Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: You are welcome
Response: Thanks for the tip. We have an 11 hour drive today, only 5 to go!!!! Scenery from Washington to vegas has been outstanding!
Response: Thank you! Off on a road trip today 11 hours only 5 to go hurrah
Beautiful scenery
Response: and amazon lost the new one I ordered too. Boo hoo. We have to give our fur babies the best of life. Thank you for the heart
Response: My Chinese money tree is not doing so well, I wonder if it didn't like boo hoo. Will have to google, maybe coffee grounds will help!! thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you Joe, yes, we are doing better. Hubby off crutches and I got more pills for Winston. So happy you liked the book mark. Hope we partner up again.
Response: So happy you enjoyed it ❤️
Response: You’re welcome and thank you for the heart. Hope you can see them someday
Response: Thank you!! I just go on line and order from Walgreens. Easy cheesy. I can order them while on vacation and pick up when I get home.
Response: So glad you enjoyed it. I hope to be able to take a picture before they fly off, getting the camera ready always takes time and poof, they are gone!
Response: HAVING a great Month. Thank you
Response: I KNEW you did! Florida has great shells don’t they!
Response: I am so glad you liked it. What a small world we live in. I bet my grandparents knew them. They lived on Lorton Road.
Response: I must concur. Thanks for the heart
Response: So much to see and do in Oregon. Lucky I live on the Columbia River. Send off for the Oregon travel magazine It’s free. Lots of good info.
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Love to hear from ya!
Response: Yes, we do put up with them don't we ! It has helped thank goodness. We are getting more sleep
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome. Hope your doing well.
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks, home now and resting. It was a long week of hiking and exploring!
Response: dec cant come fast enough for me!
Response: Thank you, it is indeed beautiful. Who you travel with makes all the difference
Response: Thank you for the heart. Here in kauai this week. Both beautiful places
Response: Your welcome. ❤️
Response: Thank you, hubby is doing much better, bruising almost gone. Good thing we leave for vacation tomorrow!!!
Response: Thanks for the heart! Heading up to Olympics National park next week. Hoping for some fall foliages.
Response: So glad they made it! Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you, my parents lived in Brighton when they retired. I can remember their summers…
Response: love to hear from ya! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for rating. I just thought the postcard was kinda neat and you are a farmer. Yes, the day has ended oh but what adventures await at sunrise! I was born in 57
Response: What a great trip, yes, if you have any outstanding photos, use them for cards. Fall in Europe how festive. Bet you will take some great photos.
Response: well obviously it took the scenic route! My hubby just told me he has waited 2 months for his package to come from Germany and it was flat mail! I am happy you got it!
Response: Thank you, I like these kind of swaps.
Response: looking forward to it !
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome, this for the heart
Response: Look forward to hearing from you !!!
Response: It had a nice message. Thanks for the heart ❤️
Response: You’re so welcome! I thought you would enjoy it. Cheers, thanks for the heart
Response: It is! Thanks for the heart
Response: So looking forward to it, come on August!!!! Thanks for the heart ❤️
Response: Oh do try! Thanks for the ❤️
Response: I knew you would!!!! Thanks for the heart
Response: It will be here beforeyou know it!
Response: we had to put it off till next week...looking forward to it
Response: I am glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the heart
Response: glad you enjoyed it! thanks for the heart
Response: Oh I hope you do too! Thanks for the heart
Response: It was a fun month to send things. I hope you enjoy the book and her series .
Response: Look forward to hearing from you.
Response: Thank you so much!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Thanks for the rating, looking forward to it.
Response: I look forward to it, that’s for the rating
Response: Thank you. The bone broth diet works so good. In 10 days I lost 6 pounds. Sadly I am on vacation in Maui now..start over again when I get back lol.
Response: Thank you for the rating . Here in Maui, Hawaii and hope to find some bookstores…
Response: Sorry about your cold🤧🤧🤧. Hope it gets better. Your English was fine. Thank you for the rating
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: ty for the heart
Response: I hope you enjoy the teas. thanks for the heart
Response: The are a world unto them selfs
Response: Very happy you got it !
Response: It diffidently was. Enjoying my new mug thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks, enjoying it for sure
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: That makes me smile!!! Hope the teas were delightful.. thanks for the heart❤️
Response: The material bag is a great idea, My girlfriend did that and I hope I can remember next year. Why Christmas, how about birthdays too! I love not having to tape. Although I love making dancing wraps on books! Thanks for the heart. May have started a new tradition
Response: Have a lovely Holiday Season
Response: Thank you for the ❤️
Response: Thank you, yes, we had a good time, good weather, easy drive. It was beautiful.
Response: You too! Thanks for the heart.
Response: It was a great trip, beautify weather for hiking.
Response: Your welcome, happy holidays
Response: Thank you happy holidays
Response: Oh you must return. All the islands, this is our fav.
Response: Thank you Happy holidays
Response: You are welcome
Response: Your so welcome, thanks for the heart, happy holiday
Response: Oh I am so glad you liked it!!! Thanks for the heart! Happy holidays
Response: Thanks for the heart, happy holidays
Response: Thank you for the heart, happy holidays. I love making my own tags! So glad you liked it.
Response: We did. Thank you for the heart ! Getting ready to go from sing and surf to snow at Yellowstone.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the ❤️
Response: Thank you for the ❤️
Response: Ah, then my job is complete.!
Response: you are welcome! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the rating
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the rating
Response: Thanks, a little rain but that’s what makes it green!
Response: Enjoy your cuppa!!!
Response: Thanks, 6 more days…gracias for the rating
Response: Look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for the rating.
Response: I know you thought, I can do something with this!!! Lol thanks for the rating
Response: My job is done! So glad you enjoyed everything and it brought a smile to your face!
Response: Thank you! I hope it holds up for a few books!
Response: Thank you. I want to try and get out there this year, we will see how the roads are.
Response: Thankyou. Actually, being retired is like a weekend everyday. Took a while to get use to it.
Response: Thank you, how exciting, I hope your plans turn out.
Response: Thank you, I hope you can find some use for them. Thank you for the rating
Response: Well we are still in the 70’s last of the summer days…thanks for the heart.
Response: Hope you find them useful. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you...thanks for the rating
Response: Love it when a good plan comes together….
Response: I hope it wasn’t as hot!!!
Response: Thank you for the heart ❤️
Response: I love it too. I should send you the green and gold. dang I just mailed your swap today, oh well, now you get 2 happy mails
Response: Its called Blicks and is in Portland, Oregon. They had a web site too.
Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the rating . Glad to be home …
Response: Next was Vegas, glad I am done till sept! Thanks for the heart ….
Response: Thank you, I kinda thought you would. Thanks for the heart .
Response: Thank you, happy you like everything. Thanks for the rating.
Response: I like these kinds!!! Keep ‘em coming .
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Do put it on your bucket list. I know I want to go back.
Response: Well I am glad you could see the humor in it ! Thanks!!!
Response: Look forward to your update
Response: You’re welcome ❤️❤️❤️. Hope to see you in more swaps!
Response: That is pretty cool too! Do you live near by? Fun to learn
Response: Bring one for Vegas too!!!. 110 degrees
Response: Thanks for the heart. We will see if my complaint warrants postcards !packing for the trip. 110 degrees ugggg
Response: Yes we must!!!! They got my 2 cents worth!
Response: Wish I would have spotted those. Oh well, I have family who will be heading down to Disneyland , stock up then.
Response: Oh I hope you do!!! Walmart has some book binding supplies. I just got another awl (hole puncher). Thanks for the rating. Happy to you got a nice swap.
Response: Thank you!!! Thanks for the rating. Time to pack again.
Response: Thanks, yes, I thought it was done!
Response: Thank you, I hope you do!!! Thanks for the rating
Response: Very happy, thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Tis was, thank you for the heart
Response: I need to go back, way to much more to see!!!! Loved it.
Response: Your welcome, it was a fun swap
Response: Looking forward to receiving your letter. Looking for new pen pals.
