Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: I appreciate your kind words and the heart! Best wishes to you and your family
Response: I'm very happy that you like your Harry Potter sticker book, there are enough stickers in it to last for a long time. I wish you a happy Christmas!
Response: Thanks for your comments! Happy Halloween
Response: I'm happy that they are making a come back
Response: Thanks for the heart- yes, I felt like a Disney princess, Snow White LOL Actually, I was starting to wonder if he would EVER give up on snacks from mommy?!!
Response: I'm glad you like it! Merry Christmas!
Response: Thanks, keep planting (especially late summer bloomers) for the bees !
Response: Yes! And I protest that some are "better" than others- my green tourmaline is just a lovely as a sapphire and more sparkly than an emerald or alexandrite. Just as good!
Response: I am very happy that you like your swap! It was fun to prepare it for you- baby raccoons are so much fun to care for. They are similar to puppies LOL
Response: Yes, that would have been nice! I put honey on the comb in the photo looking toward the house, so that a few bees would come land on it for a snack. Beehives should show some bees!
Response: Hugs to you, thanks for your kind message and I'm glad I pleased you
Response: You're welcome, glad you liked it!
Response: I appreciate your kindness- and happy Thanksgiving
Response: Thanks for your response, I really enjoyed it 👍
Response: I'm so glad that the postcard interested you! Thanks for the heart
Response: Good for you! Thanksgiving isn't supposed to be easy LOL Enjoy making memories!
Response: It was my pleasure, thank you for the private swap invitation. I am looking forward to your ATC!
Response: I'm so glad you are pleased! Those orange squares are cheesey peanut butter snacks, available everywhere and often added to lunchboxes. One can also get them where the cracker is normal and the filling is cheese.
Response: I'm so pleased that you like it all! Best wishes to you
Response: Thank you for being a good sport and communicating with me <3
Response: Thank you for your kind words, feel free to use any ideas you may get from me :- )
Response: I enjoyed reading your comments, thank you so much
Response: I love the beauty of other alphabets..
glad you are pleased!
Response: Its a breast feather from a peacock. I have a friend who has peacocks in her yard and I stalk the ground under the tree where they roost. Breast feathers are my favorite, like little jewels!
Response: I'm so pleased that you like them, and I made them to match in case you had a festive meal with lots of spots on the table needing a hot pad. Cheers!
Response: No, I'm not Pam Nixon- hope you find her.
Response: I had to look up Cabool- it's about 5 hours SE from me, it's in the Ozarks and I'm on the Missouri River, just across from Kansas. Cabool is near the place (Mansfield) where Laura Ingells Wilder wrote her Little House books, tho! I've been there, it's a museum now.
Response: Yes, I think I totally did miss that. I'm glad someone who sees the meaning in the card now has it.
Response: I'm glad that you removed the sticker and found the surprise haha! Usually I use a simple piece of paper, but that sticker wasn't "sticky" anymore, so I could use it. It's fun to get a little treat as a surprise, itsn't it? Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart, you're kind to go to the extra effort. All the best to you!
Response: Wow! That was a long time... so glad it finally arrived.
Response: Her brother . LOL!
Response: I'm sorry about overlooking the swap name, I will be much more attentive to that in the future. Thanks
Response: I'm happy that you are pleased! Hope you have a wonderful holiday
Response: One does reconsider one's wisdom when a bee randomly flies over and stings one on the eyebrow for simply standing and watching the hive!
Response: Many thanks, all the best to you.
Response: I am happy that you are pleased, thank you for making me smile :- D
Response: Thank you so much for the understanding :- ) I hope you're finding your new "me", and you're right, it is liberating to undergo the search rather than remain in a mold cast years ago. Enjoy!
Response: Thank you, I'm glad the card has such a good home LOL . Merry Christmas!
Response: LOL! I got a perm once, and my 4 year old daughter would not be seen in public with me until I put on a hat!
