Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Very sorry about that, i usually check to try and avoid Sending them home before they are finished.
Thankyou for the heart
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks for hosting!
Response: You are very welcome! I am glad you liked everything!
Have a great christmas with your family!
Response: Thanks for adding to it!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: You are very welcome! Glad someone could appreciate my excess cards.
Response: We were very lucky during covid that we hardly had any lockdowns in Darwin and we could continue our retreats so long as you were vaccinated ! So we didnt really miss any!
It is such a great group of ladies, i hate to miss them!
Response: You are very welcome and thanks for the other feedback!
Response: You are very welcome! Hope you can join the next one!
Have s great year of the dragon!
Response: You are welcome! Stumpy says hello !
Have a great year if the dragon!
Response: Yes there is quite a large wild population of feral camels in central australia. They were imported in the 1800s by the British and were released into the wild when other forms of transport became more popular. Apparently we now export them to the middle east!
Response: You are very welcome - hope to see you in the next swap! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it did. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Catch you next year!
Response: You are very welcome! I will prob restart the suit swaps in feb.
Hope you have agreat christmas! Thankyou for the heart!🎄☃️🎄☃️🎄
Response: You are welcome! Merry Christmas to you and your family!🎄☃️🎄☃️🎄
Response: Hope you have a great christmas too!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Hope you have a great christmas too!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Wishing you a very merry christmas!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: So glad that they arrived this time! Also glad you liked it and thankyou for the hearts!
Response: You are very welcome Claire! I just received your very newsy letter today! Thankyou very much! ❤️❤️❤️
Response: Im glad you liked it!
Thankyou for the heart!
Hope the calendar arrives this year!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You’re welcome.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I love the collaborative PCs. You never know how they will turn out!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad it arrived.
Thanks for your patience!
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Thanks Fran,
Me too! Have my two boxes set up so i can open each day!
Thanks for the hearts!
Response: You are very welcome! Im really excited waiting for the first of december!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Just glad they arrived!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Hi Lindsay,
Glad you liked the PCs and hope the boys had fun with the stickers.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: I hope you have fun using them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: We are eagerly awaiting the third batch. Last two seasons they started in Nov, but the cooler weather lasted a bit longer this dry season, so not sure when we will see the new hatchlings.
Thanks fir the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Im glad you liked the card - we cant buy them in Oz.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are very welcome! Im looking forward to receiving mine for the next round!
Glad you liked the PCs.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome!
Glad you liked everything.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome! Glad you liked them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: It is! We stay at the hotel so no dishes for the week!
Thankyou for the heart
Response: Always welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Im always keeping an eye out for dolphin stuff.
Thankyou for the heart
Response: You are welcone. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it. Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Glad you are doing better. Sadly, little Marco Polo passed away last month. He was about 5 months old. I have got some postcards travelling around with his photo on them, so he still gets to travel in spirit!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thankyou Gabi,
Hope your halloween was great. I was in Subiaco, a suburb in perth and there was nothing for halloween going on except a few shop decorations! There wasnt even any lolly litter in the streets this morning! Id really like to experience a full on halloween night in the USA one day!
Response: Hello James,
Thankyou for the heart.
Sadly, little Marco Polo passed away last month. I like to think he is still travelling in spirit with the postcards that his pic is on!
The new hatchlings should be arriving soon!
Response: Oops! I dont even think i realised i sent two on the same day! That is pretty amazing that they arrived together! Glad you liked them!
Thanks forthe heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thankyou for the heart and all the comps you hold for extra cards!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Ive just been away for 5 weeks and only managed to finish one of the projects from quilt camp! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. I get very excited for you when im out shopping and find some new minnie stickers!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thanks for working on these cards.
Thankyou also for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Thankyou for the heart.
The new hatchlings shouldbe arriving soon!
Response: Youre welcome. I think their snoring would be pretty common!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and im glad you liked it. Love to see a photo of the alligator snapping turtles that you rescue!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Im glad you liked it and thankyou for the heart!
Sadly, Marco Polo passed away in Sept, but ive used his pic on some of my postcards and i like to think his spirit is still getting to travel!
Response: Im starting to travel a bit more, but just within australia. Im not willing to risk being stranded in a foreign airport just yet!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Im learning lots of things doing swaps and hope my new found knowledge helps with trivia night! The first cryptid swap i did, i did not even know what a cryptid was!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked them.
Thankyou for the heart.
They were a lot of fun to make
Response: You are welcome. Glad you liked them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Its weird, i had seen the poster for it in the bookshop window for ages before i bought it!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad it has arrived!
Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Youre welcome.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thanks for working on it and for the heart!
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Last season we started getting hatchlings in nov, so we are checking every day now!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thankyou for the heart.
Response: So glad you liked them!
What sort of turtles is your mum feeding?
Thanks for the heart?
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thankyou for the heart.
Ive just returned home from WA. Their flowers are so beautiful!
Response: I love cowaramup and the way they have made it cowtown!
Glad you like the card.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked them!
Thanks for the heart.
Good tohear you can use the pages.
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im so glad you liked it! I am the biggest starwars geek that i know! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im so glad you liked them!
Thankyou for the heart. Marco Polo is still kicking it with his larger siblings!
Response: You are very welcome! It is great to have the time to make something when you know the other persons likes!
Yours arrived today! I would love to know the brand of that turtle paper you used!
Thankyou for the heart!❤️❤️❤️
Response: You are welcome! Its a great little town. I always have to stop when passing thru and support the little shops! Wish it hadnt rained on the day!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad it arrived OK,
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: No worries, I still have some swaps taking a long time to get to USA
Response: WOW, mail to you was very quick! Im glad you liked the cards. I am such a big starwars fan! I think im the craziest one i know! Im so grateful that Disney has produced those mini series - love them all!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome!
Glad you liked it all.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Hes doing well. Was about 20mm in size when he came home, now hes about 35 mm across the shell!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Always welcome Marc!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad it made it ok.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thankyou for the heart!❤️
Response: Im so glad it has arrived and you like it! I usually think of taking the photos after ive already wrapped it up and so just get photos of the envelope before i post!Thankyou for the heart!
