Fives ratings for Risna
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Response: So glad you liked the tiny surprise! Thanks for the lovely rating.
Response: Freue mich jetzt schon auf unseren Kalender-Weihnachts-Advents-Swap 2025!
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating. I like supporting charities by buying (Christmas) cards.
Response: Thanks for the kind rating! Take care.
Response: Thanks for the kind rating.
Response: It makes me so happy to read your words. Glad you liked the selection and rewarded me with a heart rating. Thank you so so much!
Response: So glad you liked it. And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating. It's highly appreciated!
Response: Thanks for the rating. Right now I'm reading a crime novel from an Austian writer.
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: Thank you for the rating! Take care.
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating!
Response: Thank so so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thanl you so much for your nice words and the extra heart.
Response: Besten Dank für die liebe Bewertung ... und entschuldige meine späte Reaktion. Ich hatte einen recht chaotischen Winter! Jetzt wird es langsam wieder besser.
Response: Thanks for the lovely rating and the extra heart. Just listened to that song about 30 minutes ago. ;-)
Response: Words can't describe how much joy your ranking brought to me! I'm super happy you liked the package! Take care. And thanks for the extra heart!
Response: Sorry, dass ich mich erst jetzt auf deine liebe Bewertung hin melde. Die letzten Monate waren sehr turbulent und es kehrt erst seit ein paar Tagen etwas mehr Ruhe ein. Besten Dank fürs Herzchen und bis ganz bald in einem Swap.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the lovely heart rating and I'm sorry for responding that late! Been super busy!
Response: I'll try not to. And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for the lovely rating and the extra heart!
Response: Thank you so much for your heart rating. All is well over here too. Take care!
Response: Glad you liked the cards and thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating! Take care.
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating and the extra heart.
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating!
Response: I've never been to regensburg but will keep it in mind it I ever plan to visit a Christmas Market in the southern part of Germany in the future. Thanks for the lovely heart rating btw.
Response: Thanks for the rating! I hope the envie didn't take that long to find its way to your mailbox. ;-)
Response: So glad you like them! And thanks for the kind heart rating!
Response: Thanks for another lovely rating! See you in a swap soon!
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating. And see you in a swap soon.
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating and the extra heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating. I've discovered some pretty cool songs in swaps like this one. Thanks for hosting! And for setting up the new group!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating! Take care.
Response: Thanks you for the lovely rating. It's highly appreciated!
Response: Thanks for your message and the rating! Take care.
Response: Thanks for your kind words and the heart rating!
Response: Thanks you so much for your kind words and the lovely rating! Wanted to leave a comment sooner but this summertime has been crazy with work. See you in a swap soon!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the lovely heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the lovely heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: Thanks for the lovely heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating!
Response: Thanks for the lovely heart rating!
Response: Thanks you for your lovely rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks in return.
Response: Well, thank you for the kind heart rating.
Response: So glad you like the cards. I adore the 1950's school kids drinking milk too! And thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Es freut mich so sehr, dass dir die Karte gefallen hat! Beste Grüße in die Ferne. ;-) LG
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: So glad you liked the cards I picked! And thanks for the extra heart.
Response: So glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for the kind rating. And I gree, it could be some sort of Krampus scene.
Response: Thanks for the rating! Hope it's going to be less hectic for you in the near future.
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: There are some super weird PCs out there... I know! ;-) Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating! Glad you liked the small package.
Response: Thank you so much for the kind words and the heart rating! Take care.
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating, your kind words and the extra heart. I'm so glad I picked a couple of PC you liked that much. See ya!
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating!
Response: Glad you liked them! And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating! ❤️
Response: Thanks for your heart rating.
Response: She was indeed! Thanks for the lovely rating! Take care.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind (heart) rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating and the extra heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! "Blumen mit Zukunft"... exactly!
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely heart rating! It's highly appreciated!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: You're so sweet! Thanks for the lovely rating and the extra heart!
Response: It's a good thing we have swaps like this one to send cards that don't fit anywhere else. ;-)
Response: Ganz lieben Dank für die tolle Bewertung! Und ja, ich freu mich auch immer, wenn ich meinen (musikalischen) Horizont erweitern kann. Wünsche dir nur das Beste!