Thank you for the heart :- )
Response: Yay, that's great- happy that you are pleased with the card. It's one of my favs :- ) . Thank you for the heart.
Response: We already miss him, but we're glad he has found such a happy northern home. With luck, his travel crate held him safely thru the mail. Happy Winter!
Response: Wow, thanks! That sounds like a Finnish version of Jules Verne.... must find a copy of the Sunless City....
Response: Glad you liked the pc! I have a tomato/green pepper bed, the rest is flowers and general landscaping. I'm trying Preen this year, to reduce the sprouting weeds...
Response: Amazing! When my mom passes on, she has asked to be taken to Canton and some of her ashes placed on her parent's graves in the Evergreen Cemetery. So, eventually, I will go there. And I have a cousin who is still there- I remember the pine trees...
Thanks for your reply!
Response: Good it arrived safely :- ) I got 3 more today, now have 10!
Response: Thank you! Yes, it is difficult to let them go and I worry that you are getting enough to eat!
Response: It was indeed my pleasure.
Response: Great- thank you!
Response: Thank you for your kind hopes for me/us! It is a lot of effort to rehab tiny orphaned animals but indeed, very rewarding. Best wishes to you!
Response: That is a fun photo! I'm glad it found its' way to you :- )
Response: I'm so happy that you like them- I enjoy weaving tea towels but they don't stay with me for very long. I end up giving them all away :- )
Response: Yes, I would enjoy hearing from you in the future :- ) Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are a good sport not to rate me harshly- you're the best! Thank you! My babies are sweet little bundles.
Response: Thank you for your kind words :- ) I'm so glad you are happy!
Response: You are welcome! I'm glad that you like it all- this group gives me reason to do crafts I've let go for awhile so I may be a little rusty. Thanks for your encouragement!
Response: Thank you! Yes, I am indeed lucky
Response: Yes, just your entry and then back home I would say! :- D Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for your kind words :- D and the heart!
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed my swap. Thanks for welcoming little Henry! It's incredible, I can hardly believe it yet- Thank you for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked it! Hong Kong is on my bucket list :- )
Response: Thank you for your kind words, I'm very glad that you enjoyed your card! I hope she brings me some pc's from Bankok..
Response: You're welcome! I was tickled to find that postcard in my collection and be able to send it to you! Glad the resend worked out. Happy 2016!
Response: Thank you for your kind words, I'm lucky my husband puts up with it!
Response: Thank you! I feel lucky to have the free time and family support to do the animal rehab. They enjoy seeing the babies too, my husband sometimes gives bottles to the tiny coonies for me...
Response: Your language is very interesting- thank you for managing this group, I enjoy it a lot!
Response: That sounds like a lot of snow last year- our driveway is long and steep and snow removal takes a lot of time and work Our dogs rather stay in and watch!
Response: That's why I like this group- a good excuse to send such cards and maybe I'll get one in that same parking lot some day.. thank you for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart
Response: Haha! Yes, Moomins look like hippos :- ) I'm glad you enjoyed the card, thanks for the heart
Response: You are very welcome! Thank goodness that the box did finally arrive at your home. It was a fun swap!
Response: I think Dorothy and Toto PC might be possible- I will shop for you. Thank you for the heart!
Response: So glad you enjoyed the PC- yes, I have 4 eyes-closed babies right now, sweeties need bottles 5 times a day- but I don't do 3am unless they are under 130 grams.These are 250g :- }
Response: Wonderful! I am very happy that the swap was fun for you and your family- it was fun for me to prepare it for you :- }
Response: I'm so happy you enjoyed it too- i love the emotion that is possible with watercolor. It was beautifully done, and felt right for a Feb swap to me.
Response: LOL Happy you enjoyed your goodies!
Response: I'm so happy you were pleased! I like to draw zentangles while watching tv with my husband, relaxed and unhurried. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Aww, thanks! And thank you for the heart :- }
Response: You're so kind! Hugs to you :- }
Response: I'm happy that the little raccoon made you smile. Better luck for happiness in 2015!
