcome, glad you like the items. Thanks for the heart and greetings Mieke
Response: your welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you and also thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome ;-). Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Dank je. Ik heb ooit een soort plastic gekocht waar men een soort sjablonen van maakt, net iets dunner dan de gekochte exemplaren. Met een soort soldeerbout, maar dan met een hele smalle punt kan je een vorm uitsnijden. Best grappig om te doen. Maar je kan ook in plastic sheets vormen uitknippen.
Response: Your welcome. Glad you like it. I've done quite a few ephemera swaps in the past with different groups, so you can collect quite a lot of things. Good luck with swapbot and hope you have received enough points to be able to do more swaps. I found this the most annoying part when I first joined swapbot. If you last longer, you won't be bothered by this at all.
Response: Thanks. Glad you received the journal. Also thanks for the hart.
Response: Your welcome! thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Fijn, veel plezier ermee.
Response: Graag gedaan. Een hele uitdaging. Ik kijk op youtube naarj het acount van creationsbyjsheri zij is echt heel goed in monoprinten vind ik.
Response: good to hear that i have send you soms things you like. greetings mieke
Response: You welcome. greetings mieke
Response: succes with it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Hi, your welcome. Nice to hear that you like the card for your son. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welkome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Fijn, bedankt voor het hartje!
Response: Nice to hear. Always nice to send it on this way. Tanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you! And also for the heart!
Response: Your Welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Ja lastig soms. Veel knutselplezier ermee. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart!
I also always like to receive an envelope with a lot of stamps. Unfortunately, this was one of the last times that I pasted so many postage stamps for American postal items, because America changed the rules for postal items.
Response: Your welcome! thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Graag gedaan. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Dank je. En bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: glad you recieved the journal. thanks for the heart.
Response: Great, you also a happy new year!
Response: Ook fijne feestdagen gewenst!
Response: Your welcome!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your Welcome! Fijn. In eerste instantie wist ik niet wat ik van dit mystery supply moest maken, maar uiteindelijk na veel knipwerk vond ik het geslaagd. In ieder geval met veel plezier voor je gemaakt.
Response: Graag gedaan! Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Graag gedaan. De tag was leuk om te maken, was nog wel even proberen voordat ik met het kant kon stempelen. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Glad you received the journal. Greetings from me and the Netherlands. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Ja vond ik ook. Groetjes en bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Ik heb verschillende boeken om enveloppen te maken. Altijd leuk, vind ik. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Hi, the little girl is not my daughter, she is almost 24. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Fortunately, you received the journal so quickly. This time I sent it with a tracking code and that costs a lot of money. But it's worth it for this swap.
Response: Hi, thanks for the heart.
I got this effect by placing leaves or flowers between paper (or textile) and tying them with rope. Boil this pile of paper for about an hour in a pan that you don't use for food and put it away for a month and let it dry. You then get a reasonable effect.
You can also get more effect by putting leaves or flowers between paper again, binding them with rope or paperclibs or textile. Cook this in a pan with a piece of rust and a good dash of vinegar for 1,5 hour. The prints then become a bit darker and even more spectacular. Good luck with it, you really should give it a try. And the result cannot be predicted, it is always a surprise what the result will be. Use thick paper from 300 lb. On internet you can also find some films about it.
Response: Your welcome. The face stamp is indeed me, i have made it from a picture. I use it very lot.
Response: Glad you like the Dick Bruna cover. I also like them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Ah, glad you received the art journal. Every year we go to France (not this this because of corona) and always i buy a few postcards). Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you received the pc's. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Gebeurt mij ook wel eens ;-). Bedankt voor het hartje!
Response: Your welcome.. Always nice to do someone a favor. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Ja, vind je ook niet. Het is zo'n verrassende techniek. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Thanks, your welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Bedankt voor het hartje. Veel plezier met de kaart.
Response: Graag gedaan. Ik vond ze ook erg leuk. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Glad you received the journal so fast. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Bedankt voor je hartje!
Response: Glad you like the fabrik. And thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome!. Thanks for the heart.
Response: This is indeed very snail mail ;-). Glad you like the stamps.
Response: your welkome. thanks for the heart!
Response: Great you like all. The spanish ledger I have bought on Etsy, Search on (spanish) ephemera. The french receipts i bought during my vacation in France at a flea market in Blois. It is a one of a kind. I have a few more, if you want a private swap, you can send me a pm.