Response: Thank you, I love it when I can hit the nail on the head.❤️❤️❤️
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: Well I am so glad you liked it. Looking forward to your letter.
Response: Thanks, it was fun.
Response: Well they blooms are gone…sadly. Lavenders are next and lots of lavender farms to visit
Response: I am looking forward to it! thanks for the heart!!
Response: I am hoping while in England I can find some….
Response: They arr hear to stay!
Response: Thank you for your kind comments. I attended a police academy where we were taught how to write! Back in 1976.
Response: Happy it made it there! Thank you for the rating.
Response: It was!!!!! I just cut a branch off of cherry blossoms for my vase. Thanks for the heart
Response: Well there you go!!! Glad you liked the card. Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you. Yes it was a nice get away. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart ❤️ and the nice reply.
Response: So glad it made it there!!! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Actually getting blooms hoping for cherry blossoms next week!!!!
Response: Looking forward to hearing your update.
Response: Yes I did! So glad you liked everything . Thank you for the heart
Response: It is nice here, finally sunshine. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You must look for them! It is really a wonderful time of year. Thank you for the heart and kind words.
Response: You are so welcome thanks for the heart ❤️
Response: I hope you are able to make the little book! THANKS for the heart
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed it. I know I did making it. I hope you get many years of use with the bookmark. x0x for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Like I told my kids, if you can’t be good at least make it a good story!!! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am so glad you liked it. I had fun making it. Aloha
Response: I am so glad you were pleased. I enjoyed making it for you. Thanks for the heart
Response: It really is, thanks for the heart
Response: I am so excited you guys will try bookbinding, can be so satisfying
Response: Thank you very much!! Tomorrow is my day!
Response: He is doing very well, right on target where he needs to be, thank you for the heart .
Response: You are most welcome. I hope you have a fabulous birthday!
Response: That is so kind. I love taking pictures. I love getting other folks pics too. Thanks for hosting
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for the heart
Response: So many you tubes on that too…thanks for the heart
Response: I love it when my stuff make into someone's journal. thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you yes, I will share it.. finishing up
On a wine tasting book for my sister in law, blues turquoise and sea form green. They live on the beach. Done in corals. Going to make my brother the green one! Thank you for the heart
Response: He is moving around more and more. Tonight, he cooked his own meal so that was a biggie!
Response: Your welcome. I am so glad you liked it!
Response: I look forward to your up date!!! Thanks for the heart
Response: Oh yes! Thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart. Happy new year
Response: Thank you! I am pleased you like it!
Response: Thank you so much
Response: I would love to hear from you, ty
Response: Thank you so much! Thanks for the ❤️
Response: It was! We have snow now too! Thanks for the heart
Response: I found it interesting too. Enjoy and thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart ❤️
Response: Thank you, friendsxreally enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart
Response: Oh my , I hate it when I do that my boo. I am. Glad you could figure it out. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I do hope you read it !!! Thanks for the heart
Response: We have had so much rain that the threat is gone. So lucky. Thank you.
Response: Thank you for the heart.Happy to hear you got it.😃
Response: Giggle giggle. I am so happy you are happy. I love paper! Wish I didn’t have to buy on line, I like to feel and touch.
Response: I was hoping you’d like them. Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Thank you for the ❤️. I am glad you liked the swap. I enjoyed putting it together
Response: Your are welcome. Hope you can create something with the stash. Thanks for the heart ❤️
Response: YOUR WELCOME!!!!!
Response: So happy it got there, thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart ❤️ I am pleased you loved it.
Response: Well I had to google that plant. Good choice. Thanks for the heart
Response: It was good. Thanks
Response: Oh that sucks about the pine tree. We just spent 400.00 getting ours trimmed . We were in the island during the eruption. We got to go to the rim but only see the smoke. No lava. The visitors center was closed . I hope you get to go to England, I have our trip all mapped out. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome, I take a book binding course from ali manning. Book binding is very interesting .
Response: Thank you for the heart. We had a great time!
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: It’s a wonderful place. My flowers are blooming!!! Packing for Kauai . Upward and onward
Response: And that’s why we drugged him lol.he slept a lot too. Thanks for the heart
Response: Well I am sure Lola had her reasons!!!! Probably those cats!!! I just got a new haircut today and I am so adorable . I hope you had a good walk .
Response: Thank you! It is worth another trip back.
Response: Thank you for the heart. Look forward to hearing from you
Response: Thank you for the heart, yes they do good work.
Response: I always say,better late than not at all.
Response: Not just you! I am happy you got my swap. Thank you for the heart ❤️. Hope things get better for you🙏
Response: It was nice reconnection hope your doing well.
Response: So happy your got it. Look forward to hearing from you.
Response: I really did too! Cheers
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart!!
Response: I am glad, thanks for the heart
Response: Than you for the heart
Response: Thank you! And thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart. See ya in the next round
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the rating
Response: So glad you got it. Mail has been slow….thanks for the heart.
Response: I am glad you enjoyed. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: I loved the history down in Jamestown area. DC is diffinetly more than a once trip! So much to see and do. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, on another trip this week too. Really love it here in Virginia.
Response: Thanks for the ratings!!!
Response: I don’t see why not! Go for it😄
Response: Thank you , my instagram is The Traveling Love Bugs.
Response: Hope you enjoyed the tea, thanks for the heart
Response: Look forward to it
Response: I hope you make a beauty.
Response: Well thank you so much for your kind words. Ali has a class this Monday! I am so glad you liked everything. I will check out the 360D photos
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: Well at least it is over with until next October. Thank you for the rating
Response: You are so welcome, thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words and rating. Perhaps if I can find the tea. Wonder if they sell in the usa
Response: Thank you for the heart. I hope you got to visit some of those places.
Response: I have sent my address. Thanks for the rating.
Response: I love hooking up with you too!!!! it’s always a win win!
Response: Oh my, my boo haven’t done that in forever. Thank you for tracking it down.
Response: Wish more people would of joined. It’s a good idea. Thanks for the heart❤️
Response: Back home 40 to 50 here. Beats the single digits
Response: Got your letter today. Been gone for a week. So much mail when I got back . I will write back soon!
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad it made it to you.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Been on a mushroom kick! Glad you enjoyed it all.
Response: Thank you so much. Funny story, I always told my boys, it’s all in the presentation and to this day, when they give presents they are beautiful!. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Hope they work for you! Thanks for the heart
Response: Great!!!! Thanks for the rating
Response: You are so welcome!!! Thanks for the heart.
Response: It is cute! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome thanks for the heart
Response: The lake is pretty. But blink you miss it right!
Response: They have free postcards, next time I am going to grab more. Black white of a 5 year old getting mail in the snow. From the 40s or 50s. Fun to mail. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Don’t forget 1883, both are good. Thanks for the rating
Response: I PM my address. What a dork . Thank you for the rating!
Response: I always say better late than not at all.
Response: Oh I bet you did, I am so ready to go back. We have reservations at our resort in Kauai for September….like it seems forever! Thanks for the rating.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for your kind words and rating. Its nice to get postcards sent home. Still waiting for mine!
Response: You brighten up my day. How sweet where you put the sticker. We are home now. Beach and frolicking in the waves on Friday , shoveling snow on Saturday
Response: Thanks for the heart. I like to make my gifts.don’t think folks know how much works goes into them
Response: It started snowing so maybe this year, it will be white mew years!!
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Response: I am just pleased you felt so happy, that was a reward in its self.
Response: Oh I hope you do! Thanks for the rating .
Response: OMG really! Perhaps I can send another one! Let me know! Need to keep this straight 😊
Response: Thank you, home now. All is well.thanks for the heart
Response: What a wonderful comment ❤️. This is what happy mail is all about!!!! Thank you forcth3 rating
Response: As with you! In Iowa right now, will drop you a line soon.
Response: Thank you! I can try the estate sales, happy to make your week bright!
Response: Thanks I am glad you like the assortment !