Response: Happy New Year! And thank you for the kind heart rating!
Response: Thanks for therating. And Happy New Year!
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating. Merry Christmas!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating. Merry Christmas!
Response: Looks like you are my destiny! ;-) Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating... and yes, I'm starting to get into the right mood. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas too.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! And yes... it's cold right now and will stay this way. Feels a lot more like Christmas is coming closer now. Happy Holidays!
Response: Thanks for the lovely heart rating! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Response: Thanks you so much for the heart rating. Hope you'll like what I picked! Merry Christmas.
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating. Happy Holidays!
Response: Thanks for the wishes and the heart rating! Take care!
Response: Thank you so so much for the lovely rating. See you in a swap soon!
Response: Hope you will like the small gifts I packed! And thank you so much for the lovely rating! Sending love!
Response: I'm so glad you like the selection! And thanks a lot for the lovely heart rating and your kind words.
Response: Thanks for the lovely rating. Wishing you a wonderful December.
Response: I just love this swap series. Where else would we be able to get rid of our not so appealing PCs? Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: And thank you for the kind rating and the extra heart!
Response: Hope you'll like 'em. And thanks for the heart rating (even in advance)! And of course thank you for hosting this swap!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the extra heart!
Response: Thank you very much for the lovely rating. Back from the trip now. It was fun! Take care.
Response: Thanks for the lovely rating in advance. Hope you'll enjoy the packages. Take care.
Response: I kind of listen to very different kinds of music. Mainly Hardcore or Metal... but I put some Country in every now and then. Or other genres. I like to mix it up. Thank you very much for the heart rating btw.
Response: Hi Cathy, sorry for taking this long to respond. Life has been busy. Thank you so much for the kind rating. Take care. Risna
Response: Ganz herzlichen Dank für die liebe Bewertung, Vivien! Bis ganz bald in einem anderen Swap.
Response: Ganz lieben Dank für die herzliche Bewertung!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! Keep on looking for vintage PCs... I find them at a regular basis.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! And thanks a lot for the extra heart. Take care!
Response: Thank you so much fot the kind words and the extra heart! Your rating is highly appreciated and it's totally fine that sometimes it takes some time to rate. Take care!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the extra heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating and the extra heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating! Take care.
Response: You're most welcome. And thanks a lot for the lovely rating.
Response: Thanks for the lovely heart rating!
Response: It makes me so happy that you liked the items! Take care and thank you for the lovely rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind rating. Take care.
Response: Glad you liked the items. And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words and the heart rating! Sending hugs.
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely heart rating. Take care.
Response: Thanks a lot for the heart rating! I love PC bag swaps.
Response: Thank you very much!
Response: Thanks... and also thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Das macht doch gar nichts, dass sie mit etwas Verzögerung kommt. Ich freu mich sehr, dass die Karte dir gefallen hat. Und lieben Dank für das extra Herzchen.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the extra heart you gave.
Response: Thanks you so much for the heart rating. It's highly appreciated!
Response: And I love the fact you like them! That's what makes me happy... reading ratings like yours. Maybe I'll meet you again in one of the next rounds. ;-) Thanks for the extra heart btw.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! It's highly appreciated.
Response: It makes me happy to read the card was a perfect fit! And thanks for the extra heart.
Response: Thanks a lot for the heart rating! And yes, being able to send cards like this one... that's why love those swaps!
Response: Thanks for your kind words and the heart rating! Take care!
Response: I'm beyong thrilled to read how happy this package made you and Zack. This is what makes me happy! Reading your rating just made my day! Thank you so much for your kind words. If you ever feel like doing a private swap just let me know!
Response: Thanks for the rating! Take care.
Response: Liebe Maxi, ich danke dir ganz herzlich für die Bewertung und das extra Herz. Wünsche dir einen famosen Hochsommer. lg
Response: Thanks for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: You're welcome, I like to send some extra goodies in this swaps series. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating! It's higly appreciated.
Response: So glad it was a fit! And thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating and sharing your Germany story. It's highly appreciated! Take care!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating! Take care.
Response: Thanks a lot for the heart rating ... I'm so glad you liked the card.
Response: So glad you like the card! And thanks for the extra heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked it. And thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks. I feel way better already. And thank you for the rating as well.
Response: Thank you so much the extra heart!