Response: Glad you like everything. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the compliments and the heart!
Response: glad you like the ephemera, i saw on you profile that you collected that. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like the pc, thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! It was nice to sort everything out for you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your Welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan. Bedankt voor het hartje!
Response: Glad you like the photo. Thanks for the heart.
Response: your welcome. Always nice to received a beautifull envie i think ;-). thanks for the heart.
Response: your welcome. thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. thanks for the heart.
Response: Fijn dat je de flipboek mooi vind. De laatste tijd gebruik ik wel vaker gelliplate monoprints, die ik op dat moment maak voor de swap. Leuk om te doen en leuk om nieuwe dingen uit te proberen. Bedankt voor je hartje.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Always special if someone has been to my country and my city where I live. If you come again, I would love to meet you.
Response: Your welcome, glad you like it, thanks for the heart.
Response: It was fun to make. I would never make something like that out of myself and I enjoy learning new techniques through this kind of swaps and still using things from myself. Very nice that you can let us participate in this type of swaps. And I thought the birds were fun, that's why I added them.
Response: Yes, it was fun to make them. Glad you like them.Thanks for the heart
Response: Ah luckily you like the flowish things. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. On the film it seemed so easy but i spent quite some time figuring it out. Thanks for the heart.
Response: That's what we do it for. Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome!. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your Welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your Welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Annoying to be allergies, but you can also enjoy it a bit
Response: Glad you love it. It was so nice to make it for you. Glad the cards are vintage pieces ;-) (I could not see that well).
Response: your welcome, glad you like the photo's.
Response: Geen dank en bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: No, I have not had any problems with my son because I had taking the pokemon cards ;-), he is a bit older. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Geen dank, graag gedaan. Ik heb het met plezier naar je opgestuurd. En altijd leuk om iets naar een Nederlandse te sturen. Bedankt voor de ster!
Response: Your welcome, glad you are inspired. It was a nice technic. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome!. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. This swap is fun.
Response: Your welcome, glad you like it.Thanks for the heart.
Response: That's completely right. Thanks for the heart!
Response: ;-)
thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, that ape was a nice one. Greetings and thanks for the heart.
Response: your welcome. thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for your heart!!!! Glad you like the transfers.
Response: Your welcome! Nice to do, love this swap. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Glad you have it so fast. later I thought that it is in australia summer and that the chocolate could melt, fortunately everything went well. Thanks for the heart.
Response: So happy you like the glue book. I doubted a bit. By letting the photo speak for itself, I find a challenge. The simpler the more powerful the image.
Response: I thought it was a very nice technique. But I try to do something different than in the video. Nice to do. And thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it, your welcome. And thank you very very much for the rating ;-).
Response: Thanks, also for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you received the journal, its always exciting or a journal overtakes the other side.Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. I love this sort of swaps. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. I have bought the stamps on a stamp market in the Netherlands. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes me too, i like that one also the most. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! Glad you like the dutch itmes. Thanks for the hart.
Response: Fijn dat je er blij mee bent. Die veer is inderdaad erg leuk, gekocht in nederland en volgens mij ontworpen door Birgit Koopsen.
Response: Thank you and thanks for the hart.
Response: Your welcome!. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Indeed. And then, in my opinion, this was the most interesting things I sent you 😉. Thanks also for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Was nice to do this. And what a fast airmail this time ;-)
Response: Hoi, geen probleem hoor. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Your welcome! And the stamped image is indeed me. I make it by my self from a photo. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Sorry for your journal send back to you. I will never do it again ;-). I am not so good in pockets, sorry about that, in the swap text stoot that you can choose something else. thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes, it is a transfer on the gelli plate with a page from a magazine. First some paint on the gelli plate, than the magazine, some rubbing, take the magazine off and do a next layer paint. And than you can print it on paper. Its very fun to do this. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for al your hearts, i send you all with plesure.
Response: You are welcome here ;-). Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the compliment! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the compliment and the heart!
Response: Thanks for your comment. I cute the tie out with a little knife and the purple is a little acrylic paint. I think you can feel the cut with your finger. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. For me it was nice to make it and i am glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the compliment! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your Welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome! I like the envie too. Thanks for the heart
Response: Glad you received it.