Response: Very glad it pleased you! I have a few on my tree, too <3
Response: Thanks! And he's not the only feral cat I have.... I have 2 kittens in my bathroom that we're taming down! lol they're coming along well. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I am happy that you like the card!
Response: I'm glad you liked your package! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Happy spring to you all too! I got it into the mail before April 1st cuz you said not to send chocolate from April on :- } You deserve it all, for the great swaps I've enjoyed from you!
Response: Whew, i wasn't sure which way that comment was going to go! LOL So happy you liked my artistic vision, I know my stuff is different from most...that's what makes it mine.. Thank you!
Response: Thank you for your kind words! I'm so happy that you enjoyed your Christmas card in March :- D
Response: Thank you for your generous rating.
Response: Thank you, so glad you enjoyed the card- happy holidays to you, too ;- }
Response: See's are my ultimate fav! Hope they weren't too melted- glad you're pleased, my friend! Yay Peeps!
Response: I do that too! with the mini Snickers- I cut them in half and freeze them. Happy Halloween!
Response: You are welcome, and I'm glad your little girl likes the owl ;- }
If you want more of the apple drink, we can do a private swap
Response: So happy that it arrived to you so quickly! Enjoy, and hugs to you!
Response: Thank you~ like in the old days this post office is a "nerve center", where Colleen hears everything ;- }
Response: Self- propelled battering rams LOL
Response: It was fun to have someone to share the Moomin stamp with! Even the "airmail" sticker on her swap was Moomin :- D
Response: Thank you for the compliment ! So glad you like it ;- D
Response: Aww, sorry about the eaten rabbits- I am fond of both rabbits and foxes, so I don't know which way to feel! Glad you liked your swap ;- }
Response: You finally received your swap! That's a relief~ and I'm glad you are happy ^o^ I enjoyed weaving with your yarn, and sharing these items with you. Have you heard of that mathematician? I know she would like you!
Response: HAhaha, you are so funny~ and you are always such a generous swapper, I wanted to give something nice back to you. I'm so glad that you are pleased ^o^
Yes, I am interested to see what Pisco Sour cupcakes look like ~
Response: You're welcome, I enjoyed making up a package that would bring you smiles. I love Peeps too!!
Response: I'm happy that you liked it ~ it was supposed to be 2 ATCs, with human figures so I have done your swap over and they are on their way to you. Thank you for your understanding!
Response: You're so kind. Lol, yes, a mysterious peeker! I appreciate your rating and patience!
Response: Wow, I'm so glad too! I guess it was meant for you ;- } Very glad you are pleased with the swap, and thanks for the heart (s) LOL
Response: It has a certain atmosphere... you're welcome!
Response: Thanks so much! I'm happy to be seeing you on SB again
Response: This is wonderful! I will be in touch when I get some babies. Have you ever been to Lakeside Nature Center, on the south side of Swope Park? That's where I get my baby coons. I can't wait, we'll have fun!
Response: I am so pleased that everyone has enjoyed the swap :- } Thank you for the heart!
Response: Wow, what great luck that I chose that card to send to you- it must have chosen itself- the other one was an old woman with a rabbit on a leash....
Response: You're welcome, I know he'll be happy there with you!
Response: Haha hope that's ok with you! They'll settle down once they've had a good sniff.
Response: Glad to know that you did get it, and thank you for the heart!
Response: So glad you enjoyed my swap- I've saved all the pcs I got, and plan to watch the "fav movies" this winter ;- }
Response: I'm so glad to know that it arrived! I hope you like the Reece's candy~
Response: Wow, that's interesting! I never thot to google it. I will certainly have a look at your new swap ;- }
Response: I'm so glad that you enjoyed the swap. Our cats are really special ;-}
Response: Thank you for your appreciation, and the heart ;- }
Response: You're welcome! I like how we both are "yarn people"!