Response: So glad they arrived safely. Weather is getting quite cold here in Dunsborough, and they are having the lowest maximums at home in darwin! So im missing the cool weather at home. Will prob get hot when i get home!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcone. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! So far so good. Hoping to get last years hatchlings back into the pond after i make some alterations.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: From the books ive read, the turtles can reach the size of a dinner plate, but you know some plates are bigger than others! Im working on a project to extend the height of the walls of the lower pond to make it harder to escape. Ive had some 20mm thick clear plastic cut to go around and im just waiting for the special joining clips to arrive. I alsoneed to extend the wall under the deck as they are able to climb onto the thing (that reads the water level and adds water if it gets too low) and then they can escape! I will have to get the guys who built the deck in to do that!
So it looks like the hatchlings will be in the aquarium for a bit longer!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad it has arrived and that you liked it!
Thanks for your patience and the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked everything abd appreciated the plastic bag - its often raining or snowing or some other wet thing at either end. I know its not so green, but wet mail can be very disappointing!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart! Hope you liked the stamps.
Response: I posted it yesterday, so you should still receive it!
Response: Glad you liked everything.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: How cool that you have been there! Im afraid that i am too scared to go up in a helicopter! I would consider myself a “land lubber”!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked the PC.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are always welcome Fran. Thankyou for all the hearts!❤️❤️❤️
Response: Thanks, im glad you liked them.
Thankyou for the hearts!
Response: So glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome. Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome!
Im glad you liked them.
Thankyou for the heart.
Response: So glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank goodness it has arrived! Thanks for your patience and the heart!
Response: Thank goodness something has arrived! Was it the original or the resend?
Thanks for your patience and the heart!❤️❤️❤️
Response: You are very welcome! I did live a few streets away when i was at uni - i dont think i ever saw it looking like that!
Thankyou for the hearts!
Response: You are very welcome!
I was born in the year of the dragon and have always loved them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you got them OK. I try to tape over anything i think could get caught in the sorting machines. Judging by some of the envelopes ive received, some of them are quite rough!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked them and that you got to hear some new stories! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad they have arrived safely.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Glad they arrived safely.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank goodness they arrived!
I hope you liked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hi Sherry,
Glad it arrived OK. The hatchlings are of northern yellow faced turtles. We have 17 survivors for this season at the moment. The last one has been named Marco Polo because he escaped out of the pond and travelled across my backyard into the neighbours back yard and was heading to their pool when they found him! My sprinklers had beens et wrong and were coming on three times a day, so i guess thats why he didnt dry out, but he also avoided getting eaten by my dogs and their dogs. He was really small, so he had just hatched. This was two weekends ago and he is doing well!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I loved the cool weather! Back in Darwin now. Hope to be heading down again soon!
Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: The weather was fantastic!
Ill be heading down again in a few weeks - should be even colder! Ilove holidaying in cold places - makes a noce change from Darwin. It usually takes about 3-4 weeks before i start feeling the cold. I reckon it cos i have that much heat stored up in my core!❤️❤️❤️
Response: Youre welcome. Glad you like them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youare very welcome. Im glad you liked it. Thankyou for your patience and the heart!
Response: Thanks for your patience! Im glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
I think it was from a little pack that came with a magazine - ive got so much in my stash, i cant remember where ive got it all!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Im amazed it arrived so quickly too!
Thanks for the great rating!
Response: Ive been visiting the southwest for over 30 years and still find new things everytime i visit! Soi think youll want a lot more than a day!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for working on them!
Hope you have fun with them.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Im glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Bees are always fun!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad it has arrived and did not take 3 months!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Dont get the postal service - why is it some take 3 weeks and others take three months!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: No worries!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it. I just love that dragon paper. Im yet to make myself something from it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: The hatchlings are northern yellow faced turtles. I have two adult females and one male. All rescues via work. They are obviously very happy in the outdoor pond we built for them and the boy is relentless in his pursuit of the girls! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! I just love STARWARS!! The mandalorian stuff coming out is so cute! Ive run out of room to display it all. Recently saw the pandora starwars charms, but i dont wear jewellery much, so i resisted!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad that you liked it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! Glad you liked it. Im travelling at the moment, so will rate once i get home.
Thank you for the hearts!
Response: Youre welcome.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it has arrived!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! If you are ever visiting darwin, come round and visit them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart. I was travelling, so we went out for dinner and i wore my greenery!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Always welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: That took awhile!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: When i read Tommy turtle i thought of the little training potty that was shaped like a turtle and his shell was the cover. I remember this for my younger brothers!
Thanks for 5h3 heart and the memory!
Response: Hope you liked them all! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! Glad you liked it all! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
We havent caught the thief on cam yet - maybe too late for this season.
Response: WOW, it actually got there before St Pats!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Mail is getting better. Some were taking 3 months in either direction! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Thankyou for heart! I try to use diff stamps - we dont havevmuch variety for international mail! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: No worries! Im in Duns now enjoying the cool weatherand being able to walk without sweating to death!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hatchlings of northern yellow faced turtles! Havent found anything on the cam yet! Glad you liked the PCs.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked everything! That was pretty quick travelling - mail to italy is getting better!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I would come during the dry season, so the humidity doesnt kill you!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Ill have try and remember which article i sent you for next time! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked everything! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome,
Im glad they all arrived safely.
I reckon its pretty cool to have the whole set!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You’re very welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You arewelcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Ii took that other egg out and put it in the garden - didnt want him To have a ready meal and learn bad habits for next season!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. hope they tasted good - i dont even like the smell of coffee. Have to hold my breath when i walk past a coffee shop!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Glad you liked him.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Ijust love halloween!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: He is very cute!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it.
I think bees are always great!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Glad you liked it!
Response: Glad it made it!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes i really liked that idea and did a similar one on my next starter
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it has finally arrived!
Thanks for your persistence with maps #6. I will rate as soon as i receive it so youll know. Mail seems to have improved between our countries!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome! Thankyou for joining and for the heart!
Response: Glad that you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for your contribution! Glad the mail service is improving.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im so glad you liked it. I love these “ learn sonething new” swaps! When i go to op shops im always on the lookout for old books that i can cut up for these swaps! Im glad it was able to bring back some lovely memories!