Response: Oh my I love Edmonds andRick Steve’s lol. No place like the NW! Thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcome . Thanks for the heart
Response: OH MY! Well I will try not to use that attempt any more. Thanks.
Response: Truly! Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the kind words. It’s all about happy mail. I am so glad you enjoyed it 🙏
Response: Thank you for the heart. I hope it is a winner in your books!
Response: Thank you. Like I said, ya gotta know what pine needles to drink. I have really gotten to enjoy my batch. It’s clear to drink but I add honey.
Response: Thank you for the heart. Glad I had something fun to write about and yes, check out the paint stick.
Response: Happy words to see!!! Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you very much . I enjoy watercoloring and sending my art to people. Appreciate the words.
Response: Thank you so much. My job is done!!! Thanks for the rating
Response: Thank you for the rating
Response: I hope you can use them! Thanks for the rating
Response: Not a problem, enjoy. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you so much!!!! Who knows when we can make it to Portugal!!! Appreciate the kinds words
Response: Thank you, today, I needed to hear that. Was having one of those, who am I kidding days. Appreciate your kind words and rating
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the rating. Glad it arrived.
Response: I am so glad you liked it. Enjoy the tea! Thank you for the rating
Response: Enjoy! Thanks for the rating…
Response: Better late than not at all I always say
Response: I would love too. Thank you for the rating...
Response: Your welcome! I paint everything lol!!! Thanks for the rating
Response: I enjoy our friendship! Look forward to the day we can meet!
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart. Glad you enjoyed the swap.
Response: Thanks for the heart. All in due time!
Response: Excited to hear from you thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome, and yes, Mary Hill has some fun things there! The tasting room is pretty cool too, good eats.
Response: So hard to get a ❤️ On postcards. Thanks for the rating. It was a fun trip, but glad to get home. Weather is going to be a 100 next week so off to the coastal beaches in Oregon we go.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words. I was having a crap day painting, telling myself I suck. Creating can be such a downer. We forget our god stuff and just dwell on our poo stuff. Thank you 🙏 for reminding I am ok.
Response: Thank you for the rating
Response: Thank you I am glad you liked everything . Feel free to drop a line sometime. Thanks for the ❤
Response: Glad you finally got my letter! Thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome. I loved the way the colors blended ..really enjoyed the process of making the card and envelope.
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the nice rating. I find joy in sending happy mail!!!
Response: Thank you, I is magical ! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for your kind words. Appreciate it. Tickled you are hanging my art😀
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you so much! You brighten my day!
Response: A good movie made in the 60’s I think. Very touching. Thank you for the heart
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: So glad you like them, hope they fit in your miniature house.
Response: Glad you had a good experience, guess it was just the wrong time to visit. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Well I can understand that! Thanks for the heart
Response: It takes a swap like this to remind us where we Live! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed it. Glad to be home though! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you 😊 I like to try creative things. Fun being partners!!!
Response: What a blast that would be!!! How exciting, I would love a road trip to meet my swapbot friends, thanks for the heart ❤️
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks! It’s something I enjoy doing. Thanks for the heart. I will drop you a line soon,
Response: Better late than not at all!!! 😄
Response: Your welcome. It was a battlefield. Glad it’s still there! Thank you for the rating
Response: So pleased you like it. Can’t wait to hear from you and an update.
Response: I am just glad you are happy!!!! Enjoy!
Response: Thank you for your kind words. Its a joy to make my art and have it appreciated!. Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you, I love to share my travels. Thanks for heart
Response: So pleased you liked it, yes I thought Van Gogh too! Just hope I am not crazy...enjoy the tea and thank you for the heart
Response: Enjoy hearing from you!
Response: Wish I could of seen the lava, thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks!!! I try!!!
Response: I know the expensive now. I hope it was a good interesting swap. Thanks for the heart
Response: As I, thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you yes we did, it was lovely! Thank you for the heart
Response: Your welcome! I hope she gets to plant the seeds. I just planted mine. Happy reading!!!
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: We did, thank you for the heart. Aloha
Response: Glad it made it to you. The footrest is a game changer. Test were all negative. I am ready to go back. Kauai opens up in April but same routine...
Response: I am so glad you finally got it! Thank you for the heart.
Response: How weird is that !!! Really no beach time! I understand, my husband traveled to Europe a lot but never stopped to see the sights .Now we are retired and as soon as we can, we will go. Thanks for the heart !
Response: Thank you for the heart! Sold over $125.00 so I. Am on a roll. Try the big island or Kauai next time! Ok, maybe Maui. So many island so much time!!!
Response: Thank, you,should be getting a post card from Hawaii too.
Response: you are so welcome. That is how I like to write! Our flight home from Hawaii was cancelled on Saturday so we had to spend one more night on Kona and flew home Valentine's day. It was all good!
Response: This swap is from oct 2019
Response: This swap is from 2019
Response: This swap is over a year old, I am confused why you are rating me on a swap you probably don’t remember.
Response: Will be looking forward to catching up! Thanks for the heart
Response: I hope they work better for you than me!!! Thanks for the heart
Response: No snow for us! I would love at least a dusting. Thanks for the heart
Response: I find the extra time making something for our partners far out weights buying stuff because they put a lot of time and effort into it. I hope you enjoyed the watercolor bookmarked enclosed in plastic cover. I see how much you enjoy reading. It helps to make the book mark last longer. The homemade water color art on the card truly shows that your partner took the time to be creative not to mention the art that was drawn on the envelope with all the details. I suppose it can get lost on people who do not appreciate art or the time it takes to put together a nice swap.
Response: Oh thank you and for the heart. I wonder if they will get more snow by the middle of March? I wanted to be a forest ranger back in 1975 but my counselor said there wasn’t much demand so I didn’t go into it...kick myself now.
Response: You are welcome...thanks for the heart.
Response: Well it was one to forget !!! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart . I am glad you liked it. Lot of reading I know!
Response: Thank you, something I saw on you tube. I bought several gold pens at hobby lobby! Love them.
Response: thank you for letter me know...we are fine..
Response: That is good to hear...thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you so much! I hope to make that a dream! On both counts! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you. enjoy the tea and keep that dream of travel alive! I watched Poldark too.
Response: Oh I am happy to hear that!!!
Response: Oh so thrilled you got it it in time for Christmas...excited to hear from you!
Response: Thank you, I am happy you enjoyed everything . Thanks for the heart
Response: I am so happy you liked it. Spent this week cancelling our New Years plan to Kauai. Made a backup one for April. Enjoy these swaps!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: I will be looking forward to it
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Your welcome. Crazy month. Thank you for the heart
Response: Hello, yes I am just at the itchy stage, been three weeks today. Had my tooth pulled and stitched up. Be glad when I can eat and Oct. is over with!
Response: thought you would like those. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for your kind words And the heart. I am finally feeling better...
Response: Glad you liked it! Well enough . I have an apple walnut cake I am going to make today. Need apples lol wish I had a tree near by but alas, I must go to the store :(..thanks for the heart
Response: It was lovely, small, but got the job done.
Response: Thank you, glad I remembered them. Thanks for the heart
Response: Look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for the heart
Response: Well that’s what it’s all about.i love it there to and plan on going next week! Thanks for the heart
Response: Love to pass on stuff that I have learned, paper mate pens are a game changer. Thank you for the heart.
Response: I would love to hear back from you, thanks for the ❤️
Response: Thank you for the heart and kind words. I would be happy to talk about my course and will be checking the mailbox for your letter!
Response: I thought you would get a kick out of The article. Glad everything was liked! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Oh thank you!!!! Ofcourse, I will look forward to hearing from you.! I am glad you like my art. Thank you for the heart
Response: Well I am really looking forward to. Thanks for the heart
Response: Well you just made my day! Thank you for your kind words. It was really needed! Thanks for the heart. We have our much needed rain.
Response: That is great, we have rain here to, like right at this moment. Glad your happy with everything , thanks for the heart!
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart.
Response: I am excited to be hearing back from you. Thanks for the heart
Response: They were suppose to be sharks!!!