Response: Thanks~ this is a wonderful group! I am enjoying the swaps
Response: I soak and squeeze out the yarn and lay it in plastic wrap. Then squirt diff. colors of concentrated koolaid around the skein. Roll up and seal, microwave for 4 minutes. Should rinse pretty clear- mw longer if not. ;- }
Response: Well, OK if you want to do that! I am happy that you like it, it was fun to make for you. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Your words are very kind and they warm my heart and give me confidence ;- } I got the images from a royalty-free image CD from Dover Publishing, printed them onto photo paper. The cards are spanish- featuring chalices, swords, clubs (caveman) and coins. Glad you like it all!
Response: Wow, the post was fast! That was only 4 days! I hope you all enjoy the food, it was fun to shop for you!
Response: So glad you like him! Thanks for the heart ^o^
Response: The story of that bubble wrap would certainly be interesting- I too got it in a swap! Who knows where it originated!~ I'm happy that you enjoyed your treats ;- }
Response: You're welcome, I'm happy that it arrived finally and that you're pleased with it '- }
Response: I'm glad that you like your package- Elvis coffee is about as American as it gets!
Response: I'm so happy that you are pleased! It was a fun swap
Response: You are so very welcome! I'm thrilled to know the slippers are on their way with you to Scotland, you will no doubt need them there ^o^ I am looking forward to seeing you in the fall, thank you for the heart!
Response: So you got it figured out? Good! I don't think it's mirror writing, but I'm going to try the ones I got in the mirror right now to see~ thank you for the heart! You're a dear;- }
Response: You are kind to feed the cat who has been visiting with you through the window. Here in the States, sometimes we have raccoons looking through the window, hoping for a snack!
Response: OK good, no problem now that I know you got your swap. I'm glad that you are happy with it! I agree, KOA swaps are always fun!
Thanks for the heart
Response: Aww, thank you! I wanted to do something more than just Arthur standing there. I dug thru a lot of magazine pages to find just the right man's face! LOL
Response: Thank you very much for being a classy swapper! I appreciate it.
Response: Thanks for the heart! Because of the raccoons I don't get away much- sometimes I just take them with me if i need to be gone overnight :- }
Response: You're very welcome, it's a pleasure to put together something special for a friend.
Response: Glad you like the selection ;- } Yes, I made the paper from junk mail and gift wrap
Response: You're very welcome! Yes, I made the paper it's so much fun, and easy too! I'm glad you like your postcards, I liked the bluebirds
Response: I'm happy to share, it gives me reason to make more ^o^
Response: Thank you Darci, it was fun to look for a PC with a road
Response: I'm so glad you like your treats! And the Dove PB and Choco eggs- well, I had to have one or 2 also
Response: I appreciate all your kind words, and I'm glad you like the ATC- it was really fun to make! We gotta do this again LOL
Response: Good, so you know about Pa's fiddle ;-} Glad the swap pleased you
Response: OOoo, that was close. My daughter sent me a Christmas card that arrived open AND empty. Guess all's well that ends well- glad you liked your ATC! Where's my tape....
Response: I am so happy that the package pleased you! I love home made marshmallows, glad you do too. Thanks for the heart and quick rating ^o^
Response: You are very welcome and I hope to swap with you in Iceland! Please think of me if you need anything American, including any American food ^o^
Response: Thank you~ I'm the opposite, my singles tend to come apart when I'm plying ; - }
Response: So glad you like it~ it was fun to make ^o^
Response: You're welcome, it's a recycled wool sweater ;- }
Response: You're welcome~ you can put any ATC of your choice in the presentation card, of course :- }
Response: Thank you for your kind words, I'm happy that you like your ATC! It's fun to think of it in Germany, across the sea...
Response: Hi- regarding whether or not raccoons and bears are related- they are not, but their paws do look similar, with bare skin and no pads.
Response: Excellent advice! The voice of experience is the best.