Thankyou for the heart
Response: Im so glad you liked those PCs! One more to complete the set!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You aire welcome. Thanks for the great rating!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for joining the swap!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome! I hope the mask fits. Ive been making quite a few for my friends and family because they help reduce fogging on the glasses and i guess im hanging around with a lot of glass wearing people!
Thanks for the great rating!
Response: Glad you liked them all!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome. I like to make my own holder for the cards - i dont like cutting up the plastic card holders!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Theres two more crabs coming to make up the set! I cant tell you the news here - youll have to wait for them to arrive! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad they've arrived safely! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
I had to google to find out the other sport - javelin throwing!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Sometimes it takes me a few days to work out what I will add and others it comes to mind immediately!
Response: You are very welcome.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes i have a chair right in front of the tank for such viewings! We are sitting on 25 hatchlings so far for this season!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad it arrived safely. We got 12 more hatchlings on 30 jan! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank goodness it got there.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it.
I agree about learning lots of new stuff from swapping!
Response: Youre very welcome!
We found 12 new hatchlings on the 30th january!!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I really like textures too!
Glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Always welcome. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You’re welcome.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: Hope it can be used!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: WOW that was fast! Glad you liked them. Thanks for theheart!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Hope you liked them.
Response: Thankyou for the rating and heart!
Response: Im glad you liked them. I love Zazzle cards too. I h ave some really cool ones, but a lot of swaps dont allow them, so i send as extras!
Thanks for the heart.h
Response: Glad you like them.
Ill let you know when they get here.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it. Im having more fun all the time with making things!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Youre very welcome. We are now up to 11 hatchlings for this season!
They are so cute to watch and very relaxing!
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you liked it.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: WOW, i forgot you were my partner and just had another swap with you - youll see what imean when you receive it! I lost my son last year and my memory has been quite erratic. Good news, we found two more hatchlings last night when we went out to feed the critters in the pond! Thats 7 for this season!
Response: Yeah, the only thing we cant do in australia ia travel to WA, and so many people are desperate to visit friends and family over there, including me! My hubby’s family is there and we used to go down 3-4 times a year.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I thought they would be more interesting with a bit of info.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. I actually found the book hard to read - seemed too technical for the topic.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Glad it has arrived.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: I think there are more flights now - the mail seems to be arriving sooner from some places. Glad you liked the cards!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: I. Glad you like them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! When you make something with the fabric, i would love to see a photo of it!
Response: I didnt know either, until i did a bit of research! Glad you liked it. Im learning lots of new things from swapping - didnt even know the word cryptid before - they were just mythological creatures to me!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Im glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! We are still sitting on 5 for this season, but at least two more have hatched -we can see where theyve dugout from the nest, but we just cant find them!
I hope theyre hiding and havent been earen!
Response: Thank goodness its arrived!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Happy New Year !
Thankyoufor the heart
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Hope you had a great christmas!
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it has arrived safely!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Im glad you liked it. Is that what you meant by fox bat?
Response: Youre welcome - just glad it arrived!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes three rescue adults - once they have been in aquariums they shouldnt be released into the wild as they could carry diseases which could wipe out the wild population!
Have got them in a large outdoor “pond”, with big pocks and native water plants and i made a nesting box for them, which they use - i have to make a bigger one for next season because they are laying a lot more eggs over a longer time and have run out of space, so are digging up some of the earlier eggs! If the eggs get disturbed and rolled, im told they wont hatcn. So far that seems to e true!
Th ams for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it.
Still just the 5 hatchlings so far this season!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Looking forward to seeing your contribution!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad it arrived in time!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im so glad you can use them!
I received your swap today - just got home from the post office- and it really made me smile! Im going to read a bit more about pulsars and ive read half the happiness book already. Thanks heaps!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Response: Im so glad its arrived!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome! Glad it got there before christmas!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad the mail is travelling faster to you!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them!
Thanks for the heart!
I do prefer to use postage stamps.
Response: You are very welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Ok lets swap! We’Il just get Scotty to beam us over!
Ive never had a snow christmas - do you have snow there?
The ladies at the post office are really good to me. They stamp it and then let me put it inside the plastic sleeve!
They are doing an awesome job!
Hope you have the christmas you want!
Response: Lets hope the day goes without a hitch! Best wishes to you and your family. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad it has arrived. Thanks for working on it!
Thanks also for the heart!
Response: WOW, that took a long time! Im glad it arrived
Thankyou for your patience and the heart!
Response: Glad it arrived OK!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad that it has arrived and you like it!
Thanks for your patience!
Response: Im glad you liked it! I had to use the new christmas stamp!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
I love combining sewing and papercraft. I recently bought a tiny sewing machine from spotlight that i can take to scrapbooking retreats and stitch my papers.
Craft is for sharing - i dont like cutting up the 9 pocket, and the coordinator gave us the freedom to make our own pockets!
Im so glad you liked the bear - i just love Carla’s bears.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked them.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Any chance you could email a photo of your tree when youve decorated it?
Response: Weve started to get rain. Its 10.20am here in Darwin and i can hear thunder outside!
Thankyoufor the heart.
So far we have just three hatchlings this season- they have come earlier than we were expecting! We check the outdoor pond between dusk and dawn every day!
Response: Glad you liked it. I watched hocus pocus at home this year!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad youliked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome!!
Ive just received the hush puppies! No sure if im patient enough to wait!
Response: Youre welcome. I hope they come in useful!
Response: Youre welcome!
You shall have to include the northern territory next time you visit!
Response: Oh dear, i cant remember which cards i sent. I think they are the ones i made at the retreat.
Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Gld you like him! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Youre welcome.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: “This is the way”
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thankyou for your kind words and all the hearts!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked everything!
Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Youre welcome. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad they arrived! Thanks for the heart
Response: Glad you liked the PC.
Thanks for theheart!
Response: Youre welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: We got our first hatchling last wed. Werent expecting any till mid december! Have three so far!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Youre welcome.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them. Mine still hasnt arrived yet
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyou for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it all.
Thanyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks fir the heart!
Response: This letter was quite a challenge for me!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thankyou Debbie.
Im always on the lookout for new postcards, but they just seem to get the same ones in. Havent done any travelling since i got home in march and probably wont until next year.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im so glad you like it!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for swapping and for the heart!