Response: Fine you received it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Great you like it!. Thanks for the heart and the rating.
Response: Thanks for rating. Merry Christmas!
Your welcome ;-)
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart!
Response: Enjoy and thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the hart.
Response: Thanks for the rating, enjoy.
Response: Glad you received it. Enjoy.
Update: Glad you like all the presents. I make/buy and send it you with plesure.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: your welcome. thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome, the reindeer is so cute.
Response: Thanks you like it. Again merry Christmas. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you received it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for de heart you give me!
Response: Thanks for the heart you give me.
Response: And thank you for the heart. Merry Christmas.
Response: Thank you for the compliment.
Response: Yes, indeed. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Bedankt, ja die lampjes zijn schattig he. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Thanks. Also for the heart.
Response: You welcome. It was fun to make it for you.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: graag gedaan en bedankt voor je compliment.
Response: Yes i have. Thanks for the heart.
Response: thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Glad you received it. I had a lot of fun making the art journal. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, it was fun to make this one. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome!. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, loving it to do them for you. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Fijn dat je de envelop goed heb ontvangen, na zo'n lange reis ;-). Ook wij zijn dit jaar met de vouwwagen gegaan. Voor wat het zelfportret betreft, ik was me wat aan het vervelen en moest even wat tijd overbruggen en heb allemaal gekke foto's genomen en in een app op de telefoon bewerkt. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Your welcome!. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Hi, glad you received it finaly. Thanks for the heart. (I am afraid you received a second one, because you don't received this one so far. ;-)
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Your welcome!. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Glad you like it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Glad you like it. I like also the sponge very much. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Fijn dat je het boekje heb ontvangen. Leuk he, zo'n boekje vol. Ja ik heb de stempel zelf gemaakt. Bedankt voor het hartje!
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like it all. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. I don't know of the Arendsoog books compare with westerns in the US. I think so, i have read a few translated in the past.
Response: Gelukkig. Bedankt voor het hartje!
Response: Fijn dat je er blij mee bent. Ik heb een heel oud boekje vol met putdeksels ;-), vind ze best grappig.
Response: Your welcome. Hope you like the tea. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Fijn dat je de envelop mooi vind (ik vond hem ook mooi, anders zet ik het niet op instagram) en natuurlijk de inhoud. Bedankt voor het hartje!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank for the rating and heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart. The graphic on te written note is a stamp from myself, i have made it.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart and rating!
Response: Glad you received it and you like it. Enjoy the tea. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Ja he, vooral de hoofdtooi ;-). Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Yes, I think so ;-) Luckily you received it all. Thanks for the heart en glad you like it.
Response: Ja, die envelop is zo leuk he ;-), heb je er toch nog een beetje plezier van. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the rating and hart.
Response: Your Welcome!. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: You welcome. Glad you like the ephemera and the envelope. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it, and indeed valantines day was the best day to received this one. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! Bedankt voor het hartje. De mal dragonflies is van sizzix. Dit merk heeft altijd heel mooie mallen.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you received the journal and thanks for the rating and heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the hart and rating.
Response: Glad you like it and thanks for the heart! Thank you participated in the swap.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart and rating.
Response: Yes i love also the 50/60s. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Graag gedaan hoor. Bedankt voor de hart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you have received the journal. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Bedankt voor je compliment en het hart! De achtergrond is een monoprint (met de gelli plate) waarvan een groot blad is ingedrukt in verf en hierna afgedrukt op papier.
Een tijdje geleden zag ik in Rotterdam de ansichtkaartstempel hangen. Als je geïnteresseerd bent kan ik kijken of hij nog verkrijgbaar is. stuur maar een pm als je interesse hebt.
Response: Hi, no problem. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Luckily you have received the journal!. Thanks for the heart and the rating.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: ;-))
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Glad you like it. Nice to do swaps like this!
Response: Yes, the stamps are pretty grazy. I like them too. Thanks for the heart en the compliments!
Response: Glad you like the the quotes. Was quite difficult to find a good quoteatio between all those quotes on the internet. And thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Your Welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thank you for the compliment. And thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, i liked the pc also. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I send it to you with plesure. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like it, I did it too! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart! That date and weather I found a good idea because of the traveling character of the PC ;-)
Response: Your welcome! Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the hart! I hope you enjoy the coconut tea. For the next time I will pay attention to the teabags and what tea it is.