Response: Have a fun road trip, good luck with the postcard hunt!
Response: Your welcome and thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Pumpkins are fun to paint!! Hope you check out our class. They are opening for new members the 17th for three days!! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart. Finally got mine in order!
Response: Thank you for the heart. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Response: Oh I think the best! thanks for the heart.
Response: Ugg hate it when I do that, thanks for figuring it out and the heart.
Response: Thank you! Fingers crossed, thanks for the heart
Response: Oh I am so sososo happy you got it. Enjoy the read, I have fun and looked forward to writing in it everyday.
Response: Thanks, to bad we didn’t win!
Response: I am glad it met with your approval. Thank you for the heart!
Response: You will love it,
Response: Happy to partner up with you
Response: I am So happy you liked them. I love using my art !
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Your right about needing a vacation! Thank you for your kind critique of my art😊
Response: Thanks, glad to be home! Thanks for the heart
Response: Oh I am so glad you looked everything, please do write!!! Thank you for the heart
Response: I love it when people like bees, I really feel creative. Thank you for the heart.
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed it. I would be happy to corespond.thanks for the heart
Response: Then my job is complete. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart, been 3 weeks now. Why do I feel like I do more housework than before!!!!
Response: Glad you finally got it! Thanks for the heart
Response: As your first swap partner, I am glad you enjoyed my swap. It just takes so long doesn’t it. I am glad it was worth the wait.
Response: Glad you liked it. Made my day thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Been on the road from Washington to utah .Colorado and now 12 hours later Iowa. Thank you for the heart. Why are postcards so hard to find?
Response: So glad you enjoyed. Been on my retired vacation and just logged in. Sorry late response.Lookibg forward to hearing from you!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: I a, tickled you felt it worthy to be display!!!! Thank you for the heart. I really enjoyed making this swap
Response: Thank you glad they all got to you! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks! My bucket list is to find an artist retreat for me and my BFF
Response: Thanks, I hope you find a quiet place to sit and read. Glad it got there ok. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart, have another swap coming it’s way,
Response: Thank you, yes I am excited. More road trips and crafting..thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it. I work this weekend but have mon tues wed off. 3 days of crafting!!!
Response: II will be looking forward to hearing from you
Response: Your welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome, I hope you can use it.
Response: Thank you and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart, another swap on it way lol!
Response: Thank you for the heart. I hope you enjoy the bookmark.
Response: Thank you, what a sweet rating. I am so glad you finally got it. I am doing well thank you. I hope we can swap again in the future....thanks for the heart.
Response: Just so glad you got it !!! Thanks for the heart
Response: I was a little apprehensive but I am glad you enjoyed it !!!! Thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome, thank you for the ❤️
Response: Back at ya sista! I am so pleased you liked everything. It was a fun swap for me to put together for you. Thank you for the ❤️
Response: And that is a good defense! Thanks for the heart
Response: We all need to hear good news these days. Thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: Well I hope we can still go. Perhaps we can stay in touch .I would live to know the ends and outs! The less known places to see. Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Yes I am ! Thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart. Hope all is well.
Response: Sadly I was tested on Tuesday for Covid19. At home till the 16th. Awaiting my results. I wish I felt up to crafting...thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart. Hope your doing well
Response: Thank you for the heart ❤️ so glad you liked them
Response: Thanks for the ❤️. Hope your week was good..I still have to work, hospital 24/7. Still, I miss my craft stores.
Response: Thank you! Glad you are home and safe. Please watch Miss Orchid girl. Don’t over water!!!! Great idea about the Olympics
Response: Glad you liked my booklet. It was fun to have it do to! Feeling positive about life! Thanks for the heart
Response: Great, glad it got there!! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: OH I am so happy you liked it. Sometimes I just get inspired...thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: Usually I tape them up pretty good...must of forgot, thanks for the heads up! Looking for award to hearing from you.
Response: I just love doing that! Thanks for noticing. It was a good week. Thank you for the heart
Response: Those are fun to send out! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the birthday wish, it was fun to hear him speak but now with the Coronavirus, we hope we don’t have to cancel out our trip (:
Response: Your welcome, Thanks for the heart
Response: Hope to hear back. ! Thank you for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you, and thanks for the heart!
Response: Isn’t it special having a friend that long❤️. Well then you must take a road trip someday to Depoe Bay thanks for the heart
Response: I am glad you finally got it! Hope the caramel lives up to its name! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope they have more of these. I am just glad I had something to write about lol!
Response: Oh my that was a lovely rating! I really enjoyed putting that together! Thank you for the heart ❤️
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed it. I wanted to fill it with fun stuff. Boy it got there fast. Will look forward to your letter
Response: It is a fun cookie! I like these fast swaps. Thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome appreciate the heart
Response: I hope they turn out awesome. Thanks for the heart
Response: I love talking to people who have been these places. If you want to write back with absolute must see, I would be glad to know!. Thanks for the heart
Response: I think the one with the fancy dress was my grandmothers friend. She is standing in front of her and has red hair. Other than that, the hawaiian pics were my family when we were young and living on the army base. Glad you liked them.
Response: Well I will look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for the heart
Response: Then my job is complete❤️ I think a little history is fun when sending a postcard. I am glad it met with delight. And Happy Birthday🎂🍰🧁
Response: Thanks for the Heart. Everything seems to be getting back to normal...
Response: Well, how can you go wrong in Kauai!!! Got it all arranged.
Thanks for the heart!
Response: Well we are getting 5 days of snow next week...I only work 2 days so lots of days of crafting indoors for me!
Response: I look forward to hearing from you..thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the heart!!!
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: I will be looking in the mail...thanks for the ❤️
Response: Me too! Let’s stay in touch
Response: Oh yes, I would so appreciate hearing from you. Next week we are traveling to edmunds washington to hear a lecture from Rick Steves on germany and Austria. I am pretty excited
Response: Thanks, I am glad you Liked The stamps. New Years could of been better, hubby was sick
Response: Your welcome. Hope you had a pleasant holiday.
Response: I sit hope so, it has its moments!
Response: Thank you for your kind words, I love writing letters and receiving them! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Yes, we watched it! Glad you ere pleased with the swap. Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Let me know if your ever coming out west! Thanks for the heart
Response: Glad you liked the swap.
Response: The price ones
Response: Thank you so much and for the heart! I sent you all the info. Looking forward to meeting you if we can!
Response: Can we make it a third???thanks for the heart
Response: I may get off early Christmas Day!!! Thanks for the heart and I am pleased you like the card!
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: You are so welcome..thanks for the ❤️
Response: that just warms my heart and thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks better late than not at all I always say! Thanks for the heart
Response: I am glad it touched you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Response: Thank you I just knew you would like the brochure...I am glad it all came together for you. Thanks for the heart
Response: Merry Christmas...thanks for the heart. Hope your mom enjoys the card
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words. Most my tape was from last year end of the season, michaels , Tuesday morning some on line. Just put away for the next year. It’s all new again
Response: Sure hope it made it there and not spill out. Thanks for the heart
Response: You are so welcome, thank you for the heart
Response: It was cool, that I got you as a partner! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart, happy holidays
Response: It’s my new go to for backings especially if I am making earrings. Makes things pop. Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: So happy you have been there. Thanks for the heart, cheers to you and your family
Response: Thank you for the heart. I am glad you liked it. Cheers to you and your family
Response: You are so welcome and thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome, yes they are special. Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart. Happy holidays
Response: Thank you so much. Appreciate the kind words. I will pm you why! W=Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart.hope all is well in your neck of the woods
Response: Thank you for the heart. Yes Washington is so very beautiful.
Response: Yes I did. I will get them in the mail next week. Thanks for the heart and a new home for the journals
Response: Fantastic, can’t wait to hear from you...thanks for the ❤️
Response: well I will be looking in the mail box! thanks for the heart
Response: it was a fun one wasn't it? Thanks for the heart
Response: I will be delighted to hear from you. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the kind words. The stamps are very unique for sure. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart, look forward to hearing from you.