Response: Its quite a fun technique. I actually like to get a few wrinkles to add texture!
Glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Last years hatchlings are still settling into their bigger aquarium and we are doing a bit of clearing in the big pond so we will be able to see the new hatchlings.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, i massaged the duct and sucked on lemons and chewed a lot of chewing gum and didnt need surgery!
Thanks for the heart
Response: Always a pleasure!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes we have some interesting place names here! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You arewelcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you like them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre always welcome. Thanks for putting up the swaps.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: I think Stumpy is the one in the bottom left corner.
We get a fair bit of rain in the wet season and the lawns have to be mowed every week!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad that you liked them and that it arrived before halloween!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it!
I always get a little stressed, worrying if my partners will like what ive made.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it. I have so many of those firever stamps toplay with.was glad to be able to use up a few!
Look forward to swapping in the future!
Thankyou for the heart
Response: Glad you liked it.
Thankyoufor the heart!
Response: You arewelcome!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Im glad you liked it.
Im actually wondering now, if the writing would have come back if i put it in the fridge!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. We cannot buy halloween cards in australia. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: The turtles have started laying eggs in sept, so we are expecting hatchlings in december. Ive moved last years babies into a new bigger aquarium and we will be bringing the new ones into the “turtle” nursery” a lot sooner - ive noticed quite a few lizards patrolling the outdoor pond walls and looking into the pondwater - i think the fresh hatchlings were just the right size for a snack for them!
Response: Youre welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I thought you would like it - glad you did!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked them!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it, thanks for theheart!
Response: Im so glad you liked it! Looking forward to more swapping with you.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome. Glad you can use them.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. We cant buy halloween cards in australia!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Ive not seen the belly egg sac. We just find the babies swimming in the pond! Last years babies have been moved to their new big aquarium and the “turtle nursery” will be all clean for this seasons hatchlings. Will be taking them out of the pond earlier this time, to stop them from disappearing (being eaten i think).
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youare welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it arrived. Its weird how some things take 2-3 weeks and others 5 months!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thankyou, you are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it has arrived!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it all. Iwas sent two cards in the previous round by the coordinator. I think when people are not participating anymore, they send them to her and she sends them out to keep them going. I think thats great so someone doesnt just chuck out the card! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Have a great halloween!!
Thanks for the heart!❤️❤️❤️
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyou for the hearts!
Response: WOW, that travelled fast! I havent seen the plover familt for a few days. Im hoping they flew away sonewhere!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Always trying to think of new stuff to try! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks for theheart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yeah the mail is crazy! Still having some really slow ones too. Glad you liked everything. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you likedit all. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome.thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome. Thanyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, its still a small world! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked everything! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked everything! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: I just love autumn colours! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Did you like the bear? Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart! Aust post have changed their rules for international letters so i have to keep them under 5mm thick now!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome.Thankyou for the heart!
Response: I didnt know how else to describe it, but it is just like pulling the cord to start the lawnmower! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Yes, i love collecting my mail now!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and i will keep it in mind. Thanksfor the heart!
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Always a pleasure!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Always a pleasure to swap with you. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Hope you have fun using them! I just love halloween!
Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked them. I do like a good scavenger hunt!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! I hope you can use them! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it! Thankyou for the heart!i
Response: You are welcome. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. I knew i had to send the dolphin PC to you! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thank goodness the resend arrived! Thankyou for being so patient!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: I love how that wombat card can count! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Hope you can use everything. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them.
Thanks forthe heart!
Response: You are welcomr. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: WOW, did they take that long to get there?!!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks! I hope you can use them. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You a re welcome!
Looking forward to getting it back!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes that is Jane.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: He does not seem to be disadvantaged!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart! I thought the brochure was pretty good too!
Response: Yeah, my brother is a ranger in kakadu and he says that there is no safe body of water! You wont catch me swimming in any waterholes!
Response: I would agree, the babies are definitely on the “not so smart” end! Fortunately they get smarter as they age!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked my addition!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Im glad they will be used! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Hope you are doing well and thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Im glad you liked everything! Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Thankyou, my son helped me design my swapping card.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes the four babies are doing very well. I just noticed that they are shedding some scutes - because they are growing!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it arrived safely!
Thankyou for the heart!
Has the history resend arrived?
Response: Youre welcome! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Youre welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thankyou for the heart
Response: Youre welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: They are keeping me afloat! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Just had todo turtles when i read your profile!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are both very welcome!
Thanksfor the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Have fun with the fussy cutting!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Finished with lockdown now. We didnt get any community transmission because we locked down fast and the virusdoesnt seem to do well in darwin!Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Youre welcome. I knew i would eventually find someone for those pages!
Thanks for the heart
Response: Youare welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are very welcome! I hope the other one has arrived. thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanksfor the heart.
Response: Very glad it has arrived at last!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, we are all waiting to be able to travel. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome, thanksfor the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Im glad you like it!
Response: Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! I hope you can use it all.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked them! I was hoping my story wasnt getting too boring. Will continue it in the next swap!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. I love to share with fellow starwars lovers!
This is the way!
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyoufor the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome.
I like learning too and I was just reading someones ABC list and i came across xenopus and xenolith.
Id never heard of these things so i had to google them. Im hoping they come up at trivia night now!
Response: Im so glad you liked them!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Im glad you liked it!
Thankyoufor the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it and that the books will be used!
Look forward to our next swap!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Yes, i agree! Turtles are awesome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome Jade!
Thanks for the heart!
Have you watched the mandolorian?
This is the way!
Response: You are welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome Anna. I love these swaps - its a great idea!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it. Hope the instructions were clear.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome Debbie. All the best for the days to come!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you can use them. Im really looking forward to getting this back when its done! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im so glad you like her. It was really hard not being able to use all my non paper embellishments. I wish the postal service had a category for letters that allowed the use of all our embellishments, without them being parcels!
Thanks forthe heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Yes, it will be great when we can travel again! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thank goodness it arrived! Im so glad you like it!