Response: Reading your rating just made my day! I'm so glad you liked it. And thanks for the extra heart.
Response: So glad you liked it. And thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you like it! And thanks for the heart rating btw.
Response: Thanks for your kind word and the heart rating. I'm feeling way better...
Response: I'm so glad you like it! And thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so gald it was a fit! ;-) Lucky us! And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for your kind words and the heart rating!
Response: It was my pleasure! And thanks for your kind words and the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating and your kind words. Take care!
Response: So glad you - and your dad - liked it! And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: That's what surprised me too... that it is in such a good condition after all those years. Good quality I guess. And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: That swap must have traveled at warp speed. Wow! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: It was my pleasure! Thanks for another heart rating btw.
Response: So glad you like it! I just thinks it look adorable how he's sitting among his sheep knitting! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: I'm so gald it arrived this time! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Been quite well, too! Hope you'll have a fantastic summertime. And thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Es ist immer so schön praktisch, wenn man hier mal was im eigenen Land verschicken darf! Freut mich, dass dir die Überraschung gefallen hat. Und besten Dank für die liebe Bewertung! Grüße.
Response: Thank you for the kind rating! And I guess this swap series is what cards like these were made for. ;-)
Response: Thanks for the heart rating and your lovely words! Take care.
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely words and your kind rating! Take care.
Response: Thank you so, so much for the rating and the effort of checking this medium old swap! It's highly appreciated.
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating. ;-)
Response: Thank you for the kind rating and the extra heart!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Reading your rating made my day! I'm so glad you liked the cards. And thanks for the extra heart! Take care.
Response: So glad you like it! I love the designs from Creative Lab Amsterdam. Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for the heart rating. Can't wait to receive my first postcard bag.
Response: I'm so glad the second try made it to your doorstep. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: This swap was so much fun and I'm glad you liked the card I picked! Take care!
Response: You're most welcome! And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: So glad you liked it! And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for the lovely rating!
Response: So glad you liked the card! And thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating. It's highly appreciated.
Response: Well, men need to be challenged from time to time. ;-) Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: I'm so glad it finally arrived. It's so strange that envelopes like the one I sent in this swap sometimes travel one week, sometimes up to six/seven weeks. So unpredictable. I'm glad you liked the package! Sending love back.
Response: Thanks for the rating. It's highly appreciated!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind rating and sharing something about you! Hope youi'll have fun at the concert!
Response: So glad you liked it! And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating! Sending love.
Response: I'm so glad it finally arrived. It seems it took a detour. ;-) Thank you so much for the kind rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating. Sending love!
Response: Well thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: This swap was so much fun. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for your rating!
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thanks for your rating! I love to set books free.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating. I just love to send out vintage cards.
Response: It makes me happy that you liked the card! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating. Take care!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: I'm so glad it didn't take too long to travel. Actually I was told it can take up to 60 days. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! And the honey is perfect for putting it on toast, pancakes or bread in general. Take care!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating! Take care!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: No worries. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating.
Response: I'm so glad you liked the surprise! Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: I'm so glad you like the card! I was meant to be sent your way! And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: I'm so glad you like the PCs. Thank you so much for your kind words and the heart rating.
Response: So glad you liked it! Have fun checking out the songs. Sending love. And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: So glad you didn't get bored by them. ;-) Thanks for the lovely rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating!
Response: I always wondered if lasagna is something cats are even into. ;-) Now I know. lol Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: So glad you like it! And thank you very much for the heart rating!
Response: Did the two cards arrive on the same day? Wow. Love it! Thanks for this rating too!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating. Sending love.
Response: Thanks for the heart rating! Sending love.
Response: You're welcome. And thank you for your kind rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: So glad you like it. Sending love your way. And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: I'm glad I could help with your Angel Card project. Thank you so much for the kind rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating Karen!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating! Sending love.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating.
Response: I'm so glad it arrived in good condition! And thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: And thank you for the kind rating.
Response: I thought it was super cute too. Glad you like it! And thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Sometimes I wonder who thinks it's a good idea to put THAT on a postcard... Thanks for the kind rating though. ;-)
Response: Thank you so much for the kind rating! Until then... in your or my mailbox. ;-)
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating! Take care!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Wow, that parcel traveled way faster than I would have guessed. So glad it found its way to your door already. The herb mix is for salads. You can easily create an awesome dressing just by adding some oil (and - if you like- some additional water & vinegar). BTW... thank you so much for the rating!