Response: Your welcome..thanks for the heart
Response: A pen pal did that for me and I thought how cute!!! Thanks for the heart
Response: Oh that would be awesome. Have a good vacation
Response: Your welcome! Thankfor the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart!!!
Response: Well I am so glad you liked them! I wanted to stick with your favorite colors and ocean theme. I am very tickled, thank you for the heart
Response: Your so welcome, really enjoy these swaps. Can we do a Christmas stamps swap?
Response: Thanks, I like the whole package look! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Love the creamer, thank you for the heart
Response: Yes, Hawaii is lovely. Thanks for the heart
Response: Going out to find more leaves for next year! Fall is here in full swing. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for heart. Great ideas for selling my set. Maybe with Christmas coming up it might sell.
Response: Thanks for the heart, time to make more traveling plans.
Response: Thank you so much...I am happy you liked it...thanks for the heart.
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the heart
Response: I like to hear that!!! It’s what I strive for! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for your kind words. One always hold a breath waiting for a nice review! I am tickled you enjoyed everything. Thank you for the heart.
Response: I know really! There are somethings I should just forget never happened. Lol
Response: it was. Ready to go back, with hiking shoes, clothes and water! Thanks for the heart
Response: So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart. Hope to get it up and running soon
Response: How disappointing!!! I am glad you enjoyed the letter . Good learning curve
Response: Thanks for the heart. Bucket list it!
Response: Oh my that is on my bucket list for sure. Lots of good things to photograph how fun. Thanks for the heart
Response: Ah brewed tea I assume ! Thanks for the heart. Or act me if you get to Portland Oregon
Response: Enjoy hearing from you. Thanks for the heart
Response: ThNks forvthe heart. Your collection will add up in no time! Are you using a three ring binder? I got the 9 pocket baseball card holders.
Response: Thank you for wonderful words. I had a swap partner sent me the booklet and thought what a cool way to send ATC’s. I am pleased you think my art is worth displaying!
Response: Thank you Anna. Hope you made some beautiful art! Thanks for the ❤️. I enjoyed making that ATC
Response: This is the last journal swap I will ever do. A lot of work went into making this journal. I hope your partner was kinder to you.
Response: I am so glad I took a picture of it. Friends want copies and maybe blow it up for a canvas..I tried to draw another but yours is a one of a kind! Thanks for the heart
Response: Hope they arrive soon. Thanks for the heart ❤️
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you. Back to reality this week. Thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: Look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for the heart
Response: Then my job is complete! ❤️. Thanks for heart
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart. I try to make them interesting .
Response: I would be thrilled to hear back from you. Thanks for the heart
Response: Love to hear from you. Thanks for the heart
Response: Worth the wait!
Response: Well then my swap is fully complete! I a, so happy it moved you. I love to personalize my swaps, thank you for acknowledging it. I am tickled pink and thanks for the heart.
Response: It’s all a package deal! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: I do plan on keepingvul with swapbot, told my husband to plan for postage in our budget!!!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks, can’t go wrong with flowers
Response: Love to hear from you
Response: Thanks for heart, I hope the tea is good
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: Doing a tap dance. So glad you got it and was thrilled with it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am glad you enjoyed it, guess what, I have you for my next swap too! Go figure. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for heart. I hope you have spare rooms! I am sure you get lots of visitors!
Response: Thank you for your kind words and for the heart!
Response: I am so glad you finally got it. Thanks for the heart
Response: You probably did. Glad you liked the swap. It’s my favorite stamp. Do so much with it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: He is a good patient. Healing good. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart. Hearing a lot of thunder tonight
Response: Your welcome! Thanks for the heart
Response: Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you so much for the review! My teacher said to paint everyday. Glad the yellow hit spot...
Response: Thanks for the hearts
Response: Lots of planning .
Response: Thank you. Learning so much. Tha is for the heart
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the hear
Response: Thank you very much. Waiting is the hardest! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you, hard not to put a little bling on it
Response: Well thank you very much. I am glad I was able to make you happy. It was a joy to put together for you. Thank you for the heart.
Response: I had my first lesson and drew a Bird of Paradise. She was very happy with my finished piece. I am going again tomorrow!!! tHANKS FORTHE HEART
Response: Those are the fun swaps I like to do! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you, I loved the colors. Now ask me to do it again and I probably couldn’t! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: Oh I am on his web site for sure. Being this close, well three hours, I can go to his seminars. Thanks for the heart. Hope you like lord of the rings and hobbit stuff.
Response: Your welcome and thanks for the heart.
Response: Great, I am glad it brought a smile to your face. Thanks for the heart
Response: Took a few snaps but finally got a a good one. Thanks for the heart
Response: I. Knew that❤️❤️🤪. Thank you for the heart back.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart
Response: I love using that sand on ATC. It’s so unexpected. Glad it was a good swap, thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart. ❤️
Response: I appreciate the compliment. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Wow it took a month to get there!!! Is this the usual? I wrote you a letter, hope you got it!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: well I am so glad you are happy with everything! Thanks for the heart!
Response: WELL THAT IS WHAT I WAS HOPING FOR! Thanks for the heart
Response: Great, love hearing from you. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart. Hope the weather is still nice in sept!
Response: Thanks for the heart. The town gave him a good send off. Drove threw rain,snow, hail, and high winds but we made it!
Response: We don’t have humidity here in the northwest. One of the reasons I love it here.
Response: So glad you enjoyed those pics and my letter! Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Oh thank you, that warms my heart. Being new to watercoloring and sharing is going out of my comfort zone . Appreciate the compliment and heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thanks for heart. I am glad you enjoyed the swap. I love photos.
Response: Thank you, I was asked if I was a photographer. I said no, just creative
Response: So glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Thank you for the ❤️. How funny the post card was a hit. One never knows. I guess it’s a keeper
Response: Would love to hear from you. Glad you enjoyed the swap! Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Sounds like your daughter wants new breathing grounds. Be supportive. Only a phone call away.. Hope you find a peaceful compromise ❤️❤️❤️
Response: Like Rick Steves says, keep on traveling!...thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart. Trip of a life time
Response: Thank was fun putting it together. ❤️
Response: So glad if met with your approval. Thanks for the heart
Response: Glad you found it entertaining. Thanks for the heart!
Response: By all means do!!! Thanks for the heart
Response: Wow, thank you. You brighten my day. Thanks for the heart. I appreciate your kind words
Response: Thank you thinking it is worthy of displaying...thanks for the heart ❤️
Response: It was a fun swap, Love distress inks and sprays. Hope she enjoys them!
Response: Well thank you for the great review. I had hope they met with your approval
Response: So glad you liked everything and I will put you on my list!
Thanks for the heart
Response: Fantastic ! Thanks for the heart
Response: I am clad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart. I love sharing my wedding dress with people. Repurpose!
Response: I am tickled you loved it. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Yes, I spray on everything lol. Glad it brought you pleasure. Thanks for heart
Response: Sosos happy you like it! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you, having fun with distress inks! Thanks for the heart
Response: As soon as I get my blog up I will let you know ! Glad everything met with your pleasure, thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart. Yes, I can’t get enough travel shows on houtube!. Hope you make amazing ATCs
Response: Thank you for the will be quite the trip
Response: Thanks for heart. We have lots of good areas for such a program
Response: Your welcome, happy planting
Response: Thanks, don't know that I have seen any!
Response: Thank you for your enthusiasm! Please do contact me anytime❤️
Response: Glad you like ❤️❤️❤️
Response: Thanks, I thought it was a good swap❤️
Response: I knew I sent it! Wowowo. A nice surprise anyway. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart too!
Response: Good luck hiking, carry an ace bandage! Sure glad I did...
Response: I am so glad you found it interesting. What a fun class to take. I would like to try stain glass
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: It is cute isn’t it! Thanks for the ❤️
Response: I hope you can make use of them! Thanks for the heart
Response: Aren’t the stamps fun! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. A favorite stamp of mine.