Response: Good to see that you got your ATC! My sweet rat was unaware that most rats do not spend time in snake cages and so was not upset with it. All's well that ends well!
Response: I appreciate the heart, hope you have a wonderful holiday too!
Response: Your pleasure is my reward. Harriett thanks you for the compliment! Your son-in-law sounds like my kind of guy :- }
Response: Well, that's great then, it's a relief to know that it arrived OK. So glad you are pleased, I made one for myself tehe!
Response: As a new swapper, you can use that technique and always get a heart on your postcard swaps- have fun!
Response: Wow, I'm so pleased that you like the image I chose so much! Must be kismet- thank you for the heart ^o^
Response: Sure, we're classy over here! It's just magical at the holidays...
Response: YaY! So you appreciate how special Pa's fiddle is- it was wonderful to see the real thing in person so to speak. I'm happy you were the one to get that card ^o^
Response: Glad you like it, thank you for the heart!
Response: And you made me smile with your kind note and the heart! Thank you
Response: I'm glad you like it, I chose the colors to reflect the colors of the autumn leaves here in Missouri. I enjoy your pics of the kids on Facebook!
Response: So glad you liked it Sher! ! Thank you for the heart ^o^
Response: Haha that's great! Now I'm going to have to try them myself... glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart
Response: I agree! It's a challenge to find stuff that will fit inside an egg, I had to look hard for big eggs and I think you will like your items! Happy Springtime ^o^
Response: Yes, that which is wrapped in the red tulle is the swap~ the other items are for you to use for your own Easter fun. And just because!
Response: Wow, that is a relief to know that your swap has arrived. I enjoy sharing with you, and I hope you have fun with the American food!
Response: Thank you Michele, I'm happy that you're pleased. They were fun to make, now I want to do some more lol
Response: So true- I'm glad that you are pleased and thank you for the heart ^o^
Response: Wonderful that it arrived so fast! Now he can join us in having a fun advent month
Response: Thank you Mona, here's wishing you a peaceful and satisfying holiday season
Response: You're so welcome Kari! I really enjoy the tea towel you embroidered for me, so now it's even-steven [hugs back]
Response: It is important to me that you receive what you deserve- an excellent swap in a timely manner. Sorry it turned out to be complicated and I thank you for your cooperation and patience. And for the heart!
Response: Yeah, me too! I still have all my albums that I bought with babysitting money.
Response: Glad you have enjoyed everything!
Response: I'm so pleased that you liked it!
Hugs, Wendy
Response: LOL So happy that you liked it!!
Response: Thanks for your kind comments- I'm glad you like the tea towel, I think I'll make one for myself! The kittens are supposed to go off so much formula and be fed soaked mashed kibble and I can tell you that is MESSY! LOL
Response: So glad that you are pleased! I found it a bit difficult to make a farm yard animal tote bag NOT look "country"- LOL
Response: Hi Kari, thank you for your kind words. I'm so happy that your mother is enjoying her treat! That's my biggest reward. Hope you had a nice Mother's Day :-)
Response: LOL Yes, I want to live in that commune! It makes me happy to send a pleasing package to you. Hugs to you all
Response: Thank you! Hugs ~
Response: You're so welcome! It was fun to send to you.
Response: Wonderful- I was hoping to meet your standards! Happy art shopping~ and art making~
Response: You're so welcome. I wish I could give gifts like that in person, fiber people enjoying fiberish things!
Response: I'm so happy you like it! Yes, it is a real stamp, but not from the U.S. I was pleased to find it in my collection, as I wanted to use a stamp for this ATC, don't know why, just did.
Response: Great! I thought it was fun and hoped you would like it!
Response: You are so welcome, fellow gardener! I loved that fabric too, it's kawaii fabric from Japan I got it from Etsy. Glad you were pleased, kudos to the post office for getting there in 2 days!
Response: Thank you, you're very nice. I read on your profile that you like the semi precious stones, Cheers!