Response: I'm so glad you liked the surprise! And thanks for the kind rating.
Response: I'm glad you liked them! And yes, we do have multiple styles of PCs over here. There's a shop in my city that only sells PC and wall calendars. Crazy, isn't it? I love shopping for cards at that shop! BTW... thanks for the kind rating.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating!
Response: So happy you liked it! Thanks for the lovely rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: I'm glad it arrived before February 14. Have fun with the package. And thanks for the lovely rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: I'm only allowed at the office once a week. That's it. But numbers are high in Germany right now. I don't know when we'll be able to sit together as a team again at work. I miss that a lot! Thanks for the lovely rating btw.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Isn't it the best when people like the "ugly" PCs they receive? So glad you liked this card. And thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: So glad you like it. And thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating and for hosting this swap!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating. It's highly appreciated!
Response: That envelope traveled at warp speed... it's crazy how snail mail works these days. I'm still waiting on swap from the UK that were supposed to arrive weeks ago. I guess we were lucky with this one. And thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating. And I'm sorry one of the stamps was ripped off.
Response: Well thanks for the wonderful rating!
Response: Glad you liked it! Wishing you all the best. And thanks for the heart rating...
Response: So glad you liked it! And thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Don't worry about it! And thanks for the rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind rating and the extra heart!
Response: I'm glad you like it! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Gar nicht schlimm, bin ja froh, dass sie angekommen ist! ;-) Bestern Dank für die Herzchen-Wertung!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Love this swap for being able to send out cards like these tbh. I never know what else to do with them. lol
Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind rating!
Response: So glad you liked it! And thank you for the kind rating! Take care!
Response: You're most welcome! Thank you for the kind rating. And Happy New Year!
Response: You can't go wrong with avocados! lol Happy New Year and thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Happy New Year to you too! And thank you so much for the wonderful rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! And Happy New Year!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! And Happy New Year!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind rating! Hope your daughter got the shots and stays safe and healthy! This damn virus is completely out of control. Sending best wishes!
Response: Wow. I guess that card took a little detour somehow. ;-) I'm glad it finally chose to settle down. Thanks for the kind rating and all the best for 2022!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating even though it's neither your nor my style. But hey... that's why this is an ugly Christmas card swap! ;-) Take care!
Response: Thank you much for the kind rating! Mail services are quite unpredictable, aren't they? In a different swap it just took the card more than 9 weeks to travel from Germany to the US. Sometimes they only take 7-10 days. Guess we all have to stay patient. ;-) Wishing you all the best for 2022!
Response: Thank you so much for the generous rating! And Happy New Year to you!
Response: Glad you liked it! I love swaps like this one. Merry Christmas and thanks for the kind rating and extra heart!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating! Merry Christmas to you too!
Response: Merry Christmas to you too. And may 2022 bring joy only! We all deserve it, don't we? BTW... thank you so much for the kind rating!
Response: Merry Christmas and thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Merry Christmas and thank you for the rating!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating and Merry Christmas to you!
Response: Gern geschehen! Besten Dank für die tolle Bewertung.
Response: Thank you for the kind rating! Merry Christmas!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! It's highly appreciated! Take care and stay safe! Merry Christmas!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Well thank you for your kind words and the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the kind rating!
Response: I'm so glad you like Duerer too! And thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Wishing you happy holidays too... and thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words and the heart rating! I hope the coin won't take forever to find its way to your mailbox! Take care and MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Response: So glad I could find something extra to put a smile on your face! And thanks for the generous rating! Sending love.
Response: Reading your rating makes me very happy! Thanks for your kind words and the extra heart!
Response: That's why this swap series is one of my favorites! Thank you so much for the kind rating and extra heart!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words and the heart rating! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas Season!
Response: It makes me happy that you like it! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Glad you liked the PCs. And thanks for the kind rating and the extra heart btw.
Response: Sehr gerne doch! Besten Dank für die Bewertung und einen schönen Advent noch!
Response: Glas you liked it! Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: I love this swap so much! We get the most amazingly weird cards in it. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: She's stunning it that pic, I agree! And thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for another very kind heart rating of yours! Have a wonderful Advent Sunday.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the kind rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating! And Merry Christmas!