Response: I am so glad you enjoyed it!!! Last time I just got a thanks. happy to hear from you. BFF is in route via a plane and we have snow! Birthday celebration all week. Thanks for the heart
Response: Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks for the heart
Response: We just got a little sprinkle today😀. Thanks for the heart
Response: Oh my goodness, it must of gone in another envelope...well I should be getting a thank you from another person. So sorry. One is made today and putting in the mail! Personally just handed it to my mail man!
Response: So glad you liked it thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome...I love drawing on envelopes....thanks for the heart and nice words
Response: Look forward to hearing from you😍
Response: Thanks for the heart! I am glad you found my letter entertaining!!!
Response: Thank you for the heart...I am glad you like my art!!!! But first I have to text my BFF 😆
Response: Well I enjoy writing to people. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad it brought a smile to your face! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Wonderful place to visit. Glad you relish the postcard.
Response: Thanks so far so good
Response: Your welcome thanks for the heart
Response: I made a bunch of cards using this photo. It’s one of my favorites
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: You too. Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Merry Christmas
Response: Me too! Merry Christmas
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart, pretty new to coins
Response: Your welcome! Happy holidays. Thank you for the rating
Response: Thank you for the heart. I hope you can use it for something special. ❤️
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the Heart. Long winter ahead.
Response: Your more than welcome thank you for the ❤️
Response: Happy it made it!
Response: Thanks for rating
Response: Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Your welcome. It might of been a just because
Response: Your welcome. I thought the stamps were neat.
Response: Your welcome, thatnks for the ❤️
Response: Your welcome, I am so glad you find it presentable. I sent a inch so I can’t remember which one was your! I should probably take pictures!
Response: So glad you thought so! Thanks for the heart
Response: I will be looking forward to reading it, With a up of tea ofcourse. Thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the ❤️
Response: Well thank you, it’s been a joy to craft. Don’t know what took me so long!!!
Response: Well I am sure your students will benefit from your creativity. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I enjoy writing and glad you liked the goodies
Response: I am sososo glad you liked it.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: No, I am off work till nov 3 due to my husband surgery.
Response: That is so funny! Don’t think the board will be decorated as I am off work till nov 3 due to my hubbys surgery.
Response: That would be fun. Today, I am cleaning and organizing the room. Do you work during the week? Let’s find a time. I am pretty open except for taking hubby to rehab.
Response: Stay warm .. thanks for ❤️
Response: I can’t tell you how pleased I am to hear you want to display my work. Tickles me . Thank you for the heart.
Response: Oh I aM so glad you like it. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for thinking my art was worth displaying! I can never reproduce something I did either! Hubby and I were talking about gray for our bedroom highlight with lavender thanks for the heart
Your profile made it easy. . I enjoyed putting it together thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you, I love doing autumn themes. My mom was a cards fan too.
Response: Ah thank you, that made my day. I enjoy putting together that swap. I just got that set of stamps last week. Sadly I used them all. Back to the post office. I enjoy getting different stamps.
Response: The day after we got to Hawaii, my girlfriend and I walked on the beach in the morning for a long distance. The next day I got out of bed and could barely walk! The muscles in my calf’s were strained. Now I know to take it easy or stretch out Still had a good time at the wedding. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am so happy you liked everything. I have to make more pumpkins as I enjoy sending them. The house is almost done hurrah
Response: Your welcome. Feel free to write back. I would love to hear from you. Thanks for the ❤️
Response: I know what you mean! Enjoy!
Response: Looking forward to it. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart and I hope you can find time to craft. They have to sleep sometimes lol
Response: Don’t forget your coupons too! Thanks for the heart
Response: It’s all pricey these days😞
Response: Thanks. Came on vacation and forgot mine! Happy reading
Response: Thanks! Been raining, ball game cancelled. Still having a good time.
Response: Oh I do! Hope you can use them
Response: Your welcome. I like sending photos. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: it will be nice to stay in contact and maybe some day meet!
Response: Your welcome. I love making those! Think it is so much more interesting to receive art work! Thanks for the Heart
Response: I am so glad you like the bookmark. It should hold up for a very long time...
Response: Well my purpose was served! Glad you enjoyed it all.
Response: It is from a die cut, I can send you some if you like. Thanks for loving it. Send me an email. What is it that you want to know how wide it is? Be happy to die cut some jars for you and labels
Response: Thank you and thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome ❤️
Response: Well I hope someday you make some great travel plans and just do it. All work no play isn’t a fun thing!
Response: So happy you liked the swap.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️❤️
Response: Your welcome. Writing a letter today😄
Response: Hope you see it someday
Response: Thought you would🦉🦉🦉🦉
Response: Thanks for the heart and for explaining the little booklet!
Response: So glad you got it! Yes it is a wonderful place. Thanks for the heart. Hope everything got there ok.
Response: Thanks. I think I spend more time on the extras than ATC. I love pulling it all together. Thanks for your kind words and the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it, fun putting it all together
Response: Thanks for the heart. Glad it all came together
Response: Yes I did. I have a small punch board. Lots of fun to make
Response: Its hit and miss with some people, so glad you liked them!!!
Response: I think I spend more time on the envelopes than the project hahaha
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: So happy you liked ut!
Response: Your welcome. ❤️
Response: Your welcome thanks for the ❤️
Response: Yes I did! Thanks hanks for the hearts.
Response: So glad you were pleased!
Response: Your welcome thanks for the heart
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: Sometimes that's the safest thing to do.
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Love to see how you like it. Thanks for the heart
Response: It's my favorite thing to paint. Glad you like it
Response: I thought you would like it. Thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome. Another one coming it’s way too
Response: That’s for summers are for 😃
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: I hope you enjoy the sauce
Response: Thank you for the heart !
Response: I am so glad you got it, had me worried for a bit. Enjoy everything. Glad you liked the punch. Thanks for the heart and nice words.❤️
Response: Your welcome. Hope you enjoywearing them.
Response: Thanks, back to watercolors
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: I believe the stamping community would disagree with you. Thanks for the 5 and at least hope you enjoyed my letter.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart...
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: I am so gald you are pleased...and it made you happy!
Response: Well I am so glad you did. The is for the heart.
Response: Your welcome it was a fun trip
Response: They are good, knew you would love the turtles....
Response: I go through phases myself.. thank you for the heart.
Response: You are very welcome.
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Better late than not at all I say...thanks for the heart
Response: I am glad you like it!
Response: No, my husband works for Hewlett-Packard packard so our printer is pretty awesome.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Glad you like the recipe and I got to use the paper for a fun swap
Response: Hope you can use it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I hope it inspires you to use your stamps too.
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: It’s always fun to see what other people do with their swaps...thanks for the heart.
Response: You are so welcome. I am still learning just scratching the tip of the ice berg. Thanks for the ❤️
Response: You are welcome
Response: Baby step....your welcome, I am glad you liked it.. thanks for the heart
Response: I am so working with my Lace. Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Thank you so much...I really enjoyed creating it. I bet I couldn’t do it a second time lol
Response: Your welcome. It's a cute stamp. The U.S. for The heart. 💓
Response: It makes it special to creative thanks for the ❤️
Response: Ahhh thanks, I know you love it there and I love watercoloring sunsets! Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart... i am so glad you got it, I was a little worried.
Response: We have several places. Must be good,soil
Response: Thank you. Was a little worried...used a lot of washi tape. Very glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome I like turtles thanks for the heart
Response: Your so welcome. Good luck. YouTube it
Response: i am sorry you didn’t receive my letter. This is the first you have communicated with me since January. Please read email.
Response: I knew you would dog it😊 thanks for the heart
Response: Oh I am so glad you like it. Yes, she said that. It is difinetly a fun ATC
Response: Your welcome. Sorry, it was Hard not to make something from the ocean without blues and greens. I know they are not your favorite color
Response: This should be fun
Response: Your welcome🌴🌴🌴🌴
Response: Your so welcome thanks for the ❤️
Response: your welcome, thanks for the heart...