Response: Thank you, he usually doesn't mind, but he's getting old... thanks for the heart :)
Response: Thanks,, your comment gave me a smile, too! I know the dishcloth will be frustrating so do it a little at a time :) I never dreamed it would be like that, but I;m glad you can use the knitting needle even if you end up throwing the knitting into the fire LOL
Response: Thank you! We wish the same for you and your family. And thank you for both of the hearts :)
Response: You're welcome! I put some French items in there as I saw you liked Paris so much. Happy New Year and thanks for the heart!
Response: LOL We love our TV time too! Glad it got there OK and especially glad that it pleases you. Thank you for your PM letter and for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! I actually take those sorts of bars with me when I travel for when I'm inconveniently hungry. Thanks for the heart!
Response: It makes me smile to read your post! Thank you
Response: When I looked at your profile I saw you mentioned dog fur- some people are put off by it but I guessed you would'nt be. I think it's beautiful, glad you are happy!
Response: Jacqui, your kind words make me feel happy, and I'm so pleased you like the little sheep. You sound so much like someone I would love to be neighbors with!
Response: I'm happy that you like the teatowel, it was fun to have a reason to work on the loom. Thank you for your kind comments and hearts!!
Response: You're welcome Denise, I'm glad you like it! I know you have a lot of pincushions, I hope this one fits into your collection well.
Response: Oh, thank you! Having had to think about them, now I'm more tuned into what my goals actually are!
Response: I love Moomins too, with their tummy powder.. did you know there is a theme park in Sweden all about Moomins? And I hope you make and enjoy the recipes some time!
Response: Glad you liked it! My mom's a live wire.
Response: I always want to resend to my partner, if they didn't get their swap~ thank you for the heart! Hope we get paired up again sometime!
Response: Thank you, Denise! : )
Response: I'm so glad you're happy! I think of you every time I listen to my Philipines music in the car- and I thought that book looked like one you would like :)
Response: LOL, yes, I walk around in costumes all the time...! like a Gibson Girl... and the hammock on the porch is just right for hot, lazy days...
Response: I'm glad you liked the brochures, I'm glad they got there all right!
Response: I'm so sorry about the hassle, I will get the pictures to you better soon. Thanks for your understanding, I'm self taught on the computer, so that means I have a know-nothing for a teacher.....
Response: Thank you for your kind words~ we feel lucky to have some a peaceful place to live. And thank you for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed them, and thanks so much for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked it, thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for your encouraging words, and also for the heart! :)
Response: I am so glad that it pleased her! It was very fun for me to make her a special package. What a good idea this swap was!!
Response: Great, how perfect! You're welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: Glad you are happy! You will have to come to Leavenworth, Kansas and see the Carosel Museum, it's really great.
Response: That was what I was so hoping you would say! It makes me smile to know he was happy with his surprise box
Response: Yeah, not many adults have tried a Nerd Rope! I love 'em and I'm an adult twice over LOL I like the tart/sweet of it. Hope you can use the card.
Response: Oh, thank you- the truth in the pudding will be after you brew up some...hope you love it! I put delivery confirmation on it because it smelled so good, I was afraid a postal worker would want to take it home!
Response: Oh, I'm so happy that my package pleased you- and Savannah too! It was fun to put together.
Response: Thank you for the heart and kind comments! Your cat has a funny name! I'm glad that you enjoyed the ATC.
Response: Thanks for the heart! I'm glad you liked the ATC, my cat is a goof..
Response: Thank you for your rating, I'm glad that you enjoyed your double package!
Response: LOL Thanks, I was hoping you'd like it all. I love printing stuff off onto fabric from my printer, you can get creative!
Response: Good, I'm glad you liked it~ I looked thru my daughter's Pokemon card collection until I found one she had an extra of LOL
Response: I'm really glad to hear you all are happy! It was a fun swap :)
Response: You're welcome! Did you get the photos on your email? I sent some of your cute gnomes at my house.