Response: Wow, that card travelled at warp speed! I'm impressed. Thank you so much for your kind words and the heart rating!
Response: I would never read in the bathtub... but I know some people do. Crazy, isn't it? ;-) Thanks for your kind rating and the extra heart btw.
Response: So glad you liked it! The period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is my favorite time of the year... Thanks for your heart rating! Take care and stay safe!
Response: I'm so glad you liked the PC! And hey... all kids do stupid stuff, I did too when I was younger. That doesn't mean you're a bad kid in general. ;-) Maybe just that puberty interferes with thinking logical. lol
Thanks for your kind rating and the heart btw.
Response: And thank you for your kind rating and the heart! Take care!
Response: No worries! ;-) And thanks for the heart rating... btw. I just started another of Musso's books.
Response: Thanks for your kind rating!
Response: Wie man wahrscheinlich unschwer erkennen kann: Ich liebe Adventskalender! Daher hab ich auch nie ein Problem damit, einzuspringen, falls mal jemand eine Runde versäumt haut! Ich hoffe wir haben alle richtig viel Spaß mit dem Kalender!!! Und besten Dank für die liebe Bewertung (ohbohl du noch nicht einmal weißt, was in den Päckchen ist)!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating! Take care!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the kind heart rating!
Response: Wünsche dir auf jeden Fall ganz viel Spaß beim Auspacken ... wann auch immer dir danach ist! Und tausend Dank für die liebe Bewertung und das Extra-Herzchen!
Response: I just hope you'll have plenty of fun with all 24 days of your calendar! Wishing you a wonderful Advent! And thanks for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Thanks fot the heart rating! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas time! Take care!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating! It's highly appreciated. Take care!
Response: I was way too busy! Hope I'll find time to decorate this weekend! ;-) Thank you so much for your rating and the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! It's highly appreciated!
Response: Love the stamp too! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: I'm so glad this one arrived! Thank you so much for being patient with me and the postal systems! And thank you for the heart rating! It's highly appreciated!
Response: I'm glad you do! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! It's highly appreciated! See you soon (in the mailbox). ;-)
Response: I sent out different Christmas cards but I'm pretty sure yours was The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. ;-)
Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Glad you liked it. And thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for your kind words and the heart rating! I love this swap series!
Response: Glad you like them. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Mach dir keinen Stress! Werd erst einmal gesund. Und wenn du erst ein paar Tage später schaffst, ist es auch nicht schlimm. Ganz lieben Dank schon einmal für die liebe Bewertung!
Response: Thank you for your kind words and the heart rating! I've been to Amsterdam ages ago! It's lovely!
Response: Thanks for your heart rating!
Response: So glad you liked it! Thank you for your kind rating!
Response: Thanks for your heart rating and those nice words too!
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad you liked the idea! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! It was so much fun to put this swap together.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! And I get it. I don't like a lot of beers but there are some that are just yummy!
Response: Hope you'll like what's inside the packages too. ;-) Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words and the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for your kind words. And the heart rating of course!
Response: Thank you for the rating!
Response: Hope you'll enjoy what's inside! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Wow... that card travelled with warp speed. I'm amazed. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: So glad you do and thank you very much for your lovely rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: I'm so glad it travelled fast and that it made you happy! Because that makes me happy! ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for the rating, the heart and your message!
Response: TBH... it was the first time ever I did a swap that required a mail art envelope. I was a bit worried my approach might not be considered mail art at all. It makes me very happy that you liked it. (Actually I liked it too.) Thanks for the rating, the heart and your kind words!
Response: You're most welcome. Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Oh wie schön, dass ich dir eine Freude bereiten konnte! Ganz liebe Grüße.
Response: Ich freu mich auch schon riesig darauf, das erste Türchen zu öffnen! Besten Dank für die Bewertung und das Herzchen!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words and the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the rating!
Response: I'm so glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating! And the extra heart! I hope you will enjoy everything.
Response: I know! I almost burst out laughing when I found out. I had just sent the previous swap the other day. lol
Response: I hope you'll have fun opening them... it's really hard to wait, isn't it? ;-) Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for your rating!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: You are most welcome. I love to pack stamps for people who are collectors. Thanks for your rating and the extra heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: A longer letter is on its way already! And thank you so much for your wonderful rating. Love. Risna
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words and the heart rating!