Response: Your welcome! I love it too. The Fern was a real one, from our garden. Try it on the gelli plate, it can with any leaves.
Response: Geniet er van! Bedankt voor de rating en het hartje.
Response: Hi Coleen, this is the swap from the resend. Maby you get it twice. Or maby the postman is very very fast. Was there a envelop (rather narrow) with large dots on it? Anyway, glad you like it.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Glad you like it!!!
Response: It is indeed fun see what others do in the art journals. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Fine that you enjoy both. Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: It was fun to try. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Glad you like it all. It was hard to send it to you, I love it ;-) and really like to make it.. That picture strips on the spine was a little surprise and i was wondering how you would find this. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Your welcome. I love also mail art. Thanks for the heart.
Response: glad you like it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the rating and heart!
Response: Your welcome. thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Fijn dat je het mooi vond. Bedankt voor de rating en hartje.
Response: Your welcome. I find it, as always, fun to do. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Geniet er van. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Graag gedaan. Bedankt voor de rating en het hartje!
Response: Your Welcome! And i love it to experiment this way. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: The portrait is indeed a self portrait. I made the stamp by my self. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: I think it's time to do the laundry ;-)))).
Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Your Welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Your welcome. The papers from the envelope are from a dutch magazine cold flow. Is a great magazine with lots of illustrations and very fine package paper.
Response: Yes, its me ;-).
Thanks for the rating.
Response: Graag gedaan. Als je zin heb in een prive swap, ik heb nog meer oude foto's/boekpagina's. Laat het maar weten via een pm. In ieder geval een fijn uiteinde en een goed 2016.
Response: Glad you like the reindeer. And indeed, it is my portrait. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Response: Your welcome. Nice holidays!
Response: Your welcome. I did it with very very much plesure. Also the best holiday wishes to you.
Response: Your welcome! Have fun with all sorted out. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Enjoy it by Christmas day.
Response: Enjoy it by Christmas day.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I know, its hard to wait ;-) Thanks for the heart.
Response: Also a happy season. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. It was nice to do! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Enjoy it, and i know the waiting is hard ;-)
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes, i love the magic page too! Its such a lovely technique.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Enjoy it!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am glad you have received the journal. Its quite a journey. It was nice to make the journal. Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Your welcome. Enjoy it in december and i hope you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Enjoy it in december and i hope you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am glad you have received the journal. Its quite a journey. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Your welcome. Enjoy it in december and i hope you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it all. It was fun to make it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome!. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it en you can uses it in your work. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Glad you have received the journal. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks, its oke. Glad you received it, we do it for that. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Tanks for your rating, heart and nice comment. I was with vacation and could not react earlyer.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Your welcome! and thanks for the compliment.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Maybe we can do a private swap for some flow goodies. I have a subscription on flow. Let me know if you want that.
Response: I'm glad you like the postcard. A few weeks ago I have bought such a lovely cute little musicbook from a school in the Netherlands from about 1955. The lyrics are from this little musicbook.
Response: I'm glad you like the package. I also like the stamp very much. It's nice to have and if you do it right, then it seems really on you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, i did it with plesure!. Thanks for your rating and heart!
Response: Glad you still receive the envelope and you're happy with it. Sometimes it takes sending an envelope from Europe a week and sometimes more than a month. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Your welcome. I find the negative space papers also so beautiful and find it a waste to throw it away.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. I did it with plesure for you. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Gelukkig, je heb het boekje ontvangen. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it, i did it with plesure.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for your respond, the rating and the heart!. It may happen that you forget this rating, no problem with that!
Response: Your welcome. Thank you for the rating.
Response: Your welcome. And yes it was a nice day with good weather, thank you.
Response: Your welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcome ;-)
Response: Your welcome, i like the swap too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Graag gedaan hoor. Leuk om te doen. Bedankt dat je meedeed aan mijn swap en natuurlijk ook voor het hartje.
groetjes mieke
Response: Your welcome, the envie was fun to make for you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. It was fun to pick out something for you. And thanks for the heart, one is enough ;-)
Response: Your welcome. I Always love it to received a nice envelop.
Response: Yes, i love funny things in a collage. Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the rating and heart!.