Your friend, Wendy
Response: You're so kind~ I'm really glad that you like the yarn! Happy knitting!
Response: We gnome lovers have to support each other. I was happy to have someone to celebrate gnomes with me!
Response: Thanks! I was thinking of springtime...
Response: Wow, you're back!! And already returning mail! Thank you for the nice words~ and I would really enjoy seeing all the other letters too- I may not be able to find both of mine, but I know where one is... I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventures!
Response: Thank you- sorry I nudged you, I was worried that you didn't get the email. Glad you did!
Response: Glad you liked it all! You should try needle felting, it's fast and creative.
Response: Thank you very much!
Response: It's wonderful to hear that you are happy with the package! I love that Raspberry chocolate too- I hope your special love and you will have a happy Valentines' Day
Response: Good, it sounds like it arrived there safely- very glad you liked it! I had fun making your shrine.
Response: Glad you liked them! I made me one, too- they were coming out so cute! LOL
Response: You're so welcome! I printed that gnome picture in my printer, cool, huh?
I figured a fiber artist could put it to good use. I'm so glad you're pleased.
Response: Thank you for your welcome to Esther and the kind words for me. SwapBot is a great creative outlet for me, I'm telling everybody about it! I started in October and have learned about dotees...!
Response: Hi Mary, I'm so happy that you like your parcel. Maybe you can learn to make ATCs while you recuperate post-surgery! The slippers will be good for then, too- while drinking tea!
Response: Glad you liked it! When I saw them at the library, I knew I had to get one for the swap
Response: You're kind to say so! It was fun to make the bag- hope you find it useful
Response: Good idea! If I got all the gnomes together inside, it would be a party~
Response: I'm glad she found a welcoming home!
Response: It was a fun swap- I can't wait for my tin of cookies, too...:D
Response: You're so welcome- I was afraid you already had those coins but I went ahead and included them anyway- glad I did! Thank you for the invitation to join your swaps- I really appreciate that. Merry Christmas to you too
Response: I'm glad you got your package OK- have fun playing with your kitties!
Response: Thank you for your nice comments- I hope you enjoyed doing the swap too!
Response: I'm so glad you are pleased! I guessed that the American recipes might be difficult with our strange Teaspoons, and 1/4 cup etc. measurements so I sent those along. Best wishes to you! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm so happy that you liked my card, merry christmas to you!
Response: LOL You must have an interesting Christmas tree! Way to go!
Response: I'm so glad you are pleased! It's always a guess- got lucky this time. Enjoy!
Response: I'm happy you were pleased- and I hope you will like how the recipe tastes!
Response: Whew, sounds like a close call! Glad it got thru to you, thanks for the heart!
Response: Your comments are very encouraging- I've just started making ATC's so you make me feel like I'm doing them right! I'm sure you will have great success too!
Response: Thanks for the rating, glad you like them.
Response: Glad you like my little riverside town. And I KNEW your name had to be from "Stardust"! "Anasasi Brothers" is really good too.
Response: Glad you didn't ding me for not sending 2 or 3 photos of the box contents- actually, wouldn't that be redundant and boring? Thanks!
Response: Fantastic! Thanks so much, I'll use that word and people will marvel... maybe we can swap Pepperidge Farm cookies and that tea for something Alaskan sometime, think about it..
Response: Yay bobberdilly, I'm so glad I didn't bore you!
Response: Oh, I'm really glad you liked the matchbox. And that pirate button seemed perfect for you!
Response: You and Lolly are very welcome, it was fun to think I had a friend in Brazil!
Response: I lived in St. Louis for 4 years and once we had thunder snow- lightning and pouring rain except it was cold enuf that the rain was snow- huge amounts of it! Thanks for your rating!
Response: You're welcome, I'm happy it got there in good time.
Response: Thanks for the high rating! I love going to see the kitties, this week 2 were gone- ones that were old and imperfect but they got adopted! Bless those families
Response: Glad you liked the dragon, and thanks for the 5!