I just dont get the variation in the postal system!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Good to hear!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, they are fantastic!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked them! Im looking forward to being able to get back into travel and crafting! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hi Jo, we actually did get some rain last week, which was totally weird for this time of the year, being our dry season!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! Thankyou for the heart. The reason 8 bouht them inside is that one almost drowned when he got his foot stuck in the mesh covering the pipe taking water to the filter/pump in the big outside pond. He ended up losing his foot so we’ve named him stumpy! He doesnt seem to have any problems getting around and is doing very well.
Response: Im glad you liked them. They are a source of constant enjoyment. I had Stumpy on my hand the other day and he decided to see what i tasted like. Lucky theyre still more and it didnt hurt!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are very welcome! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Always a pleasure to send to you! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre very welcome! Would love to see a pic of your QEII project when youre finished.
Thanks for the heart!
WOW, i just noticed they only took two weeks to get to you,
Response: Im glad you liked everything. Thats a pretty average time for mail from Oz to USA. Mine hasn't arrived here yet! Im still having things take up to 3 months to get there!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: I have to disagree with that! I definitely read it on the screen - maybe it was different for Australia and I was thinking about it through the movie about how could i have missed the first 3!
Thanks for the heart and the convo!
Response: Im so glad they have arrived and that you like them! Thankyou for your patience and for the heart! Let me know if the original ones arrive - im just curious to know how long they take!
Response: You are very welcome! I have so many cards left from swapping and i like to do big swaps - there was one for the whole 13 cards in a suit, from 13 different packs, but its not running at the moment. I dolike to read my partners profiles and see what else i can pop in the envelope - ive always been a value for money person with postage!
Glad icould brighten your day!
Thankyou for the hearts!❤️
Response: So glad it has arrived!
Thankyou for the heart! I hope you get a chance to have a look at the book.
Response: Thank goodness its arrived! Glad youliked it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im so glad youliked it. Ive just gotten some new paints called cadence metallic paints, so the shimmer you see is from them. I mixed them up with my regular acrylics on the gelli plate. Have fun with the gelli printing!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
I would love to see a photo of your water dragon when hes finished. Could you email me a pic?
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad they've arrived!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I hope you can get to Uluru one day. Ive been there once on a school excursion - i think it was year 12. There are a bunch of smaller rocks sitting on Uluru near where people used to start their climb and as you start up you could sort of cling to these rocks and then there is a gap from the rocks to where the chain starts and a lot of people dont get past the small rocks and they call it chicken rock. Well that was me - i only got to chicken rock! I dont think you can climb it anymore, but the rules change from time to time.
Im glad you liked my PC and thanks for the heart.
Response: Im glad you liked it. My first attempt at this type of PC.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked it all. And thank goodness it arrived - i had two other swaps that i posted around the same time that were returned to me because of the teabags!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im glad you liked it! I was getting a bit worried you might not have. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Im so glad you liked it! That is how i felt when i opened your green lady swap!
Response: Glad it has finally arrived! I was getting a bit worried.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Youare very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I agree! Basically all i can find in the souvenir shops are touristy ones!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks forthe heart!
Response: Glad you liked the PC.
Ill write some more in our next swap.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im so happy you loved it all! Thanks for 5he heart!
Response: Youre welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Got a whole box of starwars postcards for swapping!
Looking forward to another one. Thanks for the heart.
Response: So glad you liked everything!
Well if i ever make it to the US again, hopefully we can get together for a cuppa!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Youre welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them and none were repeats!
Thanksfor the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanksfor the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I thought you had already rated!
Response: Thank goodness it arrived!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. I hope everything is useful. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them and that they’ve arrived! I’m still waiting for mine. The time it takes swaps to arrive is so variable!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I’m glad you liked it all. I always read my partners profile so I know what extra things to pop in!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You’re welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for being so patient! It’s kind of strange, because until the rescues came into work, I’d never thought about having a turtle for a pet, but as I am unpacking boxes from our move over 10 years ago - yes can’t rush these things! Well I am finding little turtle things that I don’t remember collecting! I must have had a subconscious affinity for them! And thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Hi Jess, you deserve to be treated!
Thanks fir the heart!
Response: You are very welcome Jess!!
You were such a warm welcome to swapbot! I was thrilled to be your partner!
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: I’m glad you like them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hope they were all to your liking!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! I love this series of swaps - havent done my pages yet as too busy swapping! I cant see what youve been doing as im only on facebook and swapbot.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! I. Trying to remember which mushie tape you liked - was it the one with the faces?
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I love these swaps - its so cool getting stuff from across the world and seeing all the different things that are out there! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Youre welcome, thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Glad youre happy! thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome !
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Youre welcome! So glad it got through - ive just had one returned to me because i put a teabag in it and apparently we cant send them in envies anymore, theyhave to go as parcels! Glad you liked the PCs and thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked everything. Thanks for the heart!
Response: WOW, that took a long time to get there! Glad you liked it!
Response: Youre very welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it has finally arrived and that you like everything. Have four babies still alive and doing very well!
Response: Youre welcome - i am glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I really enjoyed making all these items! Thanks for swapping with me! I love your creativity!!
Response: Thankyou Sissi!
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I hope you can use them all.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Im so happy it has arrived too! I didnt have those extras again! Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Glad you liked them!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank goodness it has arrived! Thanksfor the heart!
Response: Glad you liked everything
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked everything!
I am a bit paranoidabout my swaps getting wet, so i am compelled to wrap them in plastic!
Response: Yes, she is very talented!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Yes they are!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Im glad you liked that NT card!
Thanksfor the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Hope you can use everything!
Response: We prettty much got our envies at the same time - unusual for me!!
Response: Im looking foreward to being able to travel again too!
Response: WOW, that took a very long time to getthere! 4 months!! Thanks for your patience and the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. I love reading partners profiles and finding things to make them smile!
Response: I love to put all sorts of things on my head. My friend makes very cool fabric bowls and i always try them on!
Response: You are welcome! Thankyou for the heart.
Response: So glad you like them. Hope our next swap doesnt take this long to arrive. I need to get some different PCs.
Response: Thankyou for being so patient!
Response: I just love dogs! Their affection is unconditional and they cheer you up whenever you need it.
Response: Glad you like it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Youre welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked the cards. Thankyou for the heart.
Response: Im glad you liked them,
Have a great day!