Response: It will be here before you know it. I hope to go sept 2018 if my husband doesn't have to have shoulder surgery....thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome it was a fun trip thanks for the ❤️
Response: Thank you for your appreciation.❤️
Response: Your welcome...see you in other swaps
Response: I really enjoyed making that swap. Glad you get out and thanks for the information on etsy
Response: Your welcome thanks for the heart!
Response: And you should! Happy reading. Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Your welcome I have had those cat stickers for a long time...just waiting for a cat person🐱🐱🐱
Response: We had a great time lots of walking 🚶♂️🚶♂️🚶♂️🚶♂️
Response: Your welcome thanks for the ❤️
Response: I use to visit my grandparents who lived near by in Virginia. I all to well remember those lazy summer afternoons and humidity
Response: Your welcome. Hope you do. Thanks for the heart
Response: Yes I did, thank you for the heart.
Response: We did thank you
Response: Thank you, I had to look back at my pictures to remember what I did! Coming back from vacation I sent a lot of swaps out. Knew it had to do with Cherry blossoms lol Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the ❤️
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the ❤️
Response: You are so welcome. We were about a week late for the full blooms but we did get to see some. It was worth the trip. Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Thanks Christy and for the heart
Response: Thanks again ❤️
Response: Thanks for the Heart
Response: Well thanks for the heart! Trees blooming here too.
Response: You are very welcome.
Response: Thanks, hope to meet up. Thanks for the heart
Response: Your welcome. Love making hawaiian atc
Response: Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Than you for the ❤️
Response: Thanks for the heart, starting to pack today!
Response: Yes the replaced something called a ribbon. Free ofcourse
Response: Thanks for the heart...
Response: There must be a reason😧
Response: You are welcome.
Response: Where about? Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Looks like it will....thanks for the heart
Response: Really! Mine are in the ground, so far nothing has sprouted. I hope they come back.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️
Response: You are welcome.. I am sure you will make darling earrings
Response: I am glad it made you happy
Response: Well if I wanted to wear it I had to. Repurpose is the way to go!
Response: I hope you can use everything, I stuffed it pretty good. Enjoy thevstsmps
Response: And now you have one to trade with!
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the ❤️
Response: I like surprises!!!!
Response: Well I hope you can find a good use forcthem
Response: I think I found a new friend in the end. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Response: It’s my favorite to make. Look forward to corresponding with you ❤️ Thanks for the ♥️
Response: They are fun, thanks
Response: You are so welcome thanks for the ❤️
Response: Glad to have a happy swaper❤️❤️❤️❤️
Response: So happy you liked it, thanks for the ❤️
Response: Your welcome thanks for the ❤️
Response: You are a Washingtonian thanks for the ♥️
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: You are so welcome thanks for the ❤️
Response: Thank you for your kind words. It is a lovely story...
Response: What a nice thing to say. I enjoy writing😊
Response: Thank you, I am glad you liked the bookmark. Hope you can travel to those destinations someday.
Response: Thanks for your lovely response. I joined your swap. Must admit, I have never done a playing card but here we go.
Response: Your welcome, a little snow this morning at least my daffodils are still in bloom
Response: I don’t think they make them anymore ...those were so old. Glad you loved them❤️
Response: Oh thank you how frustrating, my humble apology.
Response: Thanks for the Heart. I am glad it was a good swap. Google Tim holts, as Dorothy says, “it’s a game changer.” I feel honored to be your journal. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Response: Put it on your bucket list
Response: Thanks, I have a funny head piece to work at work
Response: You are welcome
Response: Your welcome, Thanks for ❤️
Response: Well thank you. I like to send a letter with my ATC. Getting to know people is the idea. It always makes me sad when I just get an ATC and no note.
Response: Thank you and back at ya
Response: Thanks, love red heads❤️
Response: Thanks people really liked it. Now what to do for April
Response: Thank you. Appreciate the ❤️
Response: Been there done that lol.
Response: Well thank you for the heart. Hope to see you around swapping. Feel free to drop a line too. Save my address somewhere . I cut them out and put on a 3x5 index file. Good ol fashion way.
Response: I hope you find them fun to play woth
Response: Do you remember my first ATC and I said I was nervous? I hope I have improved a little. 😄. Thanks for the heart.
Response: After reading your profile you did not like pink, purple so I thought I would play it safe with Irish Spring. I would be happy to resend .
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: Your welcome !!!
Response: I hope you enjoy reading it, let me know if you would like to return it. I will send for postage. It if you would like to keep it that is ok too.
Response: That is so nice of you and no I don’t have any sites. I just make stuff for friends and family and special request. I so appreciate your delight. Perhaps some day I will. ❤️
Response: Your welcome Thabks focthe heart!!
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: You are welcome
Response: I am sure you were🤪. Glad you enjoyed.
Response: Oh well good...trying to decide how to use my Audrey Washi tape...
Response: Look forward to hearing from you
Response: We got more snow poor Camilla’s
Response: Good way to recycle😊
Response: Had that from another squirrel swap, just waiting for the right person.
Response: Your welcome thanks for the heartâ¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Response: Tickle tickle tickle â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Response: Thanks enjoy the tea!
Response: She must be a happy girl
Response: You are welcome
Response: I like putting personal touches in my swap. Thanks for likingvit
Response: Thanks that was a new idea.
Response: Thank you! Looking for to our special evening together
Response: Your welcome have a sweet day
Response: Your welcome have a sweet day
Response: Thank you, I thought it was kinda clever!
Response: We are happy and creative people I find.
Response: Looking forward to it😄
Response: Well I am just tinkle pink thnk you for the high five and â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Response: They always add the right touch...thanks for the â¤ï¸
Response: Well thanks for the note♥ï¸â™¥ï¸â™¥ï¸. I hope you can slow down some and enjoy swapping, now that the holidays are done. Thanks for the â¤ï¸
Response: Good luck to ya! Sorry for your loss🤫
Response: Not a problem. Hope you get settled down
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope you enjoy wearing it.
Response: Well thank you...appreciate your kind words.
Response: It was a hard swap finding squirrel things. Now they will be everywhere,
Response: thanks I will!!!
Response: Thank you, need to read up and figure out the subway system
Response: Thanks for the rating
Response: He is one happy squirrel
Response: look forward to hearing from you
Response: Thanks for the rating
Response: it has its moments lol
Response: thanks for the rating
Response: And to you...thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: Look forward to corresponding with you
Response: Well I am so glad...first key chain swap
Response: 2x2 squares check on Pinterest
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: I love getting different teas too. Something I wouldn’t buy but love trying and who knows may find a new tea I like.
Response: Your welcome thanks for the â¤ï¸
Response: Well that would be an undertaking but then my hubby is a tech person so maybe I will!
Response: I hope you weren't sick! Make it for another time!
Response: Thank you. Try getting an envelope maker too. It’s so much fun
Response: Oh I am so glad, that as a big swap.
Response: Hurrah, I a, glad you got it. Looks cold there burrrr. Haowever do you stay warm?
Response: Thank you and thank you for the â¤ï¸
Response: Swap sent nov 22,no communication that it was not received. I emailed her and my host. Will resend.
I hope you enjoy everything in it. I think this one was better than the last., where ever it ended up!,,
Response: Will look for2ardvto it.
Response: Thank you, hope you can use them!
Response: Thanks I had a lot to make!
Response: We will for sure, happy new years
Response: You are more than welcome, small ,envie is too cute
Response: Well I hope you do!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed Christmas. Look forward to making more napkin ATC.
Response: I am across the columbian river from Portland. No snow here yet, this time last year we had ice storms...very mellow compared to then.
Response: Your welcome, lots of people can relate to that bus!
Response: Well thank you for the kind words and heart. I like the weekend cards, gives me something to do at work
Response: This is why I love swapbot!
Response: You are welcome, Merry Christmas
Response: Just getting a head start on the. Ew Year!
Response: You are welcome. I am enjoying ATC very much
Response: It certainly is.