Response: I like this swap because we are finally able to send the cards that don't fit otherwise. Thank you for the rating!
Response: Actually I love this swap. It's so much fun to see what others might find ugly or wouldn't send out in a normal swap. Thank you for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart! The festival was amazing. It was so good to finally welcome international guests again! I missed that a lot!
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: Ich dachte mir, wenn das Paket schon nur innerhalb Deutschland reisen muss, dann kann ich es auch ein wenig größer machen. ;-) Freut mich, dass es dir den gestrigen Tag versüßt hat und ich freu mich, dass du an der Swap-Reihe teilnimmst!
Response: So happy you liked them! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for this amazing rating! I'm so glad you (and Micah) liked the goodies! Maybe we can do a Christmas gift swap? Just DM me if you're up for it and I'll set one up as soon as my Film Festival is over.
Response: So glad you liked it... plus we seem to have similar taste in movies! ;-) Thanks for your kind rating!
Response: I just love to create envelope envelopes out of old books or magazines! So glad you like them! Thanks for another heart rating from you!
Response: Thank you very much for the rating! The Whitney is amazing!
Response: So glad I picked this card then! ;-) Thanks for the rating and the extra heart.
Response: So glad you liked them. Thank you for the rating and extra heart!
Response: Ich danke dir! Heute haben wir unsere große offizielle Eröffnung, tatsächlich ausverkauft (unter Corona-Bedingungen). Bin schon etwas aufgeregt. ;-)
Besten Dank für deine liebe Bewertung und bis bald!
Response: You're most welcome. Thank you for the rating and the exta heart!
Response: I'm gald it arrived! Even if it took a bit longer. ;-) Thank you so much for the rating and the heart!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for the wonderful rating!
Response: You are most welcome. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you so much for your wonderful rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating! I'm glad you liked the card. Take care and stay safe!
Response: Thanks for the rating! Wishing you all the best!
Response: We've been in quite a few swaps together lately... I love it!!! and thank you so much for your amazing birthday card! It arrived on Monday... which was perfect timing!
Response: I'm amazed about the speedy travel time of the package! WOW! Have fun with the items and thank you for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: I'm so glad it arrived and didn't take too long. Thanks for being this patient! And of course for the rating and the heart too!
Response: Your experience sounds wonderful. Hope I'll get to see them too IRL one day. Thank you for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating and extra heart! Wishing you a happy life!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the extra heart! Glad you liked the swap! But who is this Ariana you mentioned? ;-) lol
Response: Eating ice cream out of a pinecone... that's what made the card so weird. ;-) Besides that I really liked the illustration! Glad you like it too! Thank you so much for the rating and the heart!
Response: Exactly... that's what made it perfect for this swap. ;-) Thank you for the rating and the extra heart.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating an the extra heart! So glad you like it!
Response: I'm so glad receiving this swap put a smile on your face! Thanks for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Freut mich, dass sie dir gefallen hat! Besten Dank für deine liebe Bewertung!
Response: You're welcome. And thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: Your easy qucik dinner sounds yummy! I'll give it a try this autumn as it sounds like wonderful autumn dish. Thank you so much for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: I hate it, when the postal system kind of destroys cards like this! I'm so sorry the ruined the Rachel PC. But I'm glad you liked the card! I'm just watching the series (again, maybe for the seventh time or so) to introduce my roomie to it. He never watched it. Can you believe that? We are right in the middle of the Rachel's letter (18 pages, front and back) drama. ;-) Thank you so much for the rating and the heart! See you another swap soon!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the rating. Take care!
Response: It's delicious! Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! Moomins are the best! Thanks for the rating, the heart and your kind words.
Response: That response makes me very happy! Thank you so much for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for the rating an the extra heart!
Response: Can't wait to start travelling internationally again... not only for Talenti though. ;-) Thank you so much for the rating and the heart!
Response: Anna Karenina is definitely worth reading. Thank you so much for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! And thanks for the rating an the extra heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart! I'm really looking forward to it too!
Response: I'm gald I found a postcard match for you! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: You're welcome. And thank you for the rating!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! And of course I don't mind. What a wonderful idea to film unwrapping the swaps. Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: I'm so glad the Sansa card put a smile on your face! Thank you for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating! All the best!