Response: I do like her paintings. Iwas so lucky to find her book in an op shop. I dont think you can buy it anymore.
Response: Glad you liked it! Theres quite a few People of irish descent in the top end - but actually theres a lot of different cultures here - its a real mix. Weve had a few irish vets at the vet clinic where i work and i just love their accents. I also have a good friend in my trivia group who is irish and knows so much about history and literature and stuff. I tell her its because she got a real education in Ireland!
Response: Glad you liked it. Would love to see your zentangle doodle page!
Response: Glad you liked them. Turtles are doing really well inside.
Response: Yes she is very talented!
Response: I hope you liked the tea! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them. I really like all the animal PCs when i go shopping. It will be great when we can travel again.
Response: Glad you liked your ATC and happy mail! WA has a few unusual animals beginning with “Q” - quokka, quenda - thats all i can remember.
Response: Thankyou, the weather is much kinder since i wrote. Humidity has dropped a bit and it makes such a difference!
Response: Yes he is very cute and i love that they are happy to live in the garden and grace us with short viewings - whoever sees them first alerts the rest of the house and we come running to see them before they dissappear!
Response: You are always welcome Debbie!
Response: You know i have been driving past that arch since 1982, when i went to uni in Perth and every time we visit - my husbands family is from WA. And i always wondering what the old brick thing was doing in the middle of nowhere, so i actually learnt something too!
Response: Stumpy is doing very well. He and his siblings dont even notice he is missing a foot. I guess that probably happens in the wild too! They are all eating and growing well.
Response: Glad the cards were useful for your frankendeck! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Turtles are doing very wellin the indoor aquarium. Eating heaps and growing fast. I am glad to hear you were able to share the bee info!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Stumpy and his siblings are doing very well inside. They eat more and are growing faster! When they were outside in the big pond, we caught them at night when they came out and fed them in a basin. Now i can feed them during the day and also see them whenever i want! (Because the aquarium has glass walls!)
Response: Its a really cool lighthouse and doesnt have too many steps - ive been up it a few times!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You arewelcome! Glad you like it all. Turtles are eating heaps and growing fast!
Response: Glad something has arrived! Was it the resend or the original?
Response: They actually eat leftover chinese too if the dog doesnt eat it first!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are very welcome! I like to try different things when im crafting, so my pieces are often a bit experimental!
Response: Im glad you liked everything - i love those books too and im way passed kids age!
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Glad you liked it. Yoko-tatsu sends her regards!
Response: You are welcome! We have four baby turtles left and i have moved them into an inside aquarium which is safer for them. They are eating really well and growing heaps!
I have still not received the PC from this swap, but it was coming from the czech republic, so could still be on its way!
Response: Glad you liked the PC. i think our international stamps are quite nice at the moment.
No, i have not received your PC for this swap yet!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: You are very welcome! Ive been cleaning out some really old boxes of stuff and finding that even before i got the turtles, i had some Subconscious thing going on as i have randomly drawn little pics of turtles amongst my stuff!
Response: You are welcome. Glad you liked them. Grogu rocks!
Response: So glad you like them!
Response: Yes we are very lucky to have wildlife living in close proximity
Response: The turtles are doing very well. They are eating more and growing fast. “Stumpy” doesnt seem to notice his foot is missing and swims around just like the others!
Response: You are welcome! I hope you can use everything.
Response: You’re welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! I love dragons -add some orange and it’s a winner!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I’m glad you liked the cards! I hope everything else is to your liking and you can use it.
You’re a star!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You’re very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hi Doris, you are welcome.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it’s arrived safely. THANKYOU fir the heart!
Response: You are welcome. I think I should’ve been a cat, so I could spend a lot of time relaxing!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them.thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Glad they arrived ok. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. They are doing great, eating heaps and growing fast!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad they arrived safely and you like them. They travelled quickly! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You too! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You’re welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I have bitten bullet and the last four babies now live inside in a “turtle nursery” ! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Always welcome Sydney!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I’ve only discovered cardinals through swapbot. Read about them on someone’s profile and thought they liked priests! Soon clarified that - they are beautiful birds!
Response: You’re welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks. Hope you have a lovely spring and thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Glad you liked everything.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thank goodness they finally arrived!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I’m glad they made it safely and you like them.
Response: Glad it has arrived safely.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You’re very welcome!
I’m glad you like it and thanks for the hearts!
Response: You are welcome! It’s quite strange, because I received my yellow ATC in today’s mail - that’s never happened before !
Response: You are welcome!glad you liked everything. Something is happening with the post as this is the second time I got a swap the same day that mine was rated !
Thanks for the heart !
Response: Thank goodness it has arrived! Gives me hope for the other swap now!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Good to see the relatively short postage time! We must be from the same era!
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked everything! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad they arrived safely! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: What kind of frags do you have in your yard?
Glad you liked the PCs and thanks for the heart !
Response: Thanks Carol,
Glad it arrived! Thanks for the heart
Response: You’re welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You’re welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hopefully one day we will be able to travel freely!
Thank for the heart!
Response: THANKYOU for the heart
Response: Glad you liked them.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it arrived safely.Thanks for the hearts!
Response: Things are looking up! Hope everything is good for you too.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Slim dusty was an Australian icon in country music. I think when he passed away the govt gave him a state funeral.
I still listen to his music - love the stories he told in his songs!
Response: Yes I’m back home. My sight is good. Just the weather that could be better!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thanks for the heart .
Response: Yeah, that was me when I saw who my partner was!
Thanks f heart!
Response: Hi Cathy! We’ve four babies left. Thought we were down to three, but found the fourth one. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
We only have three babies left now. They just disappear never to be seen again. The turtle lady told me that’s normal and that the other critters in the tank probably eat them, that’s why we don’t find bodies. Oh well, the circle of life!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it has arrived!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You’re welcome!!
Response: I found a Karl Angell Sunshine Coast photography. Is that your cousins grandson? I thought maybe auto spell changed the spelling - it does that to me all the time!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Happy swapping. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Which part of the west coast did you visit?
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. I thought of you immediately when I saw them!
Response: Yes I’m back home in Darwin now. Capital of the NT.
Response: You are very welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: It was a pleasure! THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. I would recommend getting your eyes done -it’s amazing how much more I can see!