Response: Super cold and windy too
Response: It’s still early
Response: That could be a good thing😊
Response: Thanks for the encouragement â¤ï¸
Response: Merry Christmas
Response: Thank you, they are beautiful birds
Response: You are so welcome
Response: Your Welcome, its fun to do and can consume your time!
Response: Glad you liked it, very different for christmas
Response: I think it’s veey weird. Will have to check it out
Response: You are welcome
Response: Full time jobâ¤ï¸
Response: Yes it was quite the dayâ¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Response: I know, looking forward to it
Response: Always next year☺ï¸
Response: Thank you..pretty new at ATC
Response: Your welcome, I was at work and it was sloooowww so I just started doodling
Response: It was something different! Glad you liked it.
Response: Oh it was, can't wait for the next one
Response: Well thank you...
Response: Thank you for theâ¤ï¸
Response: You are so welcome
Response: Oh he was, my husband says they make reindeer sausage but I don’t believe him...
Response: I look forward to hearing from you!
Response: Thank you. That was fun to make
Response: It was pretty cool....thanks
Response: Thank you so much. I just had eye surgery so now I am taking time for myself lol.
Response: Glad you finally got it..
Response: Thanks, it was a relaxing vacation for sure.
Response: Knew you would like them,
Response: Glad you finally got it. Who knows the other may show up to, people are still getting my postcards.
Response: I am very happy you like them.
Response: Hope you liked it
Response: Had some down time always prepared
Response: Thanks we did...
Response: TOS was. Well I a, glad you got it!,,
Response: Just do it ! We had a good time...
Response: It was only flowing a little but I did see some. Back home now....
Response: It is a beautiful place
Response: Your welcome, beautiful place
Response: Glad you like it
Response: Your welcome new at them
Response: Thank you, it’s been a little hard for him but we are making the most of it.
Response: Thank goodness for himâ¤ï¸
Response: Thanks I hope you have a good book to use them.
Response: Nice it gets to be used
Response: Only one way to find out. Send me the pic lol😜😱
Response: Well if it’s cold outside, it’s snuggle time. Would love to se a pic of you and your guy
Response: Well I am so glad you were liking the charmes and turtles. This is what swap bot is all about. I am glad I could go to that place for you.
Response: Looking forward to it for sure. No candy at this house 😪
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Now what to do about christmas🤗
Response: I am sure it will
Response: You are most welcome
Response: Thanks. My bff says a mess is the sign of a true crafter! Today I decorated my lab coat with sayings from Audrey Hepburn.
Response: I sure did love putting that swap together. I am glad you found it charming. And yes, you will have a card coming
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Your welcome. Kinda getting into this ATC stuff
Response: I hope you like the thing .
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: I always get excited when I see something I actually saw and touch.
Response: Well your welcome. Out of 4 people you are the only one who meantion the earrings. Was thinking they weren’t a good idea. Glad you like them.
Response: Your welcome thanks for the good rating and â¤ï¸
Response: Thanks for the â¤ï¸
Response: Well thank you, I hope so too...I love to share photos as it is a thing of the past it seems...
Response: Thank you I was pretty nervous
Response: I think that is what swap bot is all about. Glad I could bring a ray of sunshine to your day...
Response: Ah thanks, he is improving little by little but still a long ways off.
Response: Ya think she would of given me a few sparkles lol
Response: Oh that was so nice of you to say, I was hoping you would love it.
Response: No color yet, hubby is very sore in lots of pain sadly😥. Didn’t make the picnic due to his work schedule. Nice to swap with ya.
Response: Well your appreciation makes it all worth while. Thank you for your kind words.
Response: Scarlet blue jay. I a, sure in a weeks time, he will be better,
Response: Thanks it is fun
Response: Looking forward to it
Response: Great, glad they brought a smile to your face!
Response: Today they knocked the feeder off the railing...glad you enjoyed the swap,
Response: Thanks, it still tickles me
Response: Thanks, it was a hard swap to do! Hoyt a lot of cupcake stuff out there!!!
Response: New growth happens fast around here...
Response: Well you enjoy your two weeks,any traveling?
Response: That was fast! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Response: You are most welcome
Response: Those meals are awesome I bet!
Response: That's what makes this fun!
Response: Thanks, fall cards are so pretty to make.
Response: I get great ideas from other people too
Response: Thank you so much for that. I just love reading profiles and incorporating them into my swap. It just makes it special and fun.
Response: I love that stantionary and coloring it. Hope you can crest something fun with the leaves.
Response: Hope you found it😊
Response: I like quick turnarounds
Response: Hope they have fun with it
Response: Glad you are ok...â¤ï¸
Response: Thank you for your kind words. I really like and put a lot of time into my swaps. It really makes my day when it's appreciated....
Response: Ah thanks, I am glad you enjoyed my swap. Audrey rocks
Response: your welcome and thanks for posting. I am glad I had you to send that duck too!
Response: Hope you enjoy the tea.
Response: Your welcome, kinda different from the run of the mill cards
Response: I am so glad you liked it. I thought it was pretty nifty. I am still waiting for my bookmark
Response: I have to tell you, I really enjoyed making that journal! It makes it worth it that you loved it.....
Response: Oh boy a reall local. Smog still bad?
Response: Your welcome, another swap on the way. Lauri
Response: Thanks, counting the days...
Response: your welcome, its a shame it caught on fire...
Response: I liked putting it togetherâ¤ï¸
Response: Thanks I like to put names to faces. So glad you liked it. It was fun putting it together
Response: your welcome, that was a big swap, but it was nice knowing I had cards coming all week !!!
Response: But Oregon has beautiful Ice pictures. Every season has its beauty, verity is the spice of life
Response: your welcome. That was a big swap but looked forward to getting cards in the mail
Response: Oh dear no thAt wasn't me just something I got because it was so darn interesting. I would of cringed ..looking forward to what your sending
Response: Love small boxes, all in presentation. Lauri
Response: I have never been to. Boston. On my bucket list
Response: Thank you, I enjoy my chair so much. I love swapping and writing notes.
Response: It was a fun swap to do.
Response: thanks, yes we did, much to short. I did get a few interesting pics.
Response: I loved doing your swap, pink pink pink. Hope your birthday was fun🎂🎂🎂🎂
Response: Thanks, that was a big swap but it gave me lots to do while waiting for partners on other swaps. Sometimes they take so long🙃
Response: It was a fun swap, got t make a lot of cards and be creative. Glad you enjoyed it. Lots of work!
Response: Put it on your bucket list!
Response: Thanks, fun to make
Response: Fantastic advice thank you!
Response: Your welcome. Thanks for the heads up too!
Response: you can always find a use for them! Why toss!
Response: Your welcome. Off to a rough start fog delay in San Fran oh well we made it in and walked up and down these silly street! Tired feet.
Response: I hope you can find it! It's yummy.
Response: I knew you would like the tea cups. I a, glad you liked my card. It was fun making it.
Response: Thanks, it was special
Response: I love collecting things and having people collect for me too. Makes it fun
Response: I really enjoyed making it.. hope you can use the goodies
Response: Yes I did use a die cut. Pretty new to all this. Thank you for your kind words, I really enjoyed making it. Your response makes it worth while. I was having a bad day at work (crazy ER) and saw your post during my break. It really put me in a good mood and the rest of the day flew by. 💚💚💚
Response: Look forward to it!
Response: I found the perfect person to send it too!!!
Response: So glad you liked everything. I so enjoy making cards.
Response: I hope you do!!!
Response: Thank you and you too!
Response: Thank you, mine too!
Response: I know the feeling, opening the mailbox and there is a note of sorts. Makes my day!
Response: They were cute!
Response: I hope to hear from you soon. Am excited to have mail🤗🤗🤗
Response: I very much enjoyed putting it together for you.
Response: I hope you can use them.☘ï¸
Response: I had fun this that one!!
Response: Now I will have to keep both keys so I can repurpose the one and keep the other!
Response: Gives me a reason to check my mailbox LOL
Response: Your welcome. I enjoyed putting the package together!!! It was my first swap