Response: Glad you like it. I like the James Bond ATC too. Thank you for the heart and the rating.
Response: Fijn. Bedankt voor de rating en het hartje!
Response: Yeah, indeed. We learn to know each other, so swapping.
I've looked here in the stores for the Pickwick tea that you love. But it is very difficult to buy here peach tea, she's hard to get more ;-)).
Response: Your welcome. Thank you for the rting and the heart!
Response: Your welcome. I really liked to make this swap. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, I send it to you with plesure. Thanks for the heart!
Response: your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I hope you let see the results on flick. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Hi, thank you, thats also my favorites. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart. I don't want to wait.
Response: Your welcome, It was fun to make them including the surprises. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. I love this sort swaps. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Hoi, Graag gedaan hoor! Fijn dat de spullen die ik je zond bevallen. Hoop dat je ze kan gebruiken. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Hi Naomi, Your welcome. The other tea is also lovely. I will look for some tea for you when we are swapping the next time.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it. It was great to make this book for you. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Yes, me too. Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Yes it was fun to find out all the stuff for you. Greeting and have a nice day.
Response: Graag gedaan. Bedankt voor de rating en het hartje.
Response: Hallo Ivy, oeps sorry, had ik er eigenlijk even moeten bijschrijven. Ik had zelf ook zitten wachten op de cut outs. Fijn dat je de envelop mooi vond, ik vond hem zelf ook erg geslaagd ;-). Bedankt voor de rating en het hartje.
Response: Such a nice swap. I could not stop.
Have a happy new year!
Response: Your welcome! Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Yes, I love the book too. Specialy the cover. I make it with plesure and thanks for all your hearts.
Response: its oke, thanks for the rating.
12/26: your welcome and also a happy new year.
Response: Fijn dat je het allemaal leuk vind. Bedankt voor de rating en hartje. Fijne dagen toegewenst.
Response: Hello Krisztina, your welcome, i did it with plesure. Have a nice christmas. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: I hope you also like the content ;-). Yes, I have carve the stamp, it is a picture from myself, he seems real. The carving was quite tricky, but the result is pretty good. Thanks for the rating and the heart. Have a fine christmas.
Response: Your welcome, i did it with plesure. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Enjoy. Thanks for the rating for now.
Response: Enjoy! I hope the content is just as good. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
12/26: Your welcome!
Response: Hallo, geen probleem. Inderdaad leuk papier, heb ik gekocht bij Papercase, geloof dat er ook één in Amsterdam zit. Bedankt voor de rating.
25-12: fijn dat je alles leuk vond!
Response: It was fun to make the envelop for you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Great you liked the reindeer, me too. It was fun to make it. Its a one of a kind and I don't really know how I mix the colours for the monoprint. For you also good wishings for christmas and 2015, Thanks also for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: Hallo, bedankt voor je rating. Ze waren hier helemaal in paniek, dat het Rijksmuseum hem wilde houden. Wel leuk om te volgen dit soort dingen. Fijn dat je het een leuke kaart vond.
Response: Your welcome, i dit it with plesure. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Hoi, bedankt voor de rating. Zo doe ik het ook met de rating van deze swaps. groetjes Mieke
25-12 bedankt voor het hartje. Leuk he al die cadeautjes!
Response: Geniet van al je kaarten. Bedankt voor de rating en het hartje.
Response: Yes, me to. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
12/26: your welcome!
Response: Your welcome. I dit it with plesure. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Its difficult, i know. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. I hope you like it!
Update 12/29: Your welcome. I send it with plesure and i am glad you like it!
Response: Thank you for the compliment and your heart.
Response: Succes ermee, ik weet het is moeilijk ;-)
Response: Your welcome. I have made the relief with eg wooden stamps by rubbing it with something hard on it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I hope you can wait till christmas. Also happy swapping.
Response: Glad you received it so fast. The waiting is very difficult ;-).
Response: Your welcome, it was very nice to do it!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you received it. Thanks for the rating and enjoy christmas.
Response: Your Welcome! Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: I know the waiting is very difficult ;-).
Thanks for the rating.
12/26: Glad you like it I did it with plesure.
Response: Yes, Christmas will been very fun ;-)
Response: Altijd weer leuk om mee te doen aan deze leuke swap.
Response: Hi, thank you for the rating. I am glad you have received the card.
Response: Yes, it's very very very difficult, life is so hard ;-)
You also the best!
Response: Good luck with it! And thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for your rating!
Response: Your welcome, i did it with very much fun!. Nice to give you new ideas. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome and thanks for the rating.
Response: Glad you received the swap. Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Glad you like it!!! And thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: I am glad you liked it. For the envelope, I had a few pictures on, hence ;-)
Also thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart you give to me.
Response: Bedankt voor het hartje!
Response: Your welcome, I also loved the book sheets with paint. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart and the rating.
Response: Hi Erica, Nope, I'm not mad. Things like this happen. And I don't mind to send a swap for the 2nd time as necessary. Have a nice day and happy swapping. Also I want to thank you for the heart.
Response: Glad you finally received the swap. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for your heart and your nice comment. I always try to think up something new, glad it worked out.
Response: Vond het ook leuk om een keer iets te maken voor iemand uit eigen land. Bedankt voor de rating en het hartje.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome and thank you for the heart!
Response: It's very pleasant to remember a nice vacation. Thanks for the heart.
Response: No thanks, thank you for the heart!
Response: Your welcome, i did it with plesure. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Glad that it is not only my problem ;-))
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the compliment and the heart. I love swap bot, sometimes I do things that otherwise I would never come up, I really enjoyed making them.
Response: You welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Hi Christine, Luckily you have received the second atc. Thank you for the heart.
The background I have made with the gelli plate (you can google it if you don't now what it is) and I have use for the paint the colors fluor pink and fluor yellow, the orange you get to mix pink and yellow. Than I have use a handmade stamp for the flower. The stamp I have inprinted with blue stamp ink. Then I have the flower colored with blue paint.
Response: Your welcome, thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcom en thanks for the heart. In the 2nd World War, the whole center of Rotterdam was bombed. A few large buildings remain. This had to be reconstructed at the time the whole city, hence all the modern buildings / bridges.
Response: Your welcome, i did it with plesure. Thank you for the second rating ;-) and the heart.
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, I did it with pleasure. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. I found it very fun to make the envelope. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Graag gedaan. Bedankt voor je hartje
Response: Thank you for the heart and the rating ;-))
Response: I am glad you like it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Fijn dat je het leuk vond. Vond het best nog moeilijk om maar 5 items uit te zoeken. Bedankt voor het hartje.
Response: Your welcome. I love also the old photos. Also thank you for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Fijn, vond het leuk om hem te maken. Bedankt voor het hartje!
Response: Your welcome. It was fun to make it and found it also by myself very nice. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you have received the card. And what special that you have visited Rotterdam, my hometown.
Response: Enjoy with it! Thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcom, thank you for the heart.
Response: Yes, I agree. And thank you for the heart.
Response: Hi, I am happy that you like the card, I liked him too. It is very difficult here to buy beautiful cards but I do my best ;-). And thank you for the heart.
Response: Enjoy and thank you for the heart.
Response: It was fun to make the card, enjoy. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Enjoy! and thank you for the heart.
Response: Enjoy! Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Yes it is. And thanks for the heart.
Response: Hello, glad you like it. Thank you for the hart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
I have send you a few minutes ago a email via your private email adres if you want a new card because the sending took so long. Please consider the mail if not sent. Have a nice day en greetings.
Response: Glad you like it. And thank you for the heart.
Response: Hi, yes the stamp I have handmade from a photo of my self. And thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you, i let you now when i received the card. Also thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the hart. I'm glad you like it.
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the hart!
Response: Thank you for the hart!
Response: Thank you for the hart!
I also like the photo. The photo was from a family in Apeldoorn, a city the Netherlands. From circa 1929/1930.
Response: Chosen with pleasure. Did the card itself also very nice. And thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the hart!
Response: Thank you for the heart. I thought I had put the name of the swap on the card, but I do not know for sure. I will pay attention anyway.
Response: Thank you for the hart.
Response: Glad that you've received the envelope I have enjoyed some things out for you.
Response: Glad you recived the postcard. And you are welcome here in Rotterdam/Netherlands!
Response: Fijn, dacht als Belgische wil je vast niet alleen nl dingen ontvangen. En bedankt voor mijn 2e hart.
Response: Thank you for your compliment and my first heart. I have made the ​​ATC with pleasure.