Response: So glad you liked it all.
Thanks for the hearts!
Response: Wow!!! That was very quick.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. I’m glad you liked it. THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them. Great ABC list will come in very handy next time you’re my partner! THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: We are regularly catching 5 baby turtles each night to feed! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart! Looking forward to our next swap.
Response: Hope you can have your eyes fixed soon. It’s great to see so much more - I hadn’t realised how much I was missing out on!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Eyes are good. THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: We are regularly catching5 babies each night to feed!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them!THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: You are welcome, THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Glad they arrived safely!
Response: THANKYOU, hard to believe they are still arriving from December! Thanks for the heart.
Response: THANKYOU, glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: I’m glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like it all. I’m on the lookout for tractorPCs, but haven’t seen any.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad they’ve arrived and you like them.
Response: That travelled quickly!
Hatchlings are doing well. We’ve got three different sizes - I think there were three different hatching times because holes appeared in the sand on three diff days.
Response: Glad you liked them! We catch the babies every night and put them in a small basin for feeding. There is heaps of food in the pond, but this way we get to check on them and they can eat without competition.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I am and I can!!
I even got my depth perception back, which I didn’t even realise I had lost! Now, even the TV looks 3D!
Response: I used to watch it all the time when my kids were little and my son had a koala obsession! Thank goodness for the internet, we can see so much more now. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yeah I thought the PC was pretty cool too!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome and we both have to thank Raven for providing a solution to the postal problem. Glad you liked it!
Response: I’m glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank goodness they finally arrived! I’m glad you like them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for thinking of a good swap!
Response: You are very welcome. I’m glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart. I’m back home now and we can only find 4 hatchlings, but there’s a lot of pond that we can’t check - too many rocks and plants and a platform! We catch them every night and place them in a small basin to feed them, but when we put them back, we put the uneaten food in as well,in case there are others who hide better!
Response: I’m glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart!
Surgery went well and I can see much better.
Response: You are VERY WELCOME!
Thanks for all the hearts!
Response: I love the old illustrations in them! Thanks for all the hearts!
Response: Yes! Had the second eye done and it’s great. Still need glasses for closeup crafting and reading. Will get them in a couple of weeks - I have to wait for everything to “settle down”.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I’m so glad you liked him!
I’ve done Aussie animals or icons for this series.
Response: WOW! That’s amazing!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. I’m glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: So, I’m guessing he lives up to his name!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! I remember when I first started working, people said, oh so now you’ll be taking home all the strays and I said, “no I won’t”. Well that lasted long - I’ve lost count of the ones I had to “rescue”! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. That was clever adding a horn for the unicorn! It was actually a challenge finding a nice card to make into a postcard as most of the unicorns were on birthday cards for kids!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I’m glad you like it.
Thanks for the heart !
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: In their wisdom the authorities decided they would stop elective surgeries from the Tuesday, actually had. My second eye done! Results are great - I can see clearly now...!!
Response: Yes it’s good to be able to see clearly now!
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Glad it arrived and you like it.
Thanks for the heart !
Response: WOW, it certainly did!
Thanks the heart !
Response: Glad you liked it! Surgery went well. Going home in a couple of weeks.
Response: Oh the 28s are singing a song as I write this!
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Glad it has arrived! It seems that things posted just before Christmas take longer to arrive! Happy that you liked it.
Thanks For the heart
Response: I’m glad you liked it.
I’m looking forward to the next witchy swap. Thankyou for the heart.
Princess Leia and Yoko-tastu
Response: WOW, two months!! So glad it has finally arrived. The last one of mine to reach its destination from that swap - I’m still waiting to receive one, but I’ve allowed three months! I’m glad you liked it.
Thankyou for the heart!
Response: Thank goodness it has arrived! Nearly 8 weeks - thanks for your patience and the heart!
Response: Yeah, I thought it was a cool postcard too! Have had my second eye done despite the state going into lockdown the day before surgery. Lucky for me they cancelled elective surgeries from the day after mine! The glasses were great for many years, then a couple of years ago, the new glasses just didn’t help much and when I mentioned it, the optometrist said I had early cataracts - I would not like to be looking through advanced ones!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, it’s my dream!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I’m glad you like them! THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart !
Response: WOW, post is quick to some places and really slow to others. 2 weeks is awesome!
Have a lovely green day!
Check your email.
Response: You are very welcome!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad your package was Happymail for you!
WA, where I’m staying went into lockdown last Sunday and my surgery was scheduled for Monday. I was really down, but then found out on Monday it was still going ahead. So now I have two new lenses! It’s been great!
Response: I’m glad you liked them all!
Thanks for the heart !
Response: Glad you like it!
Have you received the Pantone swap for forwarding yet?
Response: You’re welcome - so glad it has arrived! The echidna is one of two monotremes that we have in australia. I’ve never seen an echidna in the wild (only in zoos or wildlife parks) cos they are most likely in the water. But, I have seen a few echidnas in the wild in the Northern Territory - and I also saw one in Cowra, NSW.
Response: WOW, I can’t believe it got there so quickly!
May the force be with you!
Response: You are welcome!
Looking forward to seeing yours!
Response: I’m glad you liked them. I’m really enjoying international swaps, because it’s stuff I don’t see in australia!
Thanks for the hearts.
Response: You are very welcome! I’m glad you liked the Aussie stuff.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad they have arrived!
At least the mail is getting through! Thanks for the heart.
Response: So glad it has arrived! I saw the last episode and felt a bit sad when grogu left with Luke....that might mean he is not in the next season!
Response: Glad you like them!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart .
Response: Glad you liked everything. I don’t understand the post - this only took two weeks and I have some swaps that took two months!
Response: You are welcome! 2nd op next week!
Response: Glad it has arrived and you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You’re welcome.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart !
Response: Glad you liked everything. I like swaps that give you a list of things to choose from!
Response: You are very welcome. I’m so glad it has arrived!
Response: You are glad you liked it!
Response: THANKYOU Judy, you are welcome. We do see those birds in the wild. Many of them are visiting the yard we are staying at in WA! As well as a big male western grey kangaroo!