Response: Freut mich total! Besten Dank für die liebe Bewertung!
Response: I love this swap because I barely get any cards that are plain ugly... most are great at the same time. ;-) Thanks for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Glad you like it too. And thanks for the rating and heart!
Response: So glad you like it too! Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: Amazing! Wish I could speak more languages than English and German. But that's it. Thanks for this rating and the heart too!
Response: It'sfinally getting warmer again. And no rain today! ;-) Thank you so much for the rating and the heart!
Response: I mean it was a type three package swap... so I made it one. ;-) I tend to look up online at how much I can pack for the postage I have to pay anyway and put the maximum in. Hope you'll enjoy all of the items. And thanks for your kind words, the ratings and the heart!
Response: Dir auch einen fantastischen Sommer. Und besten Dank für die Bewertung und das Extra-Herz! lg
Response: Lucky me! You never know what box sets others already own/use! Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the additional card!
Response: I'm so gald you liked what I put together! And thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Recht hast du, zu Beginn der Story, egal ob in den Büchern oder der Serie, hab ich auch nicht damit gerechnet, dass er so ein komplexer Charakter wird. Liebste Grüße! Und besten Dank fürs Herz!
Response: Freut mich, dass dir der Swap gefallen hat! Ganz lieben Dank für dein Rating.
Response: Love to read that you enjoyed this swap! Thank you so much for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart! Meet you in the mailbox soon!
Response: Glad you like it! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: You're most welcome! And thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Wow, that envie travelled fast! I'm glad you liked the cards! Thanks for the rating and the heart. Take care.
Response: I'm glad you liked the rather unusual huge card. I just didn't want to ruin the image by cutting it smaller. ;-) Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Happy you like them! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: It was so much fun to pack that swap! It travelled quite fast! Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: It makes me happy to read your comment! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Well, thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: Reading your comment made my day! Thank you so much for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Happy summer to you too! And thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks a lot for the rating! Take care.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart! Hope you will be able to visit Germany soon! I love the northern half, there are some wonderful spots on the shores.
Response: Luckily I live in an area that has not been affected by the horrible floods.... even though I'm not that far away. Thank you so much for the rating an the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. And thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating... and yes, the removal went smooth and it's healing at warp speed. Wishing you all the best and get well soon!
Response: You're welcome! And thank you for the rating.
Response: You're most welcome! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: You're welcome... and thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: It was a pleasure! Thank you so much for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Loved your IG. Thanks for the rating and the heart btw.
Response: I wouldn't mind living closer to a beach tbh. ;-) Thank you so much for the rating and the heart!
Response: And thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: You're most welcome. And thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating!
Response: You're most welcome... and thank you for the rating!
Response: Let's do a private swap! I can create one. Why don't you send me private message and tell me when you're up for it? BTW... thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the extra heart! Sending love.
Response: St. Kitts would be a dream vacation for me! Thank you so much for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! It always amazes me too when things I grew up with are considered vintage now. ;-) Thanks for the rating!
Response: I'm glad you liked the cards... I mean I always try to put a good variety in those swaps so chances are I meet the likes of my swap partner with at least some of them. ;-) Thank you for the rating and the heart. Sending love!
Response: I agree, the search for old postcard is the best. Thank you for the rating!
Response: Can't wait to start planning trips... hopefully soon. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You're most welcome. Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Response: I'm so glad you liked the card and that it didn't take months to arrive. Thank you so much for the rating and heart! Wishing you all the best.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart... and yes... it's a good idea to forward it to your brother if he loves chess!
Response: If hereally doesn't want to go it sounds like the perfect plan! I bet your son and daughter would agree!
Response: I love that card too. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: I love Toni Morrison's work... so it's worth checking it out! And thanks for the rating and heart! Take care!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: This card was made for a swap like this. ;-) Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Weird cards are super fun, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: There are so many beautiful spots in this world... wish I could visit all of them.
Response: I was very young so I don't quite remember the exact tour. But I was there with my granny and she didn't spreak English... so chances are your dad was our guide. Wow!
Response: Yeah, we've had a way too long winter too.
Response: You are welcome. I love this swap series! Thanks for the heart btw.
Response: What a fun swap! And thank you for the heart.
Response: It was a fun theme to do in a swap, wasn't it? And thank you for the heart.
Response: ... and I love this swap series! Thanks for hosting it and - of course - for the heart rating!
Response: Wow, der Umschlag ist aber schnell gereist! Besten Dank fürs Rating und das Extra-Herzchen.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the extra heart!
Response: Das wünsche ich dir auch! Und besten Dank für die liebe Bewertung inkl. Herzchen.
Response: I just love these kinds of swaps too. And thank you for the extra heart!
Response: Lots of yellow indeed. ;-) Thank you so much for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it... and thanks for the heart!
Response: Freut mich riesig, dass es gepasst hat! Bis (bestimmt) ganz bald mal.
Response: Bin schon ganz gespannt! ;-) Genieß die sonnigen Tage!
Response: Glad you liked it and thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked the cards! And yes... the "Greetings from Nowhere" pretty much sums up this pandemic nightmare. ;-) Thank you so much for the heart btw.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart rating! And for your additional message... I guess I was scrolling to fast so I missed reading it.
Response: I'm so happy you liked what I picked! And I'm amazed by the speedy deliverance. I guess that means they're shipping the small packages by plane again. Yay!
Response: Thank you so much! BTW... I just tagged you in the PIE tag game. ;-)
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I picked the Rituals set since it's one of my favorites. Hope you'll like the scent too.
Response: Es freut mich riesig, dass ich dir eine Freude machen konnte ... bzw. gleich 3x. ;-) Wünsche dir ganz viel Spßa mit den Geschenken! Und besten Dank für die Tipps, die haben sehr geholfen.
Response: I'm so glad you like them!!!
Response: I am so glad it finally arrived! Thank you for being that patient about it. Crazy COVID times. Take care and stay safe!
Response: I am so happy to read your kind words. It was a pleasure being in this swap with you!
Response: Thank you so much for your rating. Reading your message made my day. I'm glad I picked items you like. And of course I'll join the next Stocking Stuffer Swap - I love these kinds of swaps.
Response: I'm so sorry it took this long to arrive. Guess it loves travelling as much as I do! ;-)
Response: I'm so so glad it finally arrived! And don't you worry about the resend. It was my pleasure. Hope that one will arrive soon too.
Response: Freut mich, dass es Freunde bereitet! Das Packen hat auch echt Spaß gemacht.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! And yes, I love making envelopes from old coffee table books, wall calendars or maps.
Response: I'm glad you like it! To be honest... at this point I was afraid it was lost in the snailmail orbit. Thanks for being patient.
Response: It was a lot of fun putting thought into this swap and trying to get those items. Couldn't get some of your listed chocolate favourites though. ;-) So yes, I'm always interested in a private swap. Let's do some sort of "Christmas gift" in spring swap. ;-)
Response: You totally deserve this! Your swaps are always beyond extra and lovely. Have fun opening a package each day! Sending love.
Response: So glad those post-its brought joy. Take care.
Response: I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Hope you'll like what I picked out for you! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Wow, that swap found its way fast! Take care.
Response: I'm so glad it did! Take care.
Response: I just got your little surprise as well. Thank you so much for the effort you put in the Zine! Love it. Have read some of your book recommendation but not all of them. I'll look into the ones I've missed so far. Thanks a lot!
Response: Your "ThankYou note" arrived today! I'm glad you liked the vintage photos and the slides. I had so much fun with this swap series! And thanks for sending this note.
Response: Oh je. Es tut mir total leid, dass es so ewig gedauert hat. Die muss ja monatelang irgendwo "geschlafen" haben. ;-)
Response: Glad you liked it! BTW... I'm "just" a Film Festival Director.... which means I don't direct movies. It means I'm the head of a Film Festival and do the programming and stuff like that. ;-)
Response: It was my pleasure! I had so much fun creating that package! I'm glad you liked it.
Wirklich, ich hatte total viel Spaß an dem Abend. Freu mich schon auf's nächste Mal.
Response: I'm glad you liked the small package. And of course I'm interested.
Response: It was my pleasure! Nothing makes me more happy than reading your lines.
Response: It makes me very happy to read that you liked the items in that envelope! It was so much fun to pack it!
Response: I'm glad you liked the cards. Would love to stay in contact!