Response: Glad you like the roses. YES I made it to WA. Have had one eye done and second one is next week. I have three rescue turtles - two were bought into the clinic they we’re found wandering the streets and one was surrendered cos the owners could no longer keep him. Big news !! - my son informed me that we now have hatchlings ( baby turtles) in the pond - the eggs hatched! Can’t wait to go home and see them, but have to get my eyes sorted first!
Response: Thank you for your lovely comments. You’ve made my day!
Response: I’m so glad it has arrived safe! Sometimes I think I have more fun hunting down extras from peoples profiles than the actual swap! Couldn’t believe my luck when I found that book!
Response: So glad it finally arrived !
I hope you liked it, even though it was late!
Response: OMG, That got there quite quickly! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad they have arrived! Hope you have a great 2021.
Response: You are welcome! I always laugh to myself when I see tourists first spreading vegemite onto a piece of toast. They often smear it on thick like jam - no wonder they thinks it’s disgusting. We just spread it very thin and then it’s just perfect!
Response: So glad it has arrived!
Thanks for the heart! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Response: You are welcome. Thankyou for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Thankyou for the heart.
Response: I’m glad you like it, it was a lot of fun and having a “due date” was good, cos when it’s for myself, it constantly gets pushed to the end of the line!
Not sure if I mentioned the turtles eggs, but great news - the eggs have been hatching!
Thanks for the heart. Sorry I don’t know the brand of the stamp cos I throw the packaging out and use the cases like old DVD cases without the interior bits, for storing my stamps.
Response: Glad it arrived !
Thanks for the heart
Response: Glad you like them!
Thanks for the heart
Response: Glad it has arrived. 3 & a bit weeks is pretty good - I had one take 8 weeks to get to the US!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
THANKYOU for the heart.
Response: THANKYOU for being so patient! I’m glad you liked everything. THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Yes she is very talented and I have several of her paintings adorning my walls!
Response: Not yet. I asked the turtle lady (the wife of the turtle man) who breeds and sells them in Darwin. She said about 9 weeks give or take - depends on conditions. I think it’s been about 4 weeks - I’d have to check the dates on my photos
Glad you liked your swap!
Response: You’re welcome! It will be good when we can once again travel!
Response: That would be great to make a snowman! Hopefully one day...
THANKYOU for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Hope you liked the card.
Response: You are very welcome!
THANKYOU for the heart !
Response: I’m glad you liked them. THANKYOU for the heart.
Response: I was worried they wouldn’t make it - so glad they did. Just so you know, I did not paint them - that was done by the mint before they went into circulation! I’ve just had on eye operated on for cataracts and the results have been fantastic - going to have the other eye done next month.
Response: Glad it arrived! 3&1/2 weeks is pretty good with Christmas as well as the lack of flights!
Looking forward to more swaps !
Response: Glad it arrived safely!
Response: You are welcome
Response: Glad it arrived safely. Thanks for the heart
Response: Hard to believe it got there so fast! Hope you liked it because you have me again for the poke leaf/poke root!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome.
Thanks for the heart
Response: I’m glad it arrived safely! THANKYOU for the heart.
Will let you know about the turtles in a future swap.
Response: Glad it arrived safely.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: No worries.
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! So glad it arrived safely. THANKYOU for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked them.
THANKYOU for the heart
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart
Response: THANKYOU for the heart. I am so glad it has arrived safely!
Response: So glad it arrived safely. THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: You’re welcome, glad they have arrived safely!
Response: I’m glad you like everything and it has arrived safely!
Thanksfor the heart!
Response: Glad it has arrived!
Response: THANKYOU, glad you’ll be able to use the extras!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! So glad it arrived safely!
Response: I’m glad you like them.
THANKYOU for the photo!
And for the heart.
Response: THANKYOU for swapping with me. I’m glad I contacted you by mistake! Glad it didn’t take 7 weeks!
Response: You are very welcome. I hope you can use everything!
Response: You are welcome.
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! It’s a bit scary doing these blind envies. I worry if my partner will like what I’ve sent.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Cool, I love to spread STARWARS joy!
Response: You are welcome. Glad it arrived safely.
THANKYOU for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Glad it arrived safe
THANKYOU for the heart.
Response: You are always welcome!
Glad you liked it. The wire is easily bent so you can reshape her so she’s beautiful again! THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Thanks for your message. It was fun to make the ATC!
THANKYOU for the heart
Response: That was quick! Hope you liked the items!
Response: You are welcome - 7 weeks from oz to Canada!
Response: Hi Cathy,
Thank goodness it arrived even tho it took 7 weeks! Guess those 4 week ones were just lucky!
Response: WOW that took over 7 weeks to reach you. Thanks for your patience!
Response: You are welcome. Glad it arrived before christmas!
Response: That is very patient of you. I often open my swapbot mail in the car while I am still at the post office!
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: I’m glad you liked it!
Glad you can actually use the coaster - I’m always on the lookout for flat things that are not too heavy to pop into the swaps - I like to try and take them up to the weight limit!
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: I’m glad you like it.
Thankyou for the heart
Response: I’m glad I could brighten your day. I love going on scavenger hunts after reading people’s profiles - thru my stash and thru the shops!
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Glad it arrived safely! Looking forward to the next one.
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Glad it arrived safely.
THANKYOU for the heart.
Response: It was fun to make!
THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: THANKYOU for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart! Hope you liked them all!
Response: Hi, glad they arrived safely!
Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. THANKYOU fir the heart.
Response: Oh no! Could you email me a photo of the letter and I’ll try to interpret it for you.
Glad I put the rest into a plastic bag!
Response: You are welcome!
I think I like the swaps better when you can read your partners profile to tailor the extras!
Response: You are welcome! I hope he gets lots of use.
Response: You are welcome. Glad they arrives safely!
Response: Never give up on your dreams! You never know what the future holds!
Response: You are very welcome! You are my first overseas swap to arrive in USA! There’s another swap coming your way. THANKYOU for swapping and for giving me a heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the yummy lollies - I am slowly walking them off!
Response: You are welcome Beth!
Made it easy that we are both orange lovers!
Response: Thanks, I loved creating it.
Your CDs are awesome! I wish we could put pics in here!
Response: You are very welcome! I’m glad you liked it!
I just found where I could respond! Bit slow with computer stuff, but I love